Decided to install Tinder to see what the hype is all about

>Decided to install Tinder to see what the hype is all about
>match with this 7.5/10 qt
>We message each other back and forth for a few hours
>I finally ask her for her phone number
>she gives it to me
>we text back and forth for a couple of more hours
>I decided to look her up on facebook to see more pictures of her
>After hours of searching (she has a pretty common first and last name) I finally find her profile
>I stumble across a post that she made several days ago talking about her 'baby daddy' and how he's never around.
>Start looking through some of her pictures
>Come across a picture of her holding not just one niglet, but TWO!
>I stared at her profile and screamed nigger lover for a good 5 minutes

She's the only attractive girl that has ever given me so much attention, yet she's a fucking nigger lover. Have I been cursed by god? What did I do to deserve this? I wanted to start up a relationship but that's not going to happen now, so should I just meet her for lunch and try to fuck her a couple of times or just cut off all contact and move on with my life?

What should I do Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sup Forums
Wrong board, Sup Forumstard.

Second, ask her what's up with her facebook profile. Don't be scared about asking her. If she gets cold feet, she's not worth it man.
That's all I can really give.

Just be careful, she might cuck you. Or she's a catfish. Just watchout, user. Godspeed.

My gf dated a black guy before me, never had a baby with him, but I'm not an insecure faggot so I could care less.

I'm a black dude. Been with white gf for like 5 years. What's the big deal? You afraid her pussy gonna be stretched out or what? Help me understand this occasion

>What's the big deal?
also he doesn't want to be cucked into raising another mans children.

Found the nigger

Niggers are this stupid

honestly go fuck yourself right back to Sup Forums

That isn't any evidence against my answer.
Aids is still the main reason.

>What should I do Sup Forums?

copypastaing this hard

AIDS lol. I been fucking the and chick for years. This shit meme of blacks having AIDS is stale

but john
you are the niggers

this attitude helps most black guys. git gud and stop worrying about dick size and color

>Being a cuckold
>Going for single women
Found the cuck

no one wants a mudshark unless you have zero standards

But I make 100k a year and I have a big pee pee. Plus I don't need sunscreen. Problem?

>I been fucking the and chick for years.
I actually had to get help to decipher what the fuck you are trying to say.
have you been fucking the same black chick for years or multiple?

In a sense you hit the genetic lottery. Colored folk have never been more popular worldwide then right now. Bask in your good fortune my negroid friend. Btw the BBC meme is stale af too and is Jewish propaganda.

phone auto corrects. I have been fucking the same white chick for years. I get the while AIDS meme thing supposedly bring funny, but all the white girls I've dated don't care about that. Literally no girls in college turned me down. They see a regular dude with a big cock. Leads me to believe it is a white guy obsession, one most normies don't have.

Like why worry about fake memes and others' dick size?

Gtfo normie

Its prolly God trying to tell you something user

I'm a white male, 32, and recently had some pretty drastic changes in my life, I was considering installing tinder but I feel like I might be too old for it. What do you think?

The aids thing isn't supposed to be funny in communities populated with a larger concentration of black people stds have in the past been found to be more common.

>They see a regular dude with a big cock. Leads me to believe it is a white guy obsession, one most normies don't have.
>Like why worry about fake memes and others' dick size?
I don't care about your dick, I haven't said a fucking thing about it - yet you said three separate sentences with regards to it entirely unprovoked.

I am not worried about anything.


KYS, no one will ever love you

>I don't need sunscreen
black people die from skin cancer too, melanin does not make you immune to radiation

it's what Bob Marley died from, in fact

1 out of 2 African Americans will die having stage 1 or stage 2, HIV or AIDS, weather they know it or not b.c. of incubation period. Sauce= health class.

Trumpcuck lies and faggotry...suck more orange dick you nigger faggot.

don't do it man you'll catch something

wow you must be really stupid, since you school was such utter shit

seriously, where are they filling kids heads with lies that OBVIOUS?

CDC has number of HIV+ population in the ENTIRE US to be about 1.2 million.

There are 42 million black people in the US.

Don't bother doing the math, just keep quiet you fucking retard.

post a real sauce

I don't have it. I'm good.

Well, thinking you're cursed because you met a girl who's not a racist piece of shit like yourself, maybe you have been cursed. With stupidity.

motivated by what? If anything, racist shitheads would lie that blacks CAN'T get skin cancer, so they're more likely to die of it when they think they're immune.

