Hey, I'm curious as to what Sup Forums thinks of themselves. I'll post the template below. In the meantime...

Hey, I'm curious as to what Sup Forums thinks of themselves. I'll post the template below. In the meantime, how's your night?

Other urls found in this thread:


Here is the template.

Bumping, just in case.


This is basically mine.


I kek'd, good job user.

Oh neat! What do you do for work and hobbies?

Working on mine. Bump.

the more i look at this the more i want to improve

Same here, the smallest room is the mushroom, and the biggest room is room for improvement. I bet you're fun to hang out with though, and by the looks of it, rather modest as well.

does it count towards spirituality if you dwell on the concept of death and agnosticism?

fuck it.
I might as well fill one out too.

Yes it does, keep in mind that spirituality and religion are two very different things.

Neato burrito! I wish I was that well off lol.

i hate myself tbqh

now you made me think my stats are too high. i do end up making alot of friends, but i also tend to be polarizing. (either you like me even though im awkward, or you want nothing to do with me)
Probably because i use words like nigger in public conversations.

How do you spend your time user? What are your favorite things to do?

You and my girlfriend both haha! I live in the blackest part of Florida and we share dank memes in the car while I drive. I have to keep the windows rolled up or I get death glares because she plays moon man. What are your hobbies? What's the one thing you would change about yourself and what's the one thing you would never change about yourself?

the good thing about low stats is they are easier to improve

Doing pretty great tonight.

Good to hear! What are you up to?

Just browsing here listening to some new stuff I found.

Had a good pie for dinner, so I'm happy!

Wow that's really a pain in the ass to edit on mobile

pretty accurate tbh


Would you mind sharing? I love to add new stuff to my collection. I might even have a recommendation for you too. What kind of pie did you have?

Discipline is probably a 4 if im really being honest


I know I had to edit mine on mobile too. How's your night so far?

Id probably bump up my social skills, i want to be able to read other people better and know when and how to start a conversation or when to just give. as far as what wouldn't i change probably my passion or empathy, those i feel define me more than the other stats.

p happy with this. also i think most people in this thread don't have a very good understanding of 'average' and 'above average'

What do you enjoy doing with your spare time user?

luck of the draw boys



Pretty decent , thanks. Having a bit of roomate drama which is irritating, but its nothing extreme. Just fucking around on Sup Forums until i fall asleep. Got a job interview in the morning , so hopefully it wont be long. Got plat on overwatch finally. Overall a pretty good day. How about yourself

How so?

Not a lot. I play video games, watch youtube, and lurk threads all day.

discipline is a hard one to measure, i think it depends on the situation

Have you tried using those to your advantage when it comes to social performance? You seem really nice, and I think by focusing more on where they take the conversation rather than what you say, you could greatly improve that skill. There are great books on social engineering, but some are bullshit. In my personal experience, I find that asking open ended questions after I respond with a short comparison to myself usually leads to the person being happier overall and, more often than not, they take the reigns and all you have to do is steer. What are your hobbies or interests?

Yeah true. When it comes to physical stuff, my discipline is pretty low, but id rank it higher with social stuff and keeping my temper.

Judge away.

So far it's been hectic but decent overall. I've been studying like a mad man for a few weeks, and this week I signed up for a subscription to a website that makes studying easier. How is overwatch by the way? I've heard mixed reviews but never mustered up the courage to try it. Also, what are your favorite videos to come across on YouTube?

Its a bit strange condensing myself into a chart. good thread, OP.

No judgement here, I'm just curious as to how Sup Forumstards perceive themselves. How's your night?

videogames, anime and cartoons, but i also like moderate excising and martial arts. I feel like when i mention these things tho im made out to look weird. so i dont mention theme in social media or when i first meet someone cuz then i feel like they get the wrong impression of me,

What is your favorite genre and does it reflect how you make decisions throughout the day?

Don't know if you'd like it but here ya go:



Also steak and mushroom.

social fags gang

the internet
that's it
i work part time, and soon i'm gonna start working out
the bad thing about low stats is that you have to improve them just to become average

>Including luck category so that neckbeards can explain why their life is so shitty despite giving themselves high marks in every category.

What are you studying? I like overwatch quite a bit. Its easier to get into and keep playing than traditional mobas, and im enjoying the ranked climb. Ive been pretty shit in fps games in the past, so it's been fun playing a lot and being able to tell im getting better.

>videogames, anime and cartoons, but i also like moderate excising and martial arts. I feel like when i mention these things tho im made out to look weird. so i dont mention theme in social media or when i first meet someone cuz then i feel like they get the wrong impression of me.

Hello, this is .

You know, saying no judgement here implies that you've already judged him. Otherwise you wouldn't have thought to say it. It's called projecting.

It's okay though, I judged him, too.

well, people rating themselves 8-10 in any area is pretty ballsy, especially considering the dunning kruger effect. in the intelligence section people ITT have rated themselves an average of 6 (5.92 rounding up), which shouldn't be the case, unless one wants to say that Sup Forums users are more intelligent than average (which I kinda doubt tbh). I few people even rated themselves 9/10?! I think people who have done so likely have very little understanding of what being in the top 10% of intelligence is like.

i rated myself 8/10 in luck because I think that does accurately represent, say, what social class i was born into, the lack of any birth defects, the fact that my upbringing has 'gone according to plan' in basically every sense...

