>o wait you can't
>good taste thread

She's anorexic and probably has a bowel movement once every 10 days. Makes for bad anal

>negative ass/butt posters
>"need food" posters
>"12yo boy" posters
>"muh high test" meme
>holocaust posters

Let's see

See like this guy ^^

she has fucking alien arms

No tail plug


>no breast
Looks like a male/10

who is it


There are many pics with one

Seriously. Who stole that woman's ass?

Wats dis

Doesn't matter if there are. The one posted has no tail plug, thus it's flawed.

That ass looks like it has minimal padding and doggying that wouldn't be pleasant.
Also that labia is too big, if she had a puffier vag it wouldnt be a problem. Not saying it's disgusting, but it's a flaw in my opinion.

she's a skinny bitch


That's a good thing

An incipient, serious laceration to be caused by her razor-sharp ass bones?

she really turnme on

>its my opinion
o-okay then.


Please more of her op

Trips don't lie


>good taste

I like skinny girls but that's a little too skinny

>cant titty fuck
>looks like boy
>thrusting on a near anorexic girl isn't that fun

pic related is ideally what skinny is anything less is shit.

Moar pls

This is perfect.

no penis

She's good.

Tell me you don't wanna throw this around

Like cmon man


>likes anal

she's perfect


she was nice before the weight loss

she's just a cute face. As if you don't like some titties.

No dick


I agree. She's cute, but she was a lot more attractive before she became anorexic.

This fucking slam pig







I do agree too. I miss 17yo Soph that posted underage nudes for fun.

Now we've got camwhore Soph who's managed to get even skinnier

Like this.


Daddy issues. But then again, who would wife her. She looks like fun.

Petite girls are best

>daddy issues are a bad thing

What's daddy issues? srs


Issues. With their daddy.

Cmon man


skinny ew. No ass long arms. Nah

I can't carry this alone

has a heart in her asshole?

But what kind of issues in specific that's what I don't know?

thanks mr skeltal

It means they had a bad relationship with their father or he wasn't around. They tend to have trust issues, be very submissive, like older men, have rape fantasies, need lots of attention, and be generally slutty.

thats the perfect female body


The heart in her anus is tilted to the right side, fucking disgusting, OP you tasteless piece of negro shit

Find a flaw
Idk y but She looks british. No thanks

Basically describes my current gf (op here).
I get the whole "yes daddy, please daddy, use your little girl" roleplay when we fuck. It's awesome.

Honestly don't see a downside as a guy. You be assertive and fill that gap.

or they can be manipulative little devils that are mentally fucking insane and want to harm everything around them and be overall confused as fuck with terrible morals.

l'ma heterosexual male and the whole "daddy" thing that has risen out of fucking nowhere is a major turnoff for me, l just find it weird, like it is disturbing.

Yea, I generally find it to be attractive, but it depends on the girl... and how much she may have been abused.

She looks like a anglo

It makes me feel weird when lookin at families and the dad has a little girl etc then l think about Sup Forums how they say daddy and all that cringe shit and how some younger girls are now sayin it and like it just seems like a pedofilia acceptance type of thing it's fucking weird as fuck.

Only if I can get a waiver for when her hips break.

His kek???

Almost, yes.

Sophie kitten, Sophie ward, I hate the beach, Sophie mfc

>out of nowhere
Nah man it's a major fetish. Only reason you're seeing it more is Cus tumblr girls on social media.
Aren't you a boring bastard

Submissive is sexy. Simple as really.

Oh trust me, it isn't a new phenomenon, it is just much more obvious in the age of modern internet.

yeah well, l ain't yo daddy bitch and if a girl says that at anytime lma think she is an autistic fucked in the head bitch who wants to fuck her father and lma dump her so some sick fuck like you who is also retarded will do it. You can have em

shes so disgusting im almost convinced she comes here to post this herself so people buy her shit content

The whole fucking world is falling apart man, soon pedofiles will be accepted, we'll be fused with technology and fucking everyones going to be microchipped

>soon pedofiles will be accepted
that will NEVER happen, if anything ever happens it will be child robots or VR technology of some sorts, but never real kids

im so stoned i don't even remember what im responding to, i hope its the right post

I r see member when i use to tell people on here back in 05-06. One day gays will legally be allowed to marry. And looked what happened. But no one ever listens. We have but only just started our decent into darkness.

definitely can see VR getting into the whole underage sex thing, can't wait for those moral debates, we're fucking doomed.

>soon pedofiles will be accepted
that will NEVER happen

I wish you where right. But thats the opposite of whats happening


KEK I've seen traps that are hard to tell if they are one. This bitch looks like a trap trying hard as hell to look like a female, (eventhough she is one).

>can't wait for those moral debates
kek, yeah, but niggas gon fap anyway
surely you don't think that cause you think jews are sexualizing young girls?

lol not even joking she went to my high school

Mike Matei in a wig

Half the people saying it's wrong will be doing it behind closed doors, seriously, l think humans are going to get even more fucked then we are now.


Jews or not i think that becuase when i see these articals like salon and the whole pizza gate thing it makes me think something is up

my dick is not in her ass

Only flaw I found is that OP is a faggot.

>she'll literally let ANYONE see her naked and not reserve that privilege as a reward for her white husband and the father of her children.

It seems to me that she has a poor moral character

>morals and nudity are synonymous

You're a fucking idiot and should convert to Islam if you feel so strongly that way

Really? I think she stands equal to queen Elizabeth herself in terms of morality and respect

>Half the people saying it's wrong will be doing it behind closed doors, seriously
even more if people try out of curiosity... all those politicians trying to argue its immorality will know damn well they didn't just build their own loli, put on headset, and slapped their hand on their dick the past week

my nigga.

Do skinny bitches have bad breaf? After all that binging and purging I would imagine so.

>my wife and her kids

You should get used to saying this phrase.

Can you guys jerk each others dicks off somewhere else, you make the rest of us who aren't subhuman faggots wanna puke
