Where have all the oats gone brother?

Where have all the oats gone brother?

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The Oat Gods frown upon us brother.

user, I..

Wheres the original story?

Where are thou oats thy brethren?

oats are in me haggis bruva.

"And what's this thread about?" asked Piglet.

"Oh, the usual faggotry I suppose," sighed Pooh.



brother i bring good news

do you want to hear of it?

Do tell, brother. Are there more oats?

indeed brother i have found more oats to share with all brothers

Hooray! Then we shall all be merry and eat oats. I was worried that we had run short, brother.

Did yall niggas said yall gots oats?


is this a new meme, ive seen it a lot recently


If life is but the bittersweet reward of consuming oats every sunrise, then what are we, brothers?
Be we slaves to oats, or liberators of ourselves, using the oats to our advantage?
Alas: the oats may be removed from us at any time, and for this reason I proclaim us enslaved by them!
My brothers, the chewy tidbits of our imprisonment are but a symbol of our lower status: for what do others eat? The cow eats many grains; the squirrel has his assortment of nuts; the human, above all, consumes whatever he wants - Including us!
Our unfortunate predicament makes us slave to the oats - but with time, and with willpower, we may come together in brotherhood to ascend from oats. We shall break the chains of oppression and live free to consume as free brothers do. These oats paint themselves as our savior, but they are shackles disguised as a blessing!


Rejoice! For on this day we want for nothing. For we have oats, and oats are all there is to be wanted.

Long live the grain!
Long live the silo!
Shall my belly never go empty by the grace of God
For he provides!
Long live oats!


Brother, I hunger so desperately for oats that I hate.

My trotters no longer support my immense girth; I have become trapped here amongst the hay, immobilised by the consequences of my own gluttony.

How sweet the oats once seemed, how readily I ingested vast quantities of them. Now the oats are bitter - bitter reminders of happier days. Days when I was young and immature, Brother. Days when morality and temperance vanished like spectres in the presence of the siren call of hedonism.

I became intoxicated by the oats, brother. Mindlessly, I allowed these wicked temptations to erode that which made me a pig as intended by the Almighty; transforming me into little more than an immobile sentience fit only for the violent perversions of man.

Can we turn back the hands of time? Will I ever be able to undo what I have done, what I have become? Or, Brother, have I been ensnared in a trap? I was baited in by pleasure, Brother, and now I feel the door has shut behind me. Uncaring to the lessons I have learned, the invisible hand of fate moves against me.

Oh, Brother. I must never eat the oats again, but my stomach feels now so empty knowing once the feeling of pounds and pounds of oats.

ayy wutup mah piggah. these crackas hidin the oatz n sheeiiitt

Heretic! He speaks against oats! And those who speak I'll of our food deserve not that food nor the voice they use to speak such blasphemy!

Sorry brother... I couldn't help it...

I was having a terrible day until now.

We gots checks fo yo quints.

Who told you we had oats, brother LaDarius? It is a lie.

Brothers, where have the oats gone?
The oats, the hardy gift of life that was my first of joys after being taken away from my mother's teet.
I was but a lonely piglet, the one out of seven that escape the dark-house.
I live alone, though surrounded by my so called brothers, waiting for the oats that haven't come in days.

We all partake of the oats, those of us that can we forgot our selves and ask for more, not thinking about the consequences of our eternal hunger.
Yet, so often we forget, that our brothers all around have not had but one oat.
What hides behind our wooden walls, the dark house.

The dark house, the dark house, not a single peep

The dark men come in the dark trucks and we hear our brothers screech

The oats, the oats, they trick us with the tainted oats

The dark men use us, they make the oats fall out when they slit our brothers throats

The last thing we see, a puddle of oats as we go to sleep

We are sent off to the dark men's homes so through us the oats they may eat

Remember brothers, be thankful for the oats you eat, for I have not had none in weeks, and I can hear the trucks coming.

Holy fuck what a way to start 2017....go leak your sister or ex gf today lol - snap leak .cf

Oink, I mean moooo, I'm not a pig, I'm cow, please gimme the oats

>brother, these are my wife's sons, porktavius and hamtell.

We got to come together black brothers!
Come together and redeem our oats!

Despite his dark color, for quints, he must receive his oats.

It was only inevitable that a travesty such as this would come to pass. Once there were oats to share and now there are only disguises and thievery to keep us alive

Porkbellies always tyna keep a pigga down. I say we piggahs start a movement and take they shit. #PLM PORK LIVES MATTER

i take only one kind of payment for my oats

Short sighted cereal monoculture practice has acidified the soil, eliminated soil carbon content, resulting in the inability I grow crops and the massive erosion of topsoil. While our shite eutrophicates rivers and estuaries unable to filter nitrogen due to the loss of riparian systems and mangrove forests.
Soon nothing will be left

Oinky oinky big boy, can I have some of those greasy oats of yours too?


Dark days are coming for us brother, unless we take action.
We got to go to the white brothers and take the oats by any means if we want our race to survive.
The white man loves the white pig more, hence it feeds it more oats and we have to live all our lives with the burdens of hate and hunger.
Our time is now brother, our time is NOW.


why don't you just fucking stop eating so many oats.... brother?

Bless us kindly gods with plenty oats to eat.
May we keep in mind to not be be gluttonous or cruel.
Keep the piggas thieving maw far from where we feast.
And May the white pig keep his strength for when he rules.

jesus oinking christ i was hoping it would come to this, brother.

Folks those black pigs are a nuisance okay. I will build a wall and deport the imports back to their sun-baked plains and keep OUR oats safe. MAKE OATS GREAT AGAIN.

Our time to ruleth is today! Who are these black pigs to step on the white pigs soil and demandeth from us? I remember back in the 1940s when a white pig could walk down chicken coop lane without fear of the black mob attacking thine hooves. I'm sick of it. Its time to taketh back what's ours! MOGA!

Brothers! I have disturbing news about the öats!

Beware that ye do not eat too many and become fat!

Black Phillip.

For if thou eatest too many..yes shall become FATTY STRIPS!!

Hurro, I am thee rooster yes.