My wife is in the bed next to me nude, and I am on Sup Forums. What am I doing with my life

My wife is in the bed next to me nude, and I am on Sup Forums. What am I doing with my life.


You don't appreciate the good things until they're gone. I'd suggest going to cuddle up with her now, but I know you won't. But I hope when you no longer have her, you'll think back on this exact moment, with me telling you this and kick yourself over it and know you fucked up

What would you rather be doing?

He should incorporate the two.


If singles beat her within an inch of her life, rip her eyeballs and teeth out, breaks her limbs, whisper in her ear that you never loved her, and burn the house down

this is very very true

we take a lot of things for granted, especially love

and by we i mean us humans

My kitties love to sleep under my blanket and I have the most rancid smelling beer farts rite now and they're str8 cooking. In the Dutch oven

what a terrible thing to say, why are you so angry, user?

get the fuck out of here with your non porn shit
nobody on b likes non porn stuff

Is your wife a bedroom starfish?

sounds like you're doing better than most

You're gay OP. Go out and have sex with guys. You'll enjoy it.

I'm angry because my tribute lost a hunger games thread and I lost my favorite pair of dubs




roll again

see what i mean

If I were a Gamblin man....I'd say this is guaranteed dubs

You're taking pictures of her for your 4chin buddies. Who needs a purpose when u have friends like these?

check these out

Spoon her and post on Sup Forums anyway.


sorry to hear that