Any replies with dubs decides what symptoms I tell my doctor I'm experiencing

Any replies with dubs decides what symptoms I tell my doctor I'm experiencing.

Ejaculating pure blood no evidence of semen or any come just a spurt of blood.

Blindness whenever more than 1 finger is in your ass.

The uncontrollable need of eat your own shit.

A psychological problem where if you fuck a mechanics wife you go get your car worked on by him, if you fuck a bartenders wife you gotta buy a drink from him and if you fuck a doctors wife...(and just look at him with fear and excitment.)

Kek, thats one.

Your dad noticed some small bumps on your penis while you two were showering.

>The uncontrollable need of eat your own shit.
Winrar! And also, anal congestion, so you are going insane

Ask him if there are any special stds you can catch from a dog as you itch your crotch.

ask him if you can become a nigger because you touched one


You cannot climax unless a dick is in your mouth

Kill yourself

Rapid snapcoiling of the penis

Tell him you think you caught the gay from someone and need a finger in your ass to be sure

Anal leakage

You hurt your back trying to self succ

stage 4 terminal brain cancer

You think your throat moves too much when you are deepthroating

uh oh

I'll accept this one because of how funny it is.
Heavenly trips checked.

Vaginal cramps


You think matching numbers at the end of a big number is some how important to your life

Tell him your anus bleeds whenever you asleep over at your uncle's and you wake up feeling hungover.

Don't be such a bitch because you've never gotten dubs.

An irresistible urge to suck ass, hairy ass.

The uncontrollable need to fuck children

Rolling for niggeritis

Have fun OP

Do it op

Everytime you cum you release a giant ass clapping fart.

Everytime you cum you release a giant ass clapping fart.
You have to say it just like that

Everytime you release a giant ass clapping fart you cum.


a sever case of ass burgers

everytime you go to the doctors you shit somewhere in the waiting room and hide it

You weep uncontrollably when you touch female breast

Your uncle touched you

Halitosis, but in your ass


>dr.: "what symptoms are you experiencing?"
>op: "stage 4 terminal brain cancer"

kek. need to ascend

Do this exactly
Can I (looks around nervously) catch (whispers) "they gay" from my boyfriend

the sound of dicks throbbing inside in your head

do it fag
