Starting tomorrow igo on a 30 day water fast. how much fat can i loose?

starting tomorrow igo on a 30 day water fast. how much fat can i loose?

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all of it.

Not much cuz that's a shit way to drop weight


too much

is that you fat ass?

>lack the discipline to eat like a normal human being and not become obese
>thinks he can go through a 30 day water fast

if you can go through it you'll probably lose 30 lbs of fat and 50 lbs overall

really thats a bad idea... eat healthy and exercise... fasting is fucking stupid

You'll probably die.

Ketogenic is way easier, better, and better for you.

Implying 30 days of caloric deficit at this magnitued would not result in weight loss? And death

Nonchalance at the penis. Love you, Sup Forums.

U won't be able to do it, physically or mentally. If you want to go nuclear, watch Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, it's on Hulu and Netflix, the guy does a 60 day juice fast. It's put together really good.

niigga i been on a water fast for two weeks now it's too late for you to catch up should've started with the new year dumbass

You have to be in ketosis first, else you won't lose any fat at all.

You might lose about 2-5kg but not much.
I lost 13kg in 2 months by halving my daily recommended calorie intake (about 1100cal) and walked for 1 hour and rode my bike for 1 hour each day.

Get off your fucking ass, lardshit amerifat.

Eat fruits and vegetables, lean protein, limit processed food, meals should be 2.5 g of fat or below. Get off Sup Forums and exercise

This. Do some fucking exercise and eat your veggies. No point in starving yourself.

you get into ketosis after 2 days of fasting dude

Eat less, and more often. Eat really slow when at home, youll feel full faster. Lots of fruits. If situation lets you eat at the
same hours every day. If you eat at home try eating blindfolded (not trolling - study shows you feel full much earlier this way and consequently eat less. Google first calories calc and see whats high in calories and whats not. With some finesse its easy to eat your fill and have low calories intake (might be more expensive than the usual shit though). And lastly but most important - dont be like nearly 100% of retards out there - when you hit whatever mark you set for yourself dont go banzai and head straight to kfc to celebrate you stupid fat fuck. Diet works as long as you keep it. You might adjust it a little, ease up here and there slowly if youre happy with yourself, but going back where you came from wont leave your body nice and slim. May sound hard but its actually pretty easy so long as you being fat aint medical condition.
Source: me

How about you go on a food fast instead, fatty.

How do i put my body into ketosis? Not op btw

>ou hit whatever mark you set for yourself dont go banzai and head straight to kfc to celebrate you stupid fat fuck. Diet works as long as you keep it. You might adjust it a little, ease up here and there slowly if youre happy with yourself, but going bac

Sure starve yourself for 30 days, that won't put your body in survival mode with the result of your metabolism slowing down at all.
This is a stupid way to try to lose weight by the way.

Sure you do. Good luck fatso, you're going to need it.

By not eating at all. Worst 'diet' ever. Guaranteed bounce back in weight, later on plus a few pounds extra

studys say that fasting is better then calorie restriction, since when you it nothing the metabolism goes up not down in order to burn fat for energy and conserve muscle mass. if you eat a little everyday on the other hand the metabolism goes down and ajust to the calories you still eat every day without burning the fat

You stop eating carbs.
Basically, you want to eat less than 25g carbohydrates per day, preferably less than a 10g. That means no rice or bread or pasta, but all the eggs and bacon you want.

Have you ever read some of the accounts of people who went on hunger strikes?
After a while, the stomach stops working properly, some of them even died while trying to get back on food.

what does your cock have to do with this? Why do you keep doing this?

dude you won't last thirty days don't be stupid. you can however water fast 1 day a week, that will produce results.


this is only for people that do hunger strikes and are thin, if you are obesed over 50 pounds overeight nothing will happen

here take another one

you've got a nice cock for a fat guy though.

Husky dad bods with such a girthy cock is my guilty pleasure. You eat coot like a champ and pound away with all your might, like I'm the only hot cunt you're going to have for a while. WInwin situation. Plus cuddles are nice and you always get food for us. Best fuckbuddy I had looked similar, bit less tub but husky with a thick af chode. Plus he was a stoner always gave me great bud too.
wouldn't date but def fuck.

gl OP

Water fast? You'll probably die after a day due to dehydration.

you a girl? if so kik me for pics at erikalfonso. iam a virgin though 35 yo cause of small dick

It's also better for you

water fast mmeans you only consume water, some tea, broth for electrolytes and vitamin c pill

I've heard of doctors doing this for their patients, but they make you drink water with supplements in it.

Maybe talk to a doctor before doing this?

Oh so user could eat 5000 calories of bacon and sausage per day and still lose weight because he didnt put it on a biscuit? Fucking dumb

Enjoy your scurvy

>might, like I'm the only hot cunt you're going to have for a while. WInwin situation. Plus cuddles are nice and you always get food for us. Best fuckbuddy I had looked similar, bit less tub but husky with a thick af chode. Plus he was a stoner always gav
yes thtats the way since you dont store calories if no insulin is secreted, please watch the lectures on youtube of dr jason fung oder david ludwig form harvard

it isn't small though, to me anyway. decent girth.
nah sorry dude not into guys over 30, tbh. Seen plenty of it here, bot all that into your chode. Just sayin its nice.

Of course that isn't a girl, you fucking retard


This post is confusing is fuck, who are you quoting?

Another common fear is that fasting equals starvation, which is not true. First of all, starvation is a forced situation that you have no control over whereas fasting is optional. You have complete control. Many also believe they cannot or should not fast because it will send their body into "starvation mode" — a situation where the body starts holding on to fat rather than burning it off.

"What they're talking about is where the body's metabolism starts to slow down so significantly that instead of burning 2,000 calories a day, your body might burn 1,000 calories a day. In that case, even if you're eating only 1,500 calories a day, for example, you're going to gain your weight back. That's actually what happens when you reduce your calories. We know that … as you cut your calorie intake, your calorie expenditure goes down as well.
Starvation mode actually is guaranteed if you just try and cut your calories. But what's interesting is that fasting doesn't do that. What happens during fasting is that … after four days of fasting, the basal metabolic rate is actually 10 percent higher than when you started. The body has not shut down at all. In fact, what it's done is it switched fuel sources. It switched from burning food to burning [body] fat. Once it's burning [body] fat, it's like, 'Hey, there's plenty of this stuff. Let's burn our 2,000 calories'…"

This is also why fasting tends to increase energy opposed to leaving you feeling drained. If you're overweight and lethargic, fasting helps unlock all that energy already lodged in your body that you previously had no access to. Fasting forces your body to start accessing those stores of energy, and once that happens, your body suddenly has a near unlimited supply of energy!Fasting also helps improve other biochemical systems in your body. There's interplay of hormonal systems like the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), AMPK, leptin and IGF-1 — all of which are optimized in the right direction when fasti

Insulin is the primary hormone that tells your body whether to store energy or burn it. When you eat, you're taking calories in and insulin goes up. Higher levels of insulin signal your body to store energy. When insulin falls, it tells your body to release energy. When you develop insulin resistance, your insulin levels remain chronically elevated, hence your body is in constant fat-storing mode.

Without the signal to burn energy, you end up feeling tired and sluggish. You have plenty of fuel available, but it's all "locked away" in your fat cells, and it will remain unavailable until your body receives the appropriate signal — a drop in insulin. This is also why it's so difficult to lose weight when you are insulin resistant.

The key to breaking this cycle is to have sustained low insulin for periods of time, and this is why fasting can be so tremendously beneficial. Fasting lowers insulin more powerfully than any other strategy, which then allows the stored energy (body fat) to be used again.

You're fucking dense and have no understanding of the human body.

The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than one consumes. A calorie is a calorie, no matter what the macros are.

