Need help Sup Forumsros

Need help Sup Forumsros
>Been dating for over a year now
>Crazy relationship, she says she never liked sex
>Fucked every single day we could
>This chick was absolutely crazy about me, talked about gettimg married and kids
>Hell, she was the one who took my V card
> Being with her was heaven every day
>towards end of year, I had to move far away for personal reasons
>gf flips shit, trys to get me to stay and just move in with her
>couldn't do it, moved over 300 miles away
>long distance relationship wasn't terrible, had a few bumps but it wasn't bad
>been about 5 months since I left
>everything is alright between us
>go to text her on fb
"This person isn't receiving messages from you right now"
>I shrug it off and think her Facebook isn't working or whatever
>give her a call
"The number you dialed is incorrect or disconnected"
>Shitting bricks right now
>look up her Facebook account
>find nothing about her
>talk to her friends
>they say they haven't heard anything from her
>call her on skype
>she declines call, tells me she never wants to talk to me again
I have no idea where things went wrong Sup Forumsros
Pic is her

Other urls found in this thread:

You are better off without her, she is butt fucking ugly

When I get around to it, I'll upload a full story. Our relationship was a hell of a story

Don't bother, nobody gives a fuck unless you have nudes

Post pics of her

she's been kidnaped
her napers are probably rapers!
goodluck user

You probably don't know how Sup Forums works, but that's okay. We are going to need some nudes before you get any serious advise in here.

i know them feels


time heals all wounds, keep yourself busy, move forward

We need nudes before then we will help and offer advice

>she declines call, tells me she never wants to talk to me again

Kind of a letdown that she didn't anhero

Op here

Any Ideas how to talk to her? She won't tell me why or give a reason why she just blocked me out of the blue. I need to find a bit of closure

smells like kys fag bullshit to me you basement dwelling virgin

>Shes cheating on you, you fucking retard
>only time girls get over guys is when theyre fucking other guys
>op's ex was a whore

Latenight greentext.

Aa crap. Expected her to be dead or atleast on drugs at the end.


You don't need closure. Plain and simple.

Looks vaguely like she's making a gang sign with her left hand. Which may lead me to the conclusion that she isn't responding to your calls because she's too busy getting gang fucked by a bunch of niggers.

You have my condolences.

Not only that, she is getting pounded in the ass so much, that when she farts, you only hear whoosh...

You ditched her. She was talking about fuckin kids and you left for your own bullshit. Long distance is nonsense.

She may not be right but she is still justly mad.

OP, she's decided she's done with the relationship. It sucks and it's unfair, but that's what happened here. You can't change her mind, and honestly you shouldn't try to, it's already a long-distance thing, and if she was willing to do this immature bullshit, she'd be willing to pull other things like it.

It's gonna hurt and suck, but you've gotta accept it and move on. Don't message her anymore. Don't try and talk to her friends. Just pretend she died, and move on.

Dude. She moved on. She blocked you because she is with someone else and does not want you to bother her or the other guy to find out about you.
She isn't interested in you so move on. Forget about her

I felt like we got over the moving shit by this point, it's been since around July. We had a plan to get back together after 2017

shes fucking another dude. You can pretend its not true but thats the reality of it. Ask her next time you get in contact with her. I bet my entire life savings on this



>she was talking about fuckin kids
>talking about fuckin kids
>fuckin kids

That doesn't mean it hasn't been sitting there festering in the back of her mind as a big problem. A year and a half apart is a long time, and she's obviously the kind of person who can't do long distance. She tried to accept it but couldn't in the end, though she chose a shitty way to go about it.

Too much advise, and not enough nudes. OP deliver or anhero

Hell, I'd be happy if she just told me she was breaking up, but cutting me off like this is fucked

>moved over 300 miles away
>no ideas where things went wrong

That was the end of the relationship. Assuming what you said was true the only reason it lasted as long as it did is because she was holding out hope that you'd come back. She probably struggled with the relationship from the first day and grew to resent you.

Don't know the full situation obviously but you can't move 300 miles away and expect things to work out. People have long distance relationships and close the distance to make things work, not the other way around. If you didn't want to split up you should have taken her up on her offer.

Sounds to me like after you left she no longer had someone to relate with like people in a close relationship do, talking over Skype just doesn't cut it. She probably tried to make it work as long as she could but girls have dudes chatting them up constantly, it was only a matter of time until she found someone that could actually be there when she wanted them to be.

Op. You can't ask her to wait for you. She moved on. She doesn't give a fuck about you or your feelings anymore. Stop contacting he because you will only look stupid and feel bad. Pretend that she is dead. Let her go.

You goofed

No nudes. I'm out of here

Ops story is word for word my life rn. The only difference is that I make the attempt to text her every day and call her 5 days a week. Meet up every other week and fuck like rabbits. Still the best/passionate sex of my life. Give a fuck op, women require lots of attention especially in long distance relationships.

>couldn't do it, moved over 300 miles away
this is your own fault

It's over dude. Drink a beer and forget about it.

I did text her and call her every day and took trips whenever I could. Sent gifts on holidays and her birthday


Op here done fucked up not giving all details

Stop thinking about it. It's over. You weren't married. People break up with one another and move on.


Give us nudes for trips

It is, dude. It really is. It's a shitty, unfair, and immature way for her to handle the situation. But it's the decision she made. Take solace that you took the bullet now instead of further down the line when it would've only been worse and more time and money had been invested in the relationship.

