How to get gf like this?

how to get gf like this?


you can't if you ain't a dyke

jack off a rhino for 6 months

Go to gym. Ask every guy you see on a date.


Be a total sissy and let her dominate you.

>To start, get a fat GF
>Next, emotionally break her down
>Once she is completely broken
>Which is easy cause she's a fat fuck
>Force an extreme diet and workout regime on her
>Continually reinforcing the emotional subjugation
>Constantly remind her that no one wants to be with her
>Except you love her
>You are the only one who does
>Or will ever love her
>If she drifts from her diet, which she will, see aforementioned fat fuck status
>Break her down further with physical abuse
>Also, make diet and workout regime more extreme

With this tried and true method you can take any disgusting land whale and mold them into a good fit cunt in 2 months tops.
10/10 would recommend.
Works 100% of the time, every time.

First of all, you need a girl
Lock her in your basement, feed her proteins, steroids and rare candy for about half a year

Tried this with anorexic gf didn't work can't be with them all the time they'll relapse

Commit a felony and go to prison. All the dudes there look like this chick.

you dont

im a total sissy, what do i do now?

That's why you need to lock them up first

Just be gay, find the closest jacked dude, then let him fuck you. Girls that look like this might as well be dudes

1) Pick something up
2) Put that thing back down
3) Repeat until you look like that

nope girls like that just look like that. I don't see the connection with dudes

Literally go to the gym. Find a basic routine and follow it.

Its only natural for a dude to be anywhere near this jacked. Girls have to work extremely hard to achieve this. Most of the time unnaturally. Its not attractive at all. If i liked huge muscles, id be gay

Nigga, neither chick posted is even that jacked.

Literally no. This girl is running gear. Ain't nothing wrong with it if she's being smart (ie: monitoring bloods, eating right, running well known dose protocols).

Step1: Find a girl who is dedicated to shit
Step2: Feed her Anavar
Step3: Take Tren so you can keep up with her trying to fuck the doorknobs off of doors cause her box is going to get all sorts of horned up.

How is it natural for a dude? It requires the same effort from both

Then she might as well become a bat or flying squirrel with all that loose skin

Jesus christ. You fucking neckbeared normies are so ignorant to how bodies actually work.

The prospect of doing this make me kinda hard.

Its much more natural for a male to have this as males testosterone levels are much higher, much easier to get jacked

She's obviously a gym rat. Gym rats only date other gym rats. Go live in the for a year or two until you are buff enough to be noticed. Good luck with that....

Did you link to me by accident or something? You just go to the gym, workout, and as you get stacked they'll either start coming to you, or you have the perfect ice breaker to start chatting her up. It's a known fact that chicks like to fuck after working out too.

This dude gets it

Tried this. It's been 3 years.

I don't give a fuck this is 10/10

Look nigger, OP wanted solutions, I gave a fucking solution.
You expect a Sup Forums NEET to just go out and find a nice fit cunt?
They need to follow my simple solution, deal with the shortfalls and be grateful.


Would you like to suck her tranny dick as well?


and she is still fat

When chicks are that jacked they dont even have tits anymore , just rock hard pecs. A body that resembles everything of a dudes. Just come out of the closet already

I'm not surrendering

Buy her a strapon and grab your ankles. You're getting snu-snu'd son.

Let her dominate you





Sofia, Chile.

this guy speaks the truth, i've done this numerous times, once done properly you get a loyal cock warmer.

hit the gay bar

>get huge
>get shredded
>have an online persona
>go to expos, events and workshops
>chat up fitchicks on insta and irl at events