Overdone bullshit OP
Why dont you make your own conte-

This game is so stup

>being that 2012
haven't seen one of these in a w-

don't worry user-chan I've got my katana and i can deflect bul......

Nothing happens. Stop digging for attention.

This is just b-

Fucking faggots all of y

I don't get it, what's the point of this thre-

Fuck off, this sniper shit is just

You have to say candlejack befor

He did. The file names says Cand

*teleports behind sni

Im JFK and I endorse this thre-

No he means you have to say his entire name before candlejack comes an

Don't doubt Candlejack's presc

My dick is up my own bu-

Dear Americans, my name is Donald Tru--

I wanted to relive the me-

Nature can be lethal, but it doesn’t hold a candle to man. Now, you’ve seen how bad things can get and how quickly they can get that way. Well, they can get a whole lot worse. So, we’re not gonna fight anymore. We’re going to pull together and find a way to get out of here. First we’re going to seal out thi-

* Teleports behind the sniper *
Nothing personal, k-

Nothing personnel, k-

Stupid bitches ive killed everybody i'm the snipe-

Coward. Gamble with your own fucking life instead of your brothers.


Ah... snipins a good job mate


Got another one

i win

You're all stupid, see they're going to be looking for army gu

Genuine kek


Enemy spott

Fuck he was using the razorback

nobody could end their post with a "-" unless they were in the process of hyphenating something like a series of numbers like "436-

Wow that's so funny, John pls now stop pretend be uncounsc-

Everyone is dying around me what do I-

These threads are so fucking dumb