Whats up boys ? Lets talk. How is your life going ?

Whats up boys ? Lets talk. How is your life going ?

Are you fags all in trap threads ?

like so. u?

My job application got rejected today

not bad, not good. its okay

what kind of job was it and what was their excuse ?

Not so bad. Work is picking up, got a few days off until this weekend, get paid tomorrow. Depending whats going on saturday I might go hit the bar for some drinks friday.

Sounds pretty good actually. Drink a beer for me tomorrow.

I'll do you one better and drink some whiskey for you. My first drink will be dedicated to your honor.

Work is okay, college is okay.
Again talking to a girl I liked before, some feeling might be coming back. Dunno how to feel about it.
Weekend's coming, bout to drop some e.
Life has been better, has been worse.

Ah, I forgot something. Besides work going pretty good I start college next week. Got class two days a week, going for a millwright cert. What are you in college for?

You made me proud user, thank you. You are a good man.

1- Stay away from drugs, drugs are bad.
2- Stay away from girls, girls are worse.

Could be better, but I'm working on it. How's your life going, OP?

I'm studying law.

Pretty much the same user. Its been better, its been worse. But "standard" is okay I guess.

Deppresion seems to be low again and dont have suicidal thaughts. I may even go get pot for tomorrow. so yeah

Oh. You're not trying to be a lawyer are you?

Pretty good for me at the moment. I started writing my Master's Thesis in October and since I have a whole year to write it and I'm also a lazy fuck I can finally relax a little bit.
On the other hand my best friend is suicidal and I have no idea how to help him.

I don't even know what I'm doing anymore, I'm so fucking frustrated.

People are weird, they/we get used to things after some time. Doesnt matter if its the worst thing that could happen, time just makes you get used to it.

Just got promoted to bar manager. So I'm doing kinda good. Started to work out more, body starting to shape up good. Only thing left is to get a girl I guess. Broke up with my ex 2 years ago.

My first goal is to be a judge but if i cant do that being a lawyer is my only choice. Why, dont you like lawyers?

Ive got a really bad cough actually and im slowly recoving from flu, ive got really bad asthma so im constantly out of breath and its been like that for the last few days so its been really shitty actually but thanks for asking user, how are you?

finally getting back on my feet while indulging in degeneracy. feels slightly betterman

What frustrates you, user?

It depends. I'm not a fan of court appointed lawyers, my experience with them hasnt been great. Paid lawyers are usually pretty good though, they depend on their clients to get paid rather than the state.

got a promotion at work, but under the minimum legal lever for such a promotion.

Don't know if I go full beta and stfu or talk to RH :/
I'm affraid if I don't do a thing my wife will see me as weak

One of my good friends killed himself 4 years ago, and I still think about him like every 2-3 days. Dont let him do that. For him and your own good.

You make the best of what you can

Sounds great user. I am happy for you.

finished my semester, life as a student is k I guess. wanted to go work (uber) but didn't have battery on phone, now I'm waiting for it to charge
so yeah

career been declining.. less pay today than 5 years ago.. It-manager down to local fucking support helping potatos with their fucking iphones.. Yeah its going super

I've been working on being a bit more social and things always go down hill. I feel like trash and shit all the time but I'm constantly being a buffer for other peoples feelings and shit.
It's just been such a long time since I was myself around someone.

My dad is 84 I have to wipe his ass everyday, I love him so much

Eh, my sales job is good, I just hate sales. I'd like to go back to school for carpentry or electric but I don't want to drive around in a van, I want a workshop.

In short I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm not going back to sales or restaurant work.

Life is stagnant. I'm 28, reasonable career (tax inspector), own my own home, got a decent car and I'm married to a woman I love - but besides having kids, really what else is there? It's just like there's this constant gnawing at the back of my mind just wondering on the purpose in everything.

I just don't feel happy or satisfied.

Well thank you sir.

I'm doing good user, thanks. I hope you get well soon.

did the same to my grand pa before he passed away. got to do it, but you'll be proud later you'll see


I feel ya bro, im , I'm 30, I'll be married within the year and inheriting the Grandparents house. I want more but no idea what to do.

in a bad place right now Sup Forums

>be me
>father of 3
>got in awful divorced
>ex gets almost full custody
>ex looking for housekeeper
>forced to become trap to see my kids

something that could benefit the humankind?

It does make me feel good in a way

Paid lawyers actually give a fuck about their jobs. If I can not be a judge I'll try that. I dont want to be a state lawyer.

keep on :) I wish I could have spend more time with my old man

Good on you user

Go talk to RH user, you wouldnt lose anything. Dont mind your wife if you ask me. I mean she is your wife. She wouldnt think like that.

Sure, why not, I have no idea what path to take, or even how to get there.


I just don't know what to do that could make a difference for him. He has started therapy and is taking his medications because he already tried it without them and that didn't work out well. Now he's just completely irrelevant about anything and anyone. There was this one moment when I cried before him and told him that he is all I got in life and I could see in his eyes that he rationally cared but was unable to feel anything.
He just feels completely disconnected to this world in every regard, now even more than ever. How can you help someone like that?

