How do I respond please help

How do I respond please help

You don't. Leave it where it is, get on with your life.

tell her to go fuck herself dumb slut

came here to say this.

she'll wind up a single monther with a mixed race baby in time, just let things run their course...

tell that fucking whore to drop a toaster in her bathtub while shes in it

underage b&

tell her to go fuck herself in her stupid ungrateful unfaithful ass.

green text fag

Not worth your time OP.

Move on with life. Her attitude won't get her anywhere in life. Don't lower yourself to her level.

Literally just mute/block on everything, delete contact, move on with your day.


What do

You don't respond. Unfriend her. Block all her methods on communicating with you. And cut her out of your life. She's dead to you. You are better off. Now focus on you and being a better version of you without her as a succubus.

fucking this. no context

Literally just ignore, she's already expecting a reaction.

greentext story for some context, fag

>I'm ignoring you because you're a whoreish cunt

Then continue to ignore her


dont give her the reaction she wants. Its shitty and it sucks but youll thank yourself later. just block the number, shes not worth keeping around

On mobile so no greentext, but she has been dating around with me and another guy, strongly implying she wants me, hell we even fucked yesterday and she bought me a cute gift. I just dont know how to respond.

Literally nothing. Delete the number and move on with life.

>Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)14:35:52 No.718701415▶
get nudes, post them here

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this you faggot op

You don't respond you got a gift and pussy? Check mark in the win column and dgaf.

not sure if bait
but if not, then this. Regarding her multiple messages she wants you to react to this. Just ignore it and don't make a big deal of it. She won't get back to you and you won't make her regret it by saying anything.

tell her to fuck off rofl

this. i'm guessing this just happened, so just wait and see

Tell her you have aids

im ignoring you because you are a stupid whore and I want nothing to do with a whore like yourself

So why did she start being mean to you out of nowhere

You respond by text the other guy telling him to enjoy the (insert STD choice) you gave her. Than you call her a worthless cunt and don't give her the satisfaction of a response thereafter. Last, go buy a 6 pack and enjoy being a man and not a cuck.

Keep these messages. Just as a safety measures. She may not like you cutting contact and come after you with "your the baby daddy", or he raped me.

You have to stab her with a knife.

Download a wbem of Ron burgundy calling veronica corningstone a whore
Send it to her with no other response, block her number, ignore her for the rest of your life.

Fucking this

This. All she wants is a reaction and attention from you. Starve her of the attention she wants. She's obviously a whore so shes not even worth your time anyway.

You will LOVE yourself to no end if you simply stop responding to her.

If you simply cut her out of your life like a frostbitten toe right now, you will always look back on this day where you stood up for yourself and bettered your life. FOR YOU.

This. Cause you probably didnt give her an std so they will freak out and get tested

I called her out on her seeing two people at once being shady and she didnt like it

dont reply to her at all man ignore the shit out of her, she clearly wants to see your reaction. erase her number and move on with life. she just wants a reaction from you don't give her that. destroy her by forgetting about her.

Also this. Save these messages like this user said, it might just save your ass later.

Yes. This.

tell her she has a sloppy vaj that smells like dead trout and bail.

Did you know she was seeing the other guy the whole time you were seeing her? What changed

Solid advice

I agree. Just don't answer.

Anons are correct. Ignore the cunt, but keep posting her texts

was in that exact situation like 8 years ago

stupid me attached all these feelings to the dumb bitch when i should have been just using her for the free sex, but she was using me

seriously just ignore her and move on it will feel best fuck that heartless bitch

also the girl who fucked me over is now doing horrible in life go figure :)

follow all the advice in this thread, OP. It's good advice. I dealt with a girl like this once, and things would have gone a lot better if I cut her out sooner. DO IT NOW.

Aaah ok then this is what yo uneed to say:

"Sorry, I was on the phone. I was actually thinking about how nice it is to cum in your pussy. What are you doing later this week?"

And this.

Keep the messages in case she tries to cry rape or something. Cut all contact, move on. There's 4 billion women on this planet. Go find one that's slightly less shit.

>Why aren't you answering
mfw she's still attention whoring

Reply with: "Ok."

And block her. Either she goes crazy cause you're not giving her attention or whatever the fuck, but drop her like a sack of shit.

Oh no! The ad is getting smarter!

Listen guy, I had a girl just like her and I know how addictive they can be, but life is so much better without them. Trust me. They are way to toxic and if things ever "work out" she'll end up fucking with other guys in secret anyways.

I knew she was seeing him, but the guy doesnt know shes seeing me, she said she fucked him and all that, and yeah, things went downhill

Lol Nigga Just Leave That Bitch Like Wtf

Share nudes

Pls don't be b8 ..but user pls...have some honor and tell her that you are happier than ever for finding this lost someone who didn't like yoi while she lost someone who did....just show her your are better withoit her and not show that you have regrets or never gine in and xry or get sad.....even if b8 user this is tragic ..she WILL rot eventually and you must not sink with her


story ? im pretty fucking dumb

Block her. Prevent the ride to hell.

If you just ignore her you win. Any response and she ffel like she win. You want to upset her? Never giver attention again

Leak her nudes.

kek tell her that then block

Don't answer to this. Don't answer when she messages you in a few days/ weeks.

Just ignore her forever.

Drop her and post her nudes you cuck.

Go out and get your dick sucked by a bar sloot right now
Send her a pic saying "bitch I've already moved on"

not even worth the effort honestly

she will get whats coming

I'd respond with "ya shit's all fucked up lol" then tell the guy she's been fucking you the whole time

This. Don't say anything at all, just stop texting back.

Like we all said you should stop giving fucks op

Go out with your friends this weekend and if you don't have any make some
Forget she ever existed, trust me I've been hooked to a girl way too long and it's not worth it, especially if she's such a bitch.

So do me a favor, dont make the same mistake I did and move the fuck on

Just say you don't care anymore if she really is like that and cut her out of your life

If she comes back crying keep ignoring, you're better off and she's too because she needs to learn she can't fuck with people like that

>mfw newfags dont know what mfw means

100% ignore. Don't respond. Please. And guess what? I guarantee you'll hear from her again in the future, being all sweet and shit. At that point, Fuck her again but don't expect anything but that. She's just a place to put your dick.

She will get angry that you won't respond and post on social media, but all your friends will think you're alpha as fuck for being able to tell her to go fuck herself

Sup Forums turned to shit


She has called me like three times, I dont want to answer

If I get dubs its the following:
1) Eat shit
2) Die

This. Kek

say nothing, that is the best

dont even make it "seen"

The positive isnt enough for her so she wants negative attention


Good. Don't

Everyones saying same thing, must be some truth to it OP

dont,turn off cellphone block her idk but dont answer

Just be like "enjoy living your life as a repulsive whore. Also i'm obligated to tell you that you should get tested for herpes, sorry not sorry" then block her.

She'll shit her pants thinking you gave her herpes then waste time/money on doctors visits for no reason while you laugh and move on with your life.

As much as you may want to lash back out at her, OP, you'd only be stooping to her level. She's obviously a vicious, mean cunt so you didn't lose anything, and like others in this thread have said, she'll get hers in due time.

Be the bigger person and just cut her out of your life, no harm done.

Lol she called you after saying "are you crying"? Yeah just don't respond you're absolutely winning here


lmao she's trying so hard to get a reaction out of you. this or she thinks you killed yourself

tfw one girl you used to fuck with might be this exact girl


This this this. OP don't give in!

She's a cheating whore. She'll cheat on you. Run.

>pro at getting rejected
this guy gets it!

Do not respond.

Do NOT respond.

Block/ignore/pay no mind to and move on.

Think about how you're going to send those screenshots to her child when they're old enough to comprehend anything before they think their dad's a deadbeat so they know once and for all it's mom's fault.

Man the fuck up you faggot

guys what do

Saying you've got an std won't make things better, just ignore

Except if its aids, cause that ones bad