Own a company

>own a company
>provide business services (yes I'm keeping it vague)
>work we do is simple enough that my hiring requirements really aren't that stringent; no issues hiring people with only a high school diploma
>decide I'm gonna cash in on the whole bullshit "multiculturalism" "diversity!" trash meme and also be a cheeky cunt showing the hypocrisy of it
>only hire black people
>literally only hire black people
>company has 10+ employees, I'm not a retard so plenty of clients to keep workload at just about full capacity
>get featured in local business journals, a few spots in newspapers
>all of our photos show my clearly exclusively-black employees
>"Leading the way with diversity!"
>"Showing strong, forward-thinking leadership through multicultural hiring practices!"
>people/local journalists/business owners/whatever have all congratulated me on how "progressive" or whatever meme buzzword
>nobody has pointed out that I only have black employees
>nobody has said "hey wait, isn't diversity supposed to be about multiple types of people, not just one?"
>literally _nobody_ has questioned it

I'd say this practical joke has gone on too long but my business is getting more business literally just because of only having black people. Nobody's complained. Nobody has even seemed to notice how god damn racist it is to only hire black people.

I'm making money but I want off this ride Sup Forums

are the employees at least good

Yeah, no issues. I mean I still hire competent people, I just only hire competent black people.

Pick one

>Continue selling liberal guilt to your clients
>Make more money
>Accrue large amount of wealth
>Eventually close the business once you've made enough
>Write a tell-all book about what a load of shit it all was and how the people who gave you money and pats on the back were just idiots.
>Untold amounts of butthurt ensue, but fuck it, so what? You're rich now.

I've actually thought about this, but if I'm still making money 10, 20 years down the line with the company... why throw that away?

>I want to show society how fucking retarded some of their beliefs and values are
>I want a lot of money


That's why I tried to lean towards you drawing a line in the sand where you decide that you've made enough money to pull said stunt and still live the rest of your life in comfort. That way you can call everyone on their bullshit and still be rich. It won't actually change soceity, people will continue to call you racist and deluded; but at least it'll always niggle at them that you basically played a big prank on them to make money and you didn't even do anything illegal to do it.

That aint bad advice user

I don't believe this story but doing this will get you a court case one day from somebody other than black rejected for the job

Fuck society itll fix it self dog get the money

Federal limit is 15 employees, as far as I know there aren't any specific state regulations where I'm from. At some point in expansion, yes, I'd be forced to start hiring other colors. But if the company never grows that big (who knows) then I'm exempt from statutory hiring regulations. Side note, I haven't gotten a white applicant in almost a year now anyway.

>itll fix it self
I have a strong feeling that it won't

Just argue that the nigs needed the jobs more. Or try to spin some kind of sob story surrounding black history and being disadvantaged. Nobody will have the guts to turn their back on the black employees then.

Do you feel you've not gotten any white applicants in the last 12 months because they maybe think they don't have a chance there having heard all about the positivity surrounding exclusively hiring black guys?

Worse still, they will know, deep down, that you outwitted them. Probably in a few different ways, too. Publicly they'll say some shit about how you started out good but became a dickhead or something so that they don't have to turn away from their ideology, but they'll know and they'll never forget it.

That could certainly be part of it. To be fair, I've only had 3 people apply in the last year at all and I haven't been actively hiring. Just thought it was worth mentioning.

It would be extremely satisfying

Wanna shake things up a bit?

>hire new supervisor
>white guy
>shitstorm ensues
>for the lulz

Business idea:
>Hire a black manager and all white female employees
>Start an outdoor living/BBQ type boutique store that specialises in coal stoves and heaters
>Wait and see how long it is before somebody makes the connection

pffft hahaha

Not an American, can someone explain this for me?

A derogatory term for white women who have sex with black men is "coal burner". The store would be staffed by white women and black men and sell heaters which are, literally, coal burners.


More than one black manager would be ideal though, no? Then there can be no doubt.