TL;DR I think people tend to overestimate + should be able to justify their stats other than, "o well im kinda good at high school math," and in absence of much evidence, restrict estimates to plus or minus 1 around average.

Why do i even live?

Oh, and i like animated comedy stuff, reviews, and videos that explain, or go in depth about interesting things

Haha I like that, it would seem so wouldn't it? I put mine so low because even though my life is somewhat well off, I just don't seem to have the best luck overall. How's your night by the way? Did you fill out a chart?

I actually like that quite a bit, it's unique and it blends a few styles together well. Do you like electroswing at all?

try to guess what I look like/what I like to do, im interested

to work towards a better tomorow

Sorry for shit quality am a mobilefag

o yea im a male btw


That sounds great actually! I'm studying IT security but I've been working in networking since high school. Tonight I'm playing around with WLAN packet headers.

well yeah, the only girls on the internet are in porn vids, and i dont see any tiddyz here.... besides the ad banner

Are you a bartender, by any chance?

I'm doing alright. Playing League at the moment to distract myself. I'm high as fuck. How's your night?

I feel like luck should be how you were raised to be honest. Growing up poor in Chicago could be a 0 and growing up rich in Los Angeles could be a 10 for instance.

I just left mine at average because it's such and odd thing to have on a list of life standings. All it really does is leave people who were in actuality pretty well off an excuse for every below-average score they gave themselves and self-gratification for every above-average score they gave themselves.

Hqha yeah, some people here apparently th8nk quite highly of themselves. I compared stats to people i know, and my own experiences. I gave myself an 8 in charisma based off of what people have told me about myself. heres no overall standard to compare to, so individual results here can vary quite a bit. Intelligence is easier to compare , though.


I tried working on my social skills, but I think i'll give up.

Forgot to check off male

Pretty low there user.u ok?

I'm a smart-ass whenever I'm given an opportunity, to the point where I'll accidentally say things before thinking them through, and have more trouble being honest than anybody close to me will ever know. It's probably why I like Sup Forums so much.

nope, ill give you a hint, I dont have job

Funny how everyone here rates their intelligence a high... Guess you have to be pretty fucking bright to ask online why you dont have friends or are still a virgin. Or masturbate to cartoon porn about mother son incest...

Oh cool, I enjoy a lot of that stuff too. People usually don't judge as much as you think they do. When it comes to a first impression, asking questions about someone's interests usually make you look interested rather than awkward. The three hardest words for people to say are "I don't know". If you can get that out of the way and focus more on their likes and ask questions if you don't know how something works, then you should be gold n in their eyes. I apologize for any grammatical errors that may be present. It's about 6 am here and I'm still studying lol.

Nah but I know someone who adores it so you'd make me a hero if you shared some.

these look like the stats from FDR, health so low that he had to be pushed around in a wheele chair , but charismatic and smart enough to be elected prez. but gave zero shits about rounding up the japs in camps and blowing up their cities

Anons with high spirituality, what makes you rate it that way? I doubt there are many Christians here, and im curious to hear about the different spiritual variants on this board.

>"low confidence"
>high intelligence/appearance

please explain

It wasn't me giving an implication so much as it was you making an assumption. They put "judge away" in their post, so I let them know my intentions. What are you up to tonight btw?

Hello, this is .

I rated myself 9 in intelligence because, according to an intelligence quotient test I took as a child, I'm more intelligent than 90% of the population. Not that I think intelligence means too much.

I rated myself 9 in appearance because that's what the bitches tell me.

9 in empathy because I'm an "overconfident little emotional bitch," according to my girlfriend.

I realize it looks a little narcissistic, and that's probably because I am a bit of a narcissist. I think I've got a good enough reason to be, though.

I doubt they rated it that way because of their religion. They probably based it that way because of their "Openmindedness or connection to non-material world" which can mean a billion things in this day and age. Someone who grew up in Hitchcaw, Tennessee might give themselves a 10 for not hating gay people so much.

i gave myself a 4, how long can i stay on the internet before my noodle is overcooked


That's totally me. Too bad the "lazy" scale is missing. Would have been a full one for me.

Thats awesome. Ive been interested in IT/networking stuff since highschool, but ive tried college a couple times now, and i just cant seem to accomplish anything. Doesn't help that the only college around is pretty shit.

there are more important things than intelligence and appearance. for example they might have not achieved anything in their life, be lazy and undisciplined, be completely socially autistic or all of the above.

Hell yeah that's the way to do it! Mine's alright, just staying busy with studying.

>Overselling yourself on the internet.
I'm so hot and smart, I'm just socially awkward and a bad test-taker.

At least I'm willing to admit I'm borderline autistic both mentally and socially and it's nobody else's fault.

Hello, this is .

I think the stat is a little flawed. Open-mindedness really has nothing to do with a "spiritual world." If not for the religious aspect of the stat, I probably would've given myself an 8 or 9.

I see, that would be an accurate indicator and a fