What the fuck happened to you, Sup Forums?

What the fuck happened to you, Sup Forums?

Back in the day, you were weird as fuck. You traded memes for memes, created oc, pushed the boundaries of humor, got shit done, and were generally the kind of place where shit didn't make sense, but you still loved what was going on.

Now there are only two kinds of threads: tits and Trump. Occasionally someone posts a YLYL, and I find some brief solace there, before wading back out and finding nothing but tits and 14 year olds that have just discovered that fascism is a thing.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining about tits. Tits are awesome. But couldn't we start putting more tits in each tits thread, freeing up room for the stupid crazy shit that used to make Sup Forums awesome? Couldn't we stop feeding the edgelord newfags?

Of course not. Because all the oldfags have left already.

Sup Forums is no longer Sup Forums. I don't know what it is anymore.

At least /ck/ is fucking consistent. /tg/ has never changed, except for the level of barely concealed fapfic rising and falling. Sup Forums got less interesting when /aco/ opened, but they're still good for a laugh. /m/... I got nothing bad to say about /m/. And hell, /qst/ is fucking fun.

Sup Forums? I know no Sup Forums. Only a crater where there is cancer, where once there was a board I could love.

You were weird enough for me. Then you got predictable.

Other urls found in this thread:


BREAKING NEWS: Sup Forums sucks now!

In other news: Water is wet!

It's not intended to be news. Just a moment of spectacularly drunk venting.

oldfag here, I barely come to Sup Forums anymore but Gen Z is boring

Aren't they? Fuck, I remember when you couldn't scroll through a Milhouse Is Not A Meme thread without getting references to everything from Saint Hunter and Tarantino to fucking Aristotle.


Did someone say "fucking Aristotle"??

I weep for the old Sup Forums that tracked down a creeper for Jenna Jameson (SSN, address, & all) at her behest, after she put a shoe on her head & time-stamped tits, of course.

Too much success, became mainstream, that killed the man. Or the website.

Sup Forums is now harmless and monitored by the NSA.

Good job fellas.

Sup Forums was never good. Take off those nostalgia goggles.

Sup Forums has done some funny stuff in recent years.

Is this the new pasta?

Newfags happened

Because millennials find repetition funny. /Thread

this. most of the Sup Forums oldfags that ended up staying around grew up and migrated to Sup Forums. that pic of "Sup Forums pranks in 2006 vs 2016" isn't just for lulz, it's an accurate depiction of what happened to the people who were responsible for what Sup Forums used to be and what Sup Forums is now.


the real problem is that the original movers and shakers got off b. some grew up, some joined anonymous and got arrested. b will never be any better than it is now because of that. it was started by a core group, then was joined by some who had vision and was tight knit. now there's too many people to get anything started. too many fags here that are little more than bots and all they do is post op is a faggot and spider man pics.

Sup Forums started off building a language like mudkips, but now there's too many people who have learned the code words and the club is too big and filled with too many people who "can meme".

>grew up
>migrated to Sup Forums
whatever you want to believe, sunshine
oh i mean nigger cuck

everyone stopped "doin it for teh lolz" and just kind of sat back and waited for someone else to raid or make good threads for them like the fat kids at the back of the crowd while playing dodge ball at school gym

also this. simple stuff like calling a random business up and badgering them for battletoads used to be something to pass the time, now everyone on Sup Forums is more interested in responding with their favorite NYPA pic. this isn't going to change or get better.

>be something to pass the time, now everyone on Sup Forums is more interested in responding with their favorite N
yep, too many fuckin mudkips on b now.

>tells people he's drunk

Take it back. I have hated what b has become and I'm trying to change it. Got a spare half hour? Jump on any thread and attack anyone who doesn't belong. This is not a safe space for these fuck heads. Stir up shit. Don't back down.
Do it for your lulz. Make it the b that it should be.

Yes, very predictable. Right down to your copypasta.

aye. for most Sup Forumstards the highest achievement is to get your post included in the screencap of someone else's thread.

what the fuck is this shit

Attack the fuckers. It's fun. They're either easily offended moral fags or edgy wannabes the get flustered at conflict.

words bra.... i thought that was obvious.

Make the change. Raid b. Upset these whiny millennial fuckwits. If they can't have a safe space they will fuck off.

if we in this thread were to organise, what would we raid?

Basically said the same thing a few weeks ago apart from I'm still here for some reason.

I find it weird that I never see a gore thread anymore. No weird people at all, like you said.

I'm a freak, but the community here used to make me look like a normie. Wtf happened, it's like it just happened over night and no one even said anything about it, just went with it, any of the oldies besides Op still browsing?

Situation is waaay worse.
Nowadays there's more dicks than tits.
More trannies than girls.
Even those cucks are worse than your average neckbeard.

Lol bro, I'm a former D-1 rugby player, have abs at 6'1" 240 lbs, worked as a bouncer, Did army ROTC in college turning it down for 70k finance job, and I bench somewhere around 420 lbs. I grew up on base and boxed since I was 8. I've got the quickest hands I've ever seen in person from a non professional fighter, especially at my weight. If my gf wants to talk chit I'll let her do it to a point before pulling her away. If some guy gets in her face? I'm either gonna do the responsible thing and get the bouncer or pick him up and slam his phucking neck into the concrete.

What do you weigh… 190 lbs? Bench maybe 275 lbs? Lol. You have no idea what it's like walking around as big and as strong as someone like me. First of all, 95% of men walk in fear of you, and 95% of the other 5% of men are just retarded.

Literally the last 3 altercations I've been in with other males ended with me giving them one back hand slap and knocking them to the ground (I'm terrified of hitting most men and either killing them or putting them into a coma)
Any type of altercation, verbal etc. whether it involves girls I know or guys I know just mildly amuse me as I know I can step in and regulate the situation in a split second if things get serious.

Take your tiny, wanna be, hard pretend phaggot ass elsewhere pussy.

Sup Forums would be better if all the Twitter, facebook, and reddit faggots fucked off. It's replaced Sup Forums as babbies first board.

Like you were there at that time

in Sup Forums or elsewhere? if you're talking about other boards, anybody but /x/. i'm one of the people who were around for what /x/ used to suffer at the hands of Sup Forums and the promise to leave them alone still stands for me.

if Sup Forums is chaos, it should fuck with the board nobody expects: Sup Forums. they've got their "ISISisgay" and fakenews plots going, if Sup Forums wanted it could certainly fuck those up somehow. the ISISisgay thing is supposed to be propagated on twitter and whatever other social media, apparently their t_D pals on leddit are working with them.

Sup Forums is what it is, but i never knew Sup Forums to give a fuck about political affiliation. it could support a candidate for the lulz and then once it was done, turn around and jerk off in the faces of their fellow supporters.

Semi-oldfag reporting in. I've been here for around 5 years. Sup Forums started to go downhill from 2012 onwards. Everything is basically a porn thread it's exhausting and maddeningly boring.

Internet hate machine reporting in.
Off & on for a decade or more.
Can confirm less freaks these days. Never used to see Spiderman or banana or whatever the fuck niggers spam with. Spam back in the day was at least original

How about /hr/ with shitty low res images?

>Sup Forums is what it is, but i never knew Sup Forums to give a fuck about political affiliation. it could support a candidate for the lulz and then once it was done, turn around and jerk off in the faces of their fellow supporters.

Sup Forums used to love Ron Paul

We can't yet. We aren't at the full numbers needed. We need to start by doing mini personal raids of b itself. Try to get rid of the whiny little cunts and also show the lurkers what needs to be done by example.

The newfag Apocalypse for you.

People should have really stuck to 1 and 2. And even when they didn't, the gore, confusing and chaotic nature kept people away.

I've seen people talking about how they tried to go on Sup Forums and didn't understand at all what was going on and left a minute after.

Without the porn, this site would now be fucking family friendly. Jesus Christ. The more you think about the change, the crazier it seems

how do you propose we do this user?

I do like this idea though. Good for lulz. But do we have enough numbers to do it successfully? I still think we just need to get on to the cancer that is on every thread and call it out. People are starting to join in already.
This is our b. We don't have to tolerate these millennial fuckwits coming in and shitting on our floor.


since when was b so full of idealogs. last I heard church of scientology wasan't targeted because Sup Forums was on a war path, Sup Forums targeted them because they wanted to see if they could. if you wanna get rid of milenicunts you need to do it to see if you can.

and "show lurkers how it's done"? Sup Forums wasn't about changing people back in the day, why does 4 chan need to change people now?

Yesssss, spam porn threads with Spiderman and bananas and that one guy wearing a purple shirt that was in every cringe thread.

Yeah, user, but it's more of a campaign that needs to be continued everyday, constantly, and I doubt you have the time and dedication to do it.

What we need is the chosen user. The one who has been here since the old days, the one who has not seen day light in years, the one who understands the internet more than any of us.

The true degenerate. The black beard of the oceans of the internet. They say since the day he could grow it, he's never shaved his neckbeard. His stench so bad, that it can incapacitate small lolis with a 35 metre radius.

Me? I think he's just a legend. The chosen Sup Forumstard doesn't exist.

There are a number of more or less eternal threads on Sup Forums, fluffies for instance, and just like when incest threads were always blown up with spiderman, you dump something in each iteration of the thread until it reaches its pic/bump limit and make it harder to keep the threads going continuously. eventually the people who are actually keeping those threads going get fed up with posting some content only to get buried by something fucking stupid and unrelated, they don't make them as much or they find another board to post it on.

Have to take the power back. Get on the shit threads. Let them know they aren't wanted here. Pick fights. Derail them and have fun doing it. No cancer posting for derailment. That serves no purpose as banana and pickle has shown. We are the Internet the machine. It's time to wake up and kick these cunts out of our home.


nice on paper but right now what could we do to force them out desu spam? As of now i see no way to remove them

Sup Forums needs to support trump more, it'll keep leftist fucktards out. The gore and loli will keep the moralfag conservatards out.

THISSSSSSSSSSSSS. This will deter the moralfaggots and pussies and help to stop the flow of more newfags.

This this this this this this

Because the old fags are mostly gone. You want your b back? Lead by example. Attack and have fun. Lurkers who feel the same will join in. Numbers will rise. We can take this back.

I think you're right. It took around 5 years of lurking before I even posted once - it was like a crazy insiders club, brutal to people who didn't know the secret rules. Now it seems like any jackass can post a meme & get away with it

I've just retired from work. I have a lot of spare time on my hands and a fucking heap of anger and hate to disperse. This is my therapy.

alright guys, i'll find a shit thread & link it lets just make it known we dont want this shit

welp, that's /thread there.

Same with me. Was too scared to post. Freaking out the day I posted my first thread.

Blow the dust of your gore folder, user. Think we need to start making some classic posts.

time to derail boys

Attack them the way that will hurt them. Remove their safe space bullshit. Call them out on everything. They insult you? Insult yourself better. It will be a slow campaign. I will continue regardless of who joins in. I'm old. I'm bitter. I'm fucking great in arguments. I also have way too much time on my hands.
If this succeeds, remember where it began.

On it, user!!

You can fuck off right now. American political bullshit is for American fuckwits.

Either you haven't been here long enough or you are just an idiot. Sup Forums used to be very fucking cool. People actually cared about each other on here. We helped each other, for better or for worse. Sup Forums is just a mirror for society though. Out in the real world people are becoming self absorbed and ignorant, especially the youth. As above, so below.

Fuck off. I'd you don't want b back then leave now.

Joining in

first of b will never be back. second get salty you little bitch.

Newfag here

Where me fuzzies

Posting gore, help me boys

Also someone get a gore thread going

All the shit got done, there's nothing left to do

Brit? You sound that whiny little cunt from the dog fucking thread earlier. Fuck off.

Sup Forums is dead, this place is now a tourist attraction selling porn pics in exchange for allowing yourself to be exposed to advertisements

fraid i'm not. I'm neither a brit, nor am I whining. I'm an old fag, and that's why i say what i say. i remember the days of god and win, b will simply never be that place again. not whining, just calling it like it is. and the ideolog cunts that started this thread, those are the whiners. it's like a bunch of millennials whining that they can't be kids anymore. b has matured, it's probably just time that it's users mature with it.
know why childhood is so great, because there's nothing to look back to and say i wish it could be that good again. know why b isn't good anymore, same reason. you can't live in the past or you miss the grand experience of the moment.

fuck that thread hit image cap

these fuckers

Nicely done. Image limit reached.
Guess we should have a slogan.
I like the "taking b back"
Just spam post whatever. If it has the slogan join in. Saves having to organise these things.

also slogan now officially take back Sup Forums


Dump in this gore thread guise

I'm old and retired. I believe this can be a fucking fun place again. A lot of people from the old days have your mentality. It won't be the same. Blah blah blah. Why bother.
Do it for the fun of it. Know these dumb cunts are getting pissed off cos they're being attacked in their edgy safe space.
Just have fun and release that hate you surely still have.


That's the official slogan. It's 3am where I am. I do need to sleep unfortunately. Keep the slogan and join in where you can. If they take our slogan we shall make a new one.
I'm the instigator of this. The old Aussie cunt that I am. Have fun and see you all around the threads.

Shitty celeb thread just make a brand new thread after that one reached its bump limit

get her while she's fresh, boys

If you want gore threads, make a fucking gore thread, don't go around whining no one is making one for you.


I did, you useless faggot

this fag...
>"people don't like what i like"
qq you queer

We need a new target. Help me chose
This one:

that thread died?

Thread just died, new one plz

Thread dead, good job boys

We did it faggots, Op deleted that thread. That was easy, post the next!


On it

You're doing fucking great work. I'm really proud of you all.

Me too

Proud of all of you.

I want to see you guys doing this everyday from now on. I'll be with you all.

Make Sup Forums white again

>no gore threads
there's at least one every day. there should be more but holy fuck,they're just repetitive as hell these days.

Why isn't anyone posting?

because it smells like niggers