>I had to move far away for personal reasons
don't leave qt gfs doode ur fucked

OP is confirmed underage fagget.

Fuck that, if you've got a reason to leave that will benefit you in the long run, do it. There will always be more "qt gfs" to be had out there.

The relationship effectively ended when you unilaterally moved away.

Only for quads

And he probably gave her the same vague explanation: "for personal reasons"

>how dare you pursue a career or financial stability instead of staying here and impregnating me!
Yeah, kinda sounds like he dodged a bullet there, to be honest.

That isn't the only pussy on this great planet. There will always be a sweeter one. Man up faggot

Long distance is fine,currently in one of 4+ years text everyday, mmm idk op maybe she wasnt the one?

No, she knows why. I have schooling here and family

She moved on, so should you

Look how many dubs. At least we deserve some tits or ass

OP said nothing about career or financial stability, he said, "personal reasons".

As stated before, OP is a 14 year old closet fag living with his parents.

Wish i had the luxury of being with my girl, srry op but we cant all be lucky like you faggot, feelsbadman. Anyone wanna help me out?

Sure, come on over and I'll suck your dick you fucking queer

> personal reasons
> sucks nigger dick
> OP = nigger cocksucker

Faggot I aint gay, mmm its all good just 5 more

If shit were that easy, I probably wouldn't be so upset about it. 14 year olds don't exactly discuss having kids with eachother but kek


We demand nudes

she looks high-maintenance, neurotic and steeped in bullshit drama.
congratulations op, now go find a girl who doesn't glorfiy gang culture.

it's over, you have nothing to lose from posting her nudes.

I don't really give a fuck what his reasons were. Your post simply makes it sound like he was in the wrong for not giving her the final say on what he does with his life. Of course the decision of whether he moves is a decision that's unilaterally made by him, do you really think giving another person the kind of power to make those sorts of decisions for you is going to lead to having a healthy relationship with that person?


me again. its fucked up but it sounds like a last ditch effort to control the relationship on her own terms after you moved away. not fair that she blocked you out of the blue, and really a very cowardly move on her part, but like I said last ditch effort to take control. there were probably signs, but no need to go back and beat yourself up over missing them, just do better on your next love. pick someone who you feel is even more mature than you, but in a sincere way, and make sure right off the bat you share goals and aspirations so these plans don't catch anyone off guard again

Ah not everyone can be lucky like me and have a faithful woman ;) she totally isnt cheating on me, were long distance but its oky she texts me everyday op

Sup Forums is pleased. Moar

Thanks Sup Forumsro, I don't know what the next move is gonna be. I planned on moving in woth her after this year but now I don't know what to do

Get another pussy. Move on

Discussing it with them does. Relationships are a team effort, you can't just go storming off doing you're on fucking thing when it'll have serious ramifications.

Sure, if OP said he was pursuing a career rather than faggoty "personal reasons" I'd be more understanding.

He essentially said, I'm changing the terms of this relationship, didn't listen to whether she actually wanted to consent to those terms, pretended he was going to move back and then didn't. I'm not surprised she fucked off but both of them were far too immature for this given her response is just as petulant as his.

OP has given no decent reason as to why he moved.

Next nudes as payment for our services OP, oh and think about ur backup plan dude, i thought every relationship that didnt would have one....or is it just me?

the only trade-off of being responsible for making your own decisions in life is taking responsility for the outcomes of those decisions, in this case getting dumped.

long distance doesnt work my dude. been there done that

Dude dump the nudes. She isn't your gf anymore. Share them with us

Actually last question OP how old are you, TO SEE if you guys were at least a DECENT agE and thinking straight

Proof faggot, share, or dubs decides ur fate

Nudes. Now.


no one will help you

19, turning 20. I moved to take classes at University of Portland, cuz family nearby and had scholarships.

you got ghosted bro nothing you can do about it

call her mom and ask what's going on

you cut her off, and she left , what the hell do you need us to tell you
move on.

OP you'll feel better if you post at least tits

So what are you like 18 years old or something?

What the fuck is the point of a long distance 'relationship'?

Of course she wanted out.

That's where it went wrong.

Mmm kk thank you OP, ive just turned 20 and ill tell you what under certain circumstances long distance can work, but like someone else here said, it cant be reverse engineered, it only goes one way and thats starting from a long distance working its way to closing the distance not the opposite m8 , nice make sure to study hard your better than being on/b here sooo

Always the option you go back and get her. It's not gonna be easy for you. You'll have to suck this period up, and take it on the chin like a champ. You can go back to her, WIN her over, if you're willing to be understanding, forward thinking, caring and driven. And you will probably have to forgive her for sleeping around, if you can. But I think if this love is 100%real you should go old school and prove to her you had planned on returning to her the entire time.

I'll say fuck it and drop nudes for trips. Thanks to the Sup Forumsros who actually gave advice and don't suckle on their mom's teets.

And yes, this pic is legitimate, slap it and google and you'll see

Roll for true love

When OP delivers, haha i like you OP, drop the nudes for the bros here, lol even tho i got a wife on the way anyways, eh b never fails to impress what it holds, i dont even care about the nudes man, im here for real life establishment.

Op, your girl is a gay faggot. Id punch her tf out if i knew her, dumb white bitch throwing gang signs.

prob cheated on you sorry op