Is your health class in the GOOD OL' SOUTH?


Those are known cases, the issue is with unknown. Thats how you stop the spread. Plus hes right 1 in two niggs gets aids. Do the math bro 2 nigs plus 1 aids leavs u with 1 nigs

>this is what happens when Republicans cut public education

They LITERALLY oppose the teaching of critical thinking in their party platform, and now we see why.

>I don't need sunscreen

Yeah, my black friend said that when he went boating with us at the lake. Then he got sunburned as fuck after being in the summer sun all day with his shirt off. Black people still need sunscreen.

Yes, you are too old for it

Lol, first off, the same research consistently shows avowed racial prejudices are more common among blacks...which would help explain that graph.

what is the tindr age limit then? my 35yo buddy fucking cleans up on it.

>Not a racist piece of shit
>that means having two kids with fucking niggers who SURPRISE aren't in the picture any more

Is any sane person seriously not racist in 2017?

black people are born the way they are, whereas racists actively pursue communities of diminished intelligence to make themselves feel included.

Socially, racism is a much better indicator of diminished intelligence than race is.
>which is why decent people avoid you in public

>black people are born the way they are,
so they are born with their "kill all da white babies" nonsense?

btw, nice job trying to paint one race as somehow purer than the rest.

>4 points across all races taken no account of disparity in racial responses to racism question is greater than 15 points across the board

You fucking wot m8?

>so many assumptions
you should try concentrating on what you're reading and ignoring all those voices in your head

>Socially, racism is a much better indicator of diminished intelligence than race is.
actual racism is, mentioning differences of ethnic groups philosophies over time and the beneficial or detrimental effects over time is not racist.

tldr; acknowledging differences between races without favoring any isn't racist

They're born that way guise! That's why decent people avoid them in public.

>getting confused by made up numbers with no source

you're right, too bad every person on the planet is driven by their emotional unconscious and not the logical rationalizations they've latched onto to justify those feelings.

two parts of the same comment

>numbers with no source

>still no source



>>Decided to install Tinder

That's where you fucked up user. How degenerate are you?
Go to church, confess, repent, get your life right with the Lord and He will give you qt that will be a good wife and take care of your children.

"More than 1.2 million people in the US are living with HIV, and 1 in 8 of them don't know it"

If the people don't know they have aids then how does the CDC know how many cases there are?

Then it says "1,216,917 people have been diagnosed with AIDS."

Seems they can't keep the story straight.

Also says African Americans represented 12% of the US population, but accounted for 45% of HIV diagnoses

Rationality does not suit humanity. The ideal I seek I would need to build from the ground up myself.

I tried it around that age and still got several matches. Never bothered to pursue though.

Your rating of her is probably overvalued because your an aspie who gets 0 female attention.
No white woman who is worth a fuck goes anywhere near niggers. You found a basic bitch just looking for a provider.


you deserve to be alone for being a racist piece of shit

I'm 40 I don't have any problem finding matches and hooking up. I guess it realy depends where you live tho. I live in a major city. And how good you look.

>Still not acknowledging science

See also:
>Charles Murray, The Bell Curve
>Richard Lynn, Race Differences in Intelligence
>Literally every single large sample IQ entrance test performed in the US over the last century.

Do I have to do everything for you, jigaboo? I already support your 6 kids with my tax money. Now how about you find one test. ONE. Anywhere that shows American whites and American Blacks with the same IQ.

>could care less
>not insecure
that's not how English works my friend

as for OP:
don't expect anything other than a crazy fuck from tinder. Of you want a relationship, stay far away from it.

>citing shit that's been publicly debunked for decades

then you need to start with killing yourself

maybe you'll be brought back as something rational

until then, I wouldn't trust whatever plan you've come up with

>Suddenly OK with lack of citations

Still waiting on that test faggot.

In the meantime, here why don't you read up on what the rest of the rational world already knows:

I said it suited humanity and it does, as a whole.
Individuals are a different story. At least I am rational enough to understand the meaning and context behind all of my prior statement.

Still waiting on that intelligence test with racially equal results user...still waiting...
[spoiler]because it doesn't exist[/spoiler]

Any child she has with you will never resemble her in any way. It's hard to understand why a woman would do that.

aww youre insecure. you need a safe space