It's quite ok. My study bores me to death. Should not have chosen English Master. Anyways, only 3 semesters to go then I'll leave this place. Currently dating a girl. She is nice and beautiful though a bit distanced. Third date coming on saturday. She teased a bit via instant messages so I guess something might happen.

I dont know what you can do man. But you should try. You should just make him sit and tell him that things will be fine but if it doenst you will always be there for him. Just make him know that you are more than a regular friend for him. That way he will know that someone actually cares about him. Believe me, you dont want to sit alone and drink untill you pass out thinking about the brother you lost.

fuck her right in the pussy

I ended up rolling my ankle this week playing raquetball. Doctor's looking into eval on whether i'll need surgery since this is like the 7th time i've done it

I'll do my very best, Sir!

>23 years old
>Work is physically exhausting, walk up to 20km each day carrying 15kg while twisting my knees and back back and forth
>Problems with knees and back due to work
>Doctors wont even look into it
>Will keep working till i find something else
>Have a hard time to fall asleep and stay asleep
>0-5 hours of sleep each night
>Always tired
>Usually end up having sleep paralysis when i wake up in the nights preventing me from sleeping
>Live in the middle of nowhere
>No friends within 150km radius
>No GF

Life could be better but at least i have a job, right?

I'll definitely try everything I can.
Hopefully I'll find the right words in the right moment.

what the hell is raquetball

For the first time in 20 years I hit my wife . She got a black eye and a broken tooth. I feel like a monster.

Everything is shit but I'm coping.

Sad for you mate. Maybe you should think about finding a different job.

Yes. But I think you deserve more. Tell me what do you carry?

My father beat my mother sometimes when I was a child. I always dremaed about killing him growing up. I still hate him for that. Dont do that shit again.

>Life could be better but at least i have a job, right?

These are the lies they feed you. You deserve more than that.

Kinda meh tbh. All I seem to do is work. Only place I seem to go is work. Only women I fuck are from where I work.

I've kind of done it to myself though. I had a vehicle but got rid of it because it had too many problems. Now I live a 10 min walk from where I work, and to save money and time I just have my groceries delivered through Amazon.

I'm really hoping to move up from hourly to salary this year, and at that time I'll probably buy a car. But man, my days off are kind of a bummer.

I'd have people come to me but my apartment is a dump. I need to fix it up and get some good furniture, but I was hoping to pay off all my credit debt before that.

Getting ready for an interview with the Japanese Consulate for the JET program soon, and thinking of alternatives in case I blow it. Otherwise, staying in shape and trying to figure out ways to further improve myself.

I can forget about ever having kids and/or getting married though.

This is true

>Will keep working till i find something else
Don't wanna go in to details but it is a tool that i need to swing back and forth
I might deserve more but right now what i deserve is not available so i guess i will just have to keep going till new opportunities show up

dubs of truth
Not saying you shouldn't have a job but goddamn you need real friends.

>I can forget about ever having kids and/or getting married though.
Why is that senpai?

I've exams coming up in 1 week and did jackshit. I'm afraid to write them and fail. I just need 3 exams to pass to get my B.Sc. but I struggle. Hard. They are not the kind of exams you just can learn in few days and pass.

Pretty much same

Graduated uni/college just last month....at age 27. Before then, I had a pretty rough life (for the most part) between high school and now, so I'm pretty much too poor to afford a wife or kids. Not that it matters anyway; women don't even give me a second look, and most of my friends (and almost all of my family) have been stepping out of my life, so I'm pretty much on my own.

The best I can do now for sex/enjoyment is get VR, get some vids of pic related, and play MMORPGs.

My cock smells like a chicken and I find it hard to get a erection despite being 23.

Then what the fuck are you doing here? Get off your ass! You can still do it, believe me.

>women don't even give me a second look, and most of my friends (and almost all of my family) have been stepping out of my life, so I'm pretty much on my own.
And why is that senpai? Are you not /fit/ and/or an unlikeable cunt?

>The best I can do now for sex/enjoyment is get VR, get some vids of pic related, and play MMORPGs.
For me that was a great way to not remember jack shit of what I did over the years.

try new kind of porn
>grab your dick and "play with it" while scrolling through different pics/vids

try /gif, /s, /h, /d

>cock smells like a chicken
stop eating spices and stuff and eat more fruit, also shower properly

I'm definitely /fit/ (6'0" and about 154 lbs), and the few friends who stick around like me (especially Japanese ones). I just don't know why women in general don't even want to be around me. But, I'm coming to terms with it.

>VR...not remembering things
Beats drugs. I promised DARE, the 4H Club, and the Power Rangers I'd never touch the stuff. Still haven't.

If the smell doesn't come from fucking a chicken then you should maybe see a doctor. Or take a shower.
You could try not watching porn at all for some time. Really worked for me after 1-2 weeks.

wubba dubba lub rub