About to get ripped. Come on in if you are too. Stoner thread!

About to get ripped. Come on in if you are too. Stoner thread!


Sweet rig!


Heeeyy perfect timing. I was about to smoke up too.

right on, what do you use to smoke? pic related

We get it, you vape

Just a good ol bong. Or I roll joints when I'm getting bored

and the ugly people losers smell like shit and all the ugly people and ugly people losers try to be gay to me so can hurt me ugly way and the ugly people losers smell like shit and the ugly people smell like shit and got resources

ghosting oners chez moi. cheers, frens

and the ugly people losers smell like shit and i got all the ugly people and ugly people losers that smell like poop being gay to me to hurt me ugly way and the ugly people losers smell like shit

nice, i got a nice bowl that came with my water piipe but my vape + this pipe is so potent i never thought about using. I hate the smell of bong water and I can hit this pipe inside with no problems

and the ugly people losers smell like poop and has no friends

beautiful piece, Just fixed my bong going to get ripped myself

and the ugly people losers smell like poop and get angry and think is better then everybody and smell like poop and bother people while shoping and the ugly people losers smell like shit and the ugly people losers smell like shit and going to wait until the ugly people losers is better then me and the ugly people losers outnumber everybody

I just smoke outside

i injested a half once in 7 days is that a lot

Yo what a madness, about 10 mins away from my daily smoke before bed
Good timing OP
Rate my cannabananabis anons
Britbongo here

and the ugly people losers smell like shit and that is why the ugly people losers that smell like poop is pathatic and the ugly people that smell like poop and the ugly people losers want me to lose

thats a lot. i go through a half oz in 1 1/2 months and thats with daily use

and the ugly people losers smell like poop and try to hurt me ugly way cause the ugly people losers and the ugly people that smell like poop try to be better then me and the ugly people losers smell like shit and that is why the ugly people and ugly people losers is lame and pathatic

and that is why the ugly people and the ugly people losers that smell like poop everything the ugly people that smell like poop and ugly people losers that smell like poop do is lame and the ugly people losers smell like shit and the ugly people that smell like poop and ugly people losers that smell like shit get angry

Guessing you vape rather than smoke tho?
Shit does wonders for conserving bud tbh

i was so high i dint know what to do with myself every day. I just put the oil in 6 tablespoons in a peanut butter shake lol. it was too much

and the ugly people losers smell like shit and outnumber everybody and the ugly people that smell like poop and the ugly people losers that smell like shit outnumber everybody and smell like poop and like smelling shit and the ugly people smell like shit and the ugly people losers smell like shit

and the ugly people losers smell like shit and is ugly and think is better then everybody and is going to hurt people that pretend to like the ugly people and ugly people losers the ugly way and the ugly people losers smell like shit

yeah, I vape, Im not against combusting like sharing joints in a group but for perosnal use definitely vape


purple trainwreck reporting in.

been smoking the same shit for bout 6 months now

nice, taking my first hit (op here)

420 blazikens from nl

Yo on an unrelated note wtf is up with the bot/shitposts in this thread?
I know it's some autist trying to shit up threads he doesn't like cause I see it bare in porn threads but it's fucking Sup Forums
If you're reading this you sperg, porn and stoner threads have been a staple here for years you absolute omega autistic newfag

About to use the last of my supply. What kind of weed is the best for fapping?

idk its annoying

i got some homemade hash too

not sure but i will say that getting in a hot tub while high is fucking great

Handjob Haze

Right there with ya op

nice, inhale deep and count to 10

its you!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

im totally against combusting! Nah I cant even say it as a joke what kind of retard makes that kind of statement in regards to a smokeable substance?

pls explain the wires going into/coming out of that drawer.

The one and only. Sup bro