/nzg/ - The New Zealand General

/nzg/ - The New Zealand General

Other urls found in this thread:



Why are IDs even gone?

why are HB nudes even gone?

Why are the regulars even gone?

You guys are faggots


>tfw no pic
tfw not in that pic


hey guise
kyss here!

literally a bunch of nobodys

Who is this fluid druid?

Who is this semen demon?

We are all nobodies in this life, user

>mad because no one knows who are and didn't make the list

>being mad for not participating in a group chat full of cucks

guy is on basically every night. db and gn come on a bit too. Ginger died of fart overdoses. Kyss Khs. Tentaclearms got raped by a japanese schoolgrill. Pineapples became a pen.


>He doesnt know omeglebro, gn, or kyss


aka a bunch of retarded namefags

You're a namefag too you know. We call you gaybo.

>fart overdose
Holy kek I forgot about that

you must be new here, but it is summer after all...

GoofBro reporting in

what did i miss?

haha I bet you don't even know what tripcodes are

kek samefag

Thing is, the namefags were given their names by others here, they didn't name themselves.

why are (You)s even back?

you're a full blown retard, go back to Facebook

Because everyone bitched about it for 2 days.

Wait, are you saying that they didnt login to Tinychat until they were named by other Sup Forumstards?

>5 minutes to reply

That's true of some, who took names based on what they were called in thread, but not most. Most people just made up chat names.

You seem upset.

The natural conclusion is that you're one of the faggots that got called nobodies kek




the irony is that if IDs weren't even gone, we wouldnt have this problem

tfw apparently the entire thread is just 2 people, the samefag and the guy calling samefag

>goofag mad because no one knows him
top kek


police10seven1, go to bed, you got school in the morning.

>only one friend who can get weed
>txt him every now and then asking if he can get any
>no response every time
>find out work mate can get me ounces
>txt friend know that I got smoke if he knows anyone who wants to buy
>he shows up 20 minutes later at my front door with a m8 and no cash

Fucking hell, never change NZ

I'll buy a 50, where are you?

what a homo

BOP nigga

Too far from Auckland. Post it to me.

sent :)

I got $400 burning a hole in my pocket. what's your email?


prove it

If only you were in welly, id buy as much as i could carry right now.

cant be that dry down there. welly is pot haven during holidays

its a mixture of artificial scarcity and a mixture of BP having a strong presence here.

>BP having a strong presence here.

Yeah, BoiPussi does have a strong presence here.

Don't make me suck your dick!

He'll do it, i've seen him, he's crazy.

>ITT: faggots from their containment tinychat come to shill their url and pretend like people know/care who they are
you're all butt fucking ugly

No one posted the url you dumbfuck illiterate.

HB nudes post more

It was only a matter of time anyway

did someone call?

why do I like this pic so much

You're an uphill gardener.

cos girlpeen

fucking nz, this thread is shit

girl peen is best peen

boards.Sup Forums.org/s/thread/17222459#bottom

Why won't you help?

Because we're fucking outsiders that spend all our time on Sup Forums, you think we have nudes?

Windy Welly in the house ya cunts.

Any traps in Auckland?



Well, where's your saves from previous threads oldfag?


Ginga here believe it or not. I still lurk. Stopped getting involved so much as my dad got brain cancer and shit got real.

damn dude... sorry to hear

Good to hear you're still kicking about.
Sorry about your dad. Best wishes.

Where are you hiding IDbro?

Cheers guys. It's been two years now and he's finally all good. Got his license back and isn't going to neck himself anytime soon hopefully.

do you still play wow?

>got his license back
eyyyy finally, that's cool. Sounds like things are going better now?

I had a break for a while but now there's a new raid coming out I'll probably get back into it.
Yeah, he still struggles but he finally feels like a normie again.

Of course, but at least he can legally drive again and get back into it.
How are you doing these days?

So you're not playing currently? Had a new raider sound kind of like you so wasn't sure.

these threads are about as sad as my life. feelsbad


Go fuck a sheep ya cunt!



hb nudes any1



boards.Sup Forums.org/s/thread/17222459#bottom

I've posted lots here. Add to it mate

have any hb?

There's at least two there

how many you have? anything to trade privately?

Do you only have hb?

no but mostly

Any South Island?

some, have email to trade?