Holy fuck what a way to start 2017....go leak your sister or ex gf today lol - snap leak .cf

Holy fuck what a way to start 2017....go leak your sister or ex gf today lol - snap leak .cf

Other urls found in this thread:


Ignore all the newfags saying this is fake they just mad i leaked their nudes lol

The link above is clickbait, don't go there. Let me explain how this works.

OP uses a website that pays him to get idiots to complete surveys
>He gets his own unique URL for victims to use
To drum up business, OP posts about something that will attract anons (software hacker, celebrity nudes, etc.)
OP adds the survey URL to his posts, forwarded from a different URL so newtards can't tell true destination
OP also uses a robot to samefag his own thread to give the impression it's legit (see below)
Lust-filled newtards click on OP's link and some actually complete the survey in their paroxysms of desire
>OP banks the cash
Newtards rage about butthurt and cast aspersions about OP's parentage and morals
>OP smiles at newtards' tears as he buys stuff with money from survey site

>Bot phrases:
>This is amazing shit lol
>Donald trump can go fuck himself if he thinks this made america better!!! it does not
>Ignore all the newfags saying this is fake they just mad i leaked their nudes lol
>I am sure snapchat patched this?
>fuckin epic I lol'd at that comment!
>... hey this is funny... all though i give u cred for trying
>Guys does it work or not lol
>I see trees of green........ red roses too I see em bloom..... for me and for you And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world.
>Worked after doing one of the step thingys...
>Love that you released a new version!!
>Lol at the spastics saying i am a bot >.>
>wait a second guys some one try leak miley cyrus lol
>THumbs up why r u guys so racist
>Leak your mates mums nudes tonight lmfao
>5 stars for this shit man i will be using it daily
>I have been seeing this shit for about 2 months now, finally deicded to loose my brain and see if it works today & i am surprised!
>Heres to 2017 thanks for the share
>Guys the mods pay me to do this shit!! Leak your teachers/sisters/exgfs tonight lololol
>Leaked my sister just for the lols

Worked after doing one of the step thingys...

guys does it work? its half loading for me

step sister fuck

Guys does it work or not lol




This looks really good, thank you!


Don�t spread the site everywhere so it gets patched


Just found the schools hottest girl�s nudes on there


I only got like 5 pictures

thank you for the share!!!

Took a few minutes but was definitely worth it

It looks like they are evolving, instead of only one poster now there are many "posters".

I definitely bookmarked the site


Can�t believe it actually worked.. This site is killer

yeah I think its just people like me who copy pasted from his list of phrases
his posts you can tell from filenames and weird unicode in the posts

thanks for sharing

So there are guys there?
Hairy, fat, guys. NICE


is this because of the new snapchat update? thank you anyways

jesus christ


im gonna troll my friend with this thank you


Be right back 10 mins ;)


A magical website!


What a success

Any way to remove my own pictures from there?


This is delightful work


oh wow i just found my ex nudes on there

This site is balls not worth the keystrokes.


I can fap for days with these pictures.


Yeah, delete google chrome < that is the browser, the only browser you use, shut down your computer, go do something more meaningful with your life than spamming on Sup Forums

thank you soooo much!!

Wonder if the Sup Forums mods will like this