Ok. Here's what you do

Ok. Here's what you do.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click on "feedback". Explain POLITELY and ELOQUENTLY that you would like better moderation on Sup Forums because the flood of porn threads causes the board to stagnate. Do not be rude. Do not sperg out.

Everyone should do this. It will take you a few minutes tops. If you're not willing to do this, then you don't deserve a better Sup Forums.

Since people think the purpose of Sup Forums is porn, there has been a drought when it comes to OC. Just look at the state of ylyl threads; the same stale Facebook tier memes shared ad nauseum

Have a bump from me to you

Fucking bump.

double nigger.

ok i did it

There is nothing we can do about this because the threads that are the most popular and the most active are porn threads and they are created and viewed by Sup Forums users
Shutting them down would be similar to censorship

bump, did it as well

I've been here since 2007... But I haven't posted on Sup Forums in about 2 years.

I only come here for porn now, but I am quite active on other boards.

When I came in 2007, sure Sup Forums had OC, but it was just the same amount of porn as there is now.

Sup Forums is the gateway drug to the world of Sup Forums. try some other boards. The site and it's community is pretty great.

Sup Forums has always been shit tier and always will be. What you are feeling is only nostalgia.


They could be moved to a separate board, though

It's not so much the porn as the non-nude images of girls flooding this site and turning it into instagram.

we dont shut them down, we MOVE them to where they belong. which is /s/

fucking this. this shit is normie central. Cancer of smartphones leaking fucking EVERYWHERE cant fucking escape it on the internet.

Why don't we take porn threads...And PUSH THEM SOMEWHERE ELSE?!

Sup Forums is literally the containment board so the newfag cancer doesn't spread to other boards.

There is literally nothing to fix

Ok. Here's what you do.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click on "feedback". Explain POLITELY and ELOQUENTLY that you would like better moderation on Sup Forums because the flood of non-nude images of girls causes the board to stagnate. Do not be rude. Do not sperg out.

Everyone should do this. It will take you a few minutes tops. If you're not willing to do this, then you don't deserve a better Sup Forums.

Re-worded. Keep a thread like this up 24/7, Sup Forums

Not everything has to be solved with a raid

even normies can be fun sometimes, as long as they're not posting pictures of girls they know and asking what we would do to them (creepy shit, that)

But the most important thing about Sup Forums is that you are supposed to be able to post anything you want
If this is what Sup Forums users want then there's is nothing we can do

kill yourself with your shitty recycled argument
this board used to be the hub of OC now its Instagram Pasta

It's not what we want.

Nice trips, but you seem to have forgotten why /mlp/ was made

Trips guy is right, the market has spoken. If anything, Sup Forums needs LESS moderation. You know, like Somalia.

>b is random argument

Is it random when the same fucking threads are posted over and over? Those fb/ig/wwyd threads are full of the same boring pictures. they recreate entire threads daily. literally saying "dumping photos i saved from the last thread"

Sadly it seems it's what the majority of Sup Forums users want

You're an idiot. see:

Stop being this delusional you dumb fuck, Sup Forums has never ever being filled with OC

>HurrDurr muh Sup Forums is not wat it used to be

fuck you

It seems that way because posting 20 pictures takes less time than creating an oc image in photoshop, or writing out a well thought-out argument, or reading an interesting infographic before responding to it, or doing research on a question that was asked before answering it

I think a new board needs to be created just to contain all the things we are having problems with.
A new board just for "Facebook Sluts" "WWYD" "Insta Whores" and various other cancerous boards


I would like less of these whiny cry baby snowflake threads and more poon tang

good luck getting gookmoot to understand any of this. that slope is only in it for the shekles. Notice the captchas remain, ads remain, VIP passes remain, VIP board...linking to own boards...its pathetic.

Chinkzilla only views this site as a small yen-gen.

>implying the same traffic on a different board is somehow going to generate less ad revenue

> wants everyone to complain about porn
> don't sperg out

How fucking retarded are you?

Porn is awesome fuck you retarded donkey raping shit eating fags lol good luck losers, may as well go jerk off to your cartoon girlfriends :^)

Better moderation for all the furry/loli/homosex stuff
The homosexuality belongs on >>/hm/
The fur/gfur has a board where it should stay
And the loli is digusting just please remove, no containment board/ban for it more often
Facebook fap/ Dick r8/ Porn and diaper stuff theres boards for them too.
I think if the moderation was a little better and more threads breaking the rules were moved to >>/trash or deleted this place wouldnt be clogged with so much shit all the time.
Thanks for reading.

Also more door opening, more getting on the floor and more walking the dinosaur, also if you dont reply to this post your mother dies in her sleep tonight

You fucks realize the last feedback question to be answered was in 2015...

This site has been over for a long time, like fungus growing on a dead body.

after reading comments in this thread i concede that porn is not the issue, it's the non-nude image flooding.

most other boards are completely dead

It's not the porn, you guppy. It's the fucking bait, it's the Trump/Clinton bullshit, the whiteboi threads, the atheist can't explain...-threads. Get fucked, Lt. Autismo. Get some more psychedelics.

>And the loli is digusting just please remove, no containment board/ban for it more often

What are you? gay?

after reading comments in this thread i concede that porn is not the issue, it's the non-nude image flooding.

it won't be if you post your instagram shit in there

this is were you admit you don't even get out off Sup Forums
Keep your instagram shit to Sup Forums, don't go crossboarding just to post your low quality cancer

But they are you fucking retard.
Name one other fucking board that isn't slow as shit.

The site is dead. Get over it.

Or a SFW Sup Forums. That wont happen though since /vip/ was added. I can't believe people payed $20 for a Sup Forums pass.

Have you even heard the frase "quality over quantity" you fucking newfag? sure, it's takes a while to have a (you), but at least the same threads don't get spammed until it becomes obnoxious like everything posted on here,

Sup Forums moves pretty fucking fast. just saying. i go there a lot. i go to /gif/ when i wanna fap and Sup Forums when i wanna fap. cuz Sup Forums is literally a copy of other boards now.

>Sup Forums

the mods are doing a perfect job. if the porn stops then real interesting threads with diverse subjects might start popping up and the mods will actually start having to moderate instead of deleting 1-2 posts of cp once per month.

there is already a board for porn. most people here are not even aware of it.
Sup Forums is a containtment board don't you know?

This is what the board has become. Maybe someday it'll be different. What you want is a new board with its own rules. You want to destroy the basic premise of Sup Forums because you're scared you'll be the only autistic loser on your new censored not/b/

Moderation on every board has been pretty terrible, and as a result the quality of content on the entire site is crap. Some boards like Sup Forums are straight up unusuable.

The worst part is that Sup Forums just isn't fun any more.