Fucking eww

Fucking eww
Pissing yourself is when your like 5
And the dumb whore shouldnt have been caught in diapers kek

Other urls found in this thread:


She's hot tho

She doesnt need this persecution by everyone for what she did! It needs to be removed, forgotten, and forgiven

She peed herself on video she was just asking to be made fun of

i'd let her piss on me.

fuck off and go snort ur daddies dried cummies of ya mums fat fuckin asshole ya faggot

ITT: Normies
the only talk in this thread should be about how you want her to piss in your mouth

poor chick, imagine having to live without total control of your bladder. Would not be fun.

also checked.

Youre gonna hate these images, Ivy's mom





Holy shit yes

thanks for the video

You do NOT understand what kind of damage this is causing to her and everyone around her!!! Please stop and delete these pictures

I know her we went to the same school


Damage to her bladder maybe


It was an accident. She never meant to pee herself. She forgot to wear a diaper
thats all

This pasta again? Stop reheating it user, it's getting disgusting

Sexy without the pee thing

Whiteknight fuck off back to tumblr


lol i wasn't planning to, but i'll save those pics now just to spite you lel

Well too fucking bad Ivy chill out
We see you piss your tits and a diaper
Everyone knoww now


This is now a diaper thread?

Ill post ivy fb, fam friend fb and more you fagget


Ivy did the peeing, she is responsible
Fuck off OP

Ivy Hernandez
Her pissing/diaper video to share:
Her fb friends:
>fb isela.martinez.39
>fb brittany.lucas.906
>fb miguel.montalvo.731
>fb rene.cardona.54
>fb profile.php?id=100008967181980
>fb trey.vanderpool.77
>fb carroll.chloe
>fb profile.php?id=1644285796
>fb amber.garland.10
>fb lilmomma62111
>fb nicole.payne.7399
>fb com/nancy.mazzie (her mother)
>fb com/jody.mansfield.7
>fb com/maritza.wehmann
>fb com/jade.olvera
>fb com/heatherr.molina
>fb com/stephanie.sistos
>fb com/ColtonTheGreat
>fb com/mandyjoscott
>fb com/onelove7411
>fb tyler.bare.984
>fb robert.burcham.560
>fb jamesha.sparks
>fb hxstina1183
>fb jennifer.feustel.16
>fb maria.weilbach


Telling all her friends she wets herself and wears diapers
Dont defend a sjw cunt


Honestly if not B8 then you did more harm than good even bringing this up. I had no idea who this until now. Now I know the story and her FB. Bout to fap to these pics then fuck shit up on FB.

Based user
Now time to rekt Ivy

just don't piss her off too much.

Ivy Hernandez
fb profile.php?id=100010376381724
wears diapers
lives in altamonte springs, fl
has bladder problems

at first glance, you look like a really nice person, trying to help this girl. too bad you seem like a complete asshole, fuck off and take this down. including youtube links and everything, youre awful

If Joshua has a piss fetish, he'd struck gold.


At least the diaper will make it look like she's got a little ass instead of none at all. Maybe when she pees in it her ass will get bigger.

Looks like Florida is gonna see her video publicly

She wears diapers! OMG That is nasty af

Please delete this
You are human and you have feelings just like her.
You can help prevent this type of hate and stop now and help her by deleting all of this
Please just stop

Screencap the Facebook shame

You can go suck a dick

Fuck off OP
She is done

If she didn't want to have them go around, she would have never snapped nudes and spread them. She does all the stunts for attention. Including the diaper thing. Kek

shes hot.... she should just own the diaper thing


If she was potty trained this would not happen

>fb ross.steelman
>fb kinzli.stallings
>fb christina.heidt.50
>fb steven.wheeler.353
>fb tabitha.nelson.58
>fb TiffNJames8.28.14
>fb charity.maughon.1
>fb hayden.arnold.52
>fb chase.tucker.50
>fb ashtyn.foster1
>fb kristen.frazier.12
>fb mynameisdeidre
>fb kestin.daniel
>fb isela.martinez.39
>fb brittany.lucas.906
>fb miguel.montalvo.731
>fb rene.cardona.54
>fb profile.php?id=100008967181980
>fb trey.vanderpool.77
>fb jason.mathison.5 (father)
>fb nancy.mazzie (mother)
>fb carroll.chloe
>fb profile.php?id=1644285796
>fb amber.garland.10
>fb lilmomma62111
>fb nicole.payne.7399

Kek same boat user. Same boat.

Look at what you're doing. You go on Sup Forums making these harsh demands and now all you've done is motivate user to dox her so everyone can see diaper vid. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

No way. She did not just piss herself in that video. And she did not wear a diaper, right?

She did


Hahahahahaha this is hella funny!!


Looks like her diaper is wet lel

Her tits are nice

What is the backstory here?

From the video description
>Ivy Hernandez is the one girl that fell for the Sup Forums prank #pissforequality and made that video of her urinating on herself. Video was instantly spread everywhere. She spent some time in the hospital recovering from a mental breakdown where she developed semi-incontinence.
>Now this picture of IVY wearing a DIAPER has been made public
>She pissed herself for equality, now she pisses herself for everything



did she fall for it on twitter or some shit?

Yes. That's where the hashtag started trending

I figured lol

What caused her breakdown?

Being humiliated online because the spreading of the video of her pissing herself

Wow. And that lead to her actually becoming semi-incontinent?


Under extreme mental stress, you can lose bladder control. Therefor under these circumstances she did lose control of her bladder functions which explains her having to wear a diaper

Permanently? Or just until she destressed enough?

She is kinda cute once you get past the pee/diaper thing

This makes me remember #shaveforequality it was easier to convince

If she was so embarrassed about the video, how did the diaper pic get on the internet?

It shouldn't be permanent depending on her mental state. She should step away from the computer for a while and practice her kegek exercises

Because she fucking posted it to the Internet, kek. She is using "poor me" to get more attention than she is already getting as it is

Someone who knew her close took a pic as she was changing obviously

What the fuck is a "kejek excercize"?

A way for women to strengthen their bladder muscles

Haha I see. What's the point?


No grill is going to post a diaper pic of themselves on social media

is she the one doing the golden showers that CNN and buzzfeed were talking about?

Holyfuck im goin to hit her up bros. Im in fl ithink i can fuck her

It was "leaked" like her diaper did when she pissed in it

To not pee yourself

Did she actually attempt suicide?

Would still fuck as long as she doesnt piss in my bed

Oh no... She honestly doesn't need ANY media coverage anymore. That is just more sjw anticyberbullying nonsense they will push because of this

Im guessing the hacker Sup Forums got in to her cloud

Either that or someone snapped a pic as she was changing in the bathroom and quickly shared it. Someone else took the pic from that perspective

>You are human

Holy shit she lives in florida
Someone out there is making Ivy's pee video and Diaper pic on the news and public to everyone

If she was embarrassed about the piss video, how do you think she will feel about the diaper picture being leaked to the internet?