So Trump was backed by the Russians and won the presidency...

So Trump was backed by the Russians and won the presidency. Putin helped him win because he has dirt on Trump and likes the idea of being able to blackmail the US President. Probably something of a sexually deviant nature. What does Sup Forums think about that?

Other urls found in this thread:

Many presidents had sexcapades. JFK had side Ho's, participated in orgies. And had the secret service cover it up. Twas the 60's and 70's after all. Bill Clinton getting sucked off by Monica.

Yeah I'm pretty sure Trump fucks his daughter so prob wasn't too difficult for KGB/FSB to figure out.

Read the leaked doc. It's not verified, but says what the "sexually deviant" behavior was.

Hahaha. You just might be right my Sup Forumsro. You just might be right. Would I care? Not in the slightest

Sup Forums thinks you should go to Sup Forums to find out what is really going on and enjoy the lols

I just did, from buzzfeed? It didn't say what it was? Just sexual something something

LMFAO Buzzfeed what a fag. You know when CNN disputes it's legitimacy you done fucked up.

Will do

The document has been proven to be completely fabricated. Buzzfeed and CNN jumpped the gun and they're gonna regret it when they choke on that defamation lawsuit boi.

>Read the leaked doc.
You mean the one that was written by someone from Sup Forums?

Then you didn't read the full doc. He allegedly hired prostitutes and stayed in a hotel room the Obama's did, and had a golden shower party to defile the bed. Also the Russians supposedly had the room tapped so they have audio/video. That's the "compromising" info they have on him.

This won

> what is really going on

There is literally less evidence that Sup Forums orchestrated this than there is evidence that the dossier is legit.

Oh. Well that's not so bad?
I thought he fucked kids or something serious


You are a fucking retard if you think that dossier is real

You are a fucking retard if you think 'DA EVIL RUSSIANS!!!' influenced the election in any real way

You are a fucking retard for believing """""""news"""""""" that comes from buzzfeed, CNN or any other shitfest extremely biased media outlet

Trump is win/win either way!

I cant believe finally the progressive left are entertaining the fact that their puppet masters may have their favorite politicians compromised and controlled.

Either way its a win for freedom.

Hail trump and praise be to kek.

Really? Because it seems like the opposite.
Shit, Clapper is even saying that it's probably fake.
Although, I do recommend you get all your news from buzzfeed.

Yeah. I'm not saying the doc was real at all, I was just extremely entertained.

Stop shilling for Trump. CNN did not report on that bogus document. Conflating CNN's legitimate and innocuous report with Buzzfeed's inflammatory and irresponsible report is just a childish tactic to discredit the media as a whole.


Buzzfeed just linked it lol
Trump said the Russians did hack, along with every other country because we have no cyberspace defence. I think he is going to start hiring us anons to fill the void. Create Internet jobs for us all. Start learning the ways of the future Sup Forumsros

So OP was a retard and got trolled by Sup Forums.
What does Sup Forums think about that?

I think Sup Forums should avenge their fallen comrade....

It's looking like they fed the report to buzzfeed cause they couldn't publish it them selves without looking like cock suckers.
Their hands may technically be 'clean' legally, but boi this is going to do a number on their reputation and integrity.

does anyone have screenshots of the thread where this info was supposedly created?

I voted for Trump for the theater

It was worth the price of admission. The press conference this morning was gold. Next stop, Nazi Germany

You're the one who got trolled.

This would have come out before the election if true.

It's looking like you're a fucking retard who makes shit up.

Didn't you hear? We're already in Nazi Germany because the CIA didn't prevent Buzzfeed from posting that document.

If the Russians had hacked the DNC, the NSA would have known. Therefore, it came from a USB thumb drive or private server access. Either way: inside job!

I disagree. After the election means trump has much more to lose. More leverage. I think the Russians have trumps balls

no you

No, I mean actual Nazi Germany. A populist candidate that's a narcissist to boot. It won't end well. We'll see how bad it needs to get before people decide to fix it.

1. don't call people an idiot if you're going to dismiss information as a lie whilst having nothing to base that on other than a strong opinion and a diehard love for your next president.

2. Russians didn't get Trump elected, he won because Hillary Clinton was corrupt and even less likable among sane people. He won because he at least lied and said he'd help the working class, where as she did nothing. He won because the DNC colluded against Bernie and pissed off a good portion of their base. That being said, it seems Russia did interfere and try to do something. I just don't understand why this is a big deal, we overthrow/interfere with foreign governments/elections all the time. Chile, iraq, lybia, egypt to name a few.

3. If you voted Trump please stop blindly defending this man. Your side won, we concede that, now we all have the same president. When he fucks up, or does something your side considers fucking up, you should call him on it. I know you wont call him on the obvious things..racism, xenophobia and so forth, but call him on saying he's going to clean the swamp and then hiring corrupt bureaucrats to his cabinet while keeping conflicts of interest businesses at hand, all the while these guys he hired wont even turn in the proper documents before their congressional hearings. This is shit Obama and his cabinet had to do, and the GOP made damn sure to hold his feet to the fire. Credit to Rubio for grilling Tillerson about Putin.

I like you

Entire thing is a hoax.


oh my no u shoop got saved/reused