Eat Less. Cut your calories. Watch your portion size. Those form the foundation of conventional weight loss advice over the last 50 years. And it’s been an utter disaster, perhaps only topped by the nuclear meltdown of Chernobyl. This advice is all based on a false understanding of what causes weight gain.

Why don’t we ever consider the critical question of “What causes obesity?” We believe that we already know the full answer. It seems so obvious, doesn’t it? We think that excessive intake of calories causes obesity. We think that this is a caloric imbalance. Too many ‘calories in’ compared to too few ‘calories out’ leads to weight gain. This Calorie Balance model of obesity has been drilled into us since childhood.

Fat Gained = Calories in – Calories Out

The underlying, unspoken premise is that these are independent variables fully under conscious control. This completely ignores the multiple overlapping hormonal systems that signal hunger and satiety. This further assumes that basal metabolism remains stable and unchanging.

But these assumptions are known to be incorrect. Basal metabolic rate can adjust up or down by forty percent. Restriction of calories invariably leads to a reduction in metabolism, ultimately defeating weight loss efforts.

For the last 50 years, we have unquestioningly followed this ‘Caloric Reduction as Primary’ program. Dietary fat, being high in calories were restricted. We made food guides, food pyramids, and food plates to indoctrinate children into this brand new low-calorie religion. ‘Cut your calories’ was hymn of the day. “Eat Less, Move More!” we chanted.

Nutrition labels were mandated to include calorie counts. Programs and apps were created to more precisely count calories.

We invented small appliances like Fitbits to measure exactly how many calories we were burning. Using all of the ingenuity that makes us human, focused like a laser beam, and dogged as a turtle crossing a road, we cut calories. What was the result? Did the problem of obesity simply fade away like the morning mist on a hot summer day?

The results could hardly have been worse if we had tried. The storm of obesity and type 2 diabetes started in the late 1970’s and today, some forty years later, it has become a global Category 5 hurricane, threatening to engulf the entire world.

What went wrong?

Only two possibilities can explain how obesity could spread so rapidly in the face of this shiny new advice to reduce fat and calories. Perhaps the ‘Caloric Reduction as Primary’ advice is simply wrong. The second possibility is that this advice was good, but people simply were not following it. The spirit was willing but the flesh was weak.

This is the game called, “Blame the Victim”. This shifts the blame from the advice giver (the advice is bad) to the advice taker (the advice is good, but you are not following it). Was the entire obesity epidemic simply a sudden, simultaneous, coordinated, worldwide lack of willpower? The world can barely agree upon which side of the road we should drive, but yet, without discussion we all decided to eat more and move less?

By declaring that their scientifically unproven caloric reduction advice was flawless, doctors and nutritionists could conveniently shift the blame from themselves to you. It wasn’t their fault. It was yours. No wonder they loved this game so much! To admit that all their precious theories of obesity were simply incorrect was too psychologically difficult. Yet evidence continued to accumulate that this new caloric restriction strategy was about as useful as comb to a bald man.

Nothing of that copy and paste makes my statement false. Burn more than consumed equal weight loss. Thats not even up for debate. Your shit pasta touches on HOW calries are burned and at what rate.

All of that is to say, like my original post can't consume 5000 calories of sausage a day and lose weight unless you are expending enough energy to burn it. It woild be the same with 5k of rice cakes, oatmeal, sugar water or fucking doughnuts.

So long as you do it right...
> essential vits and minerals
> dextrose tablets for fundamental energy
> a basic minimum level of exercise, go out for a short walk 3 times a day
..... then you'll lose all of it

> You'll still need surgery afterwards though, all that loose skin will look even worse than the fat does

These arguments are emotion based and begging the question though. If the calorie model doesn't work, what does?

Not gonna lie, OP, I'd suck your dick.


youre going to die first

bhole pic?

its also better for your health

It's also physically better


For anyone trying to lose weight just start running/walking and cut out sugar and aim for a 70% vegetarian diet


No idea but I want to suck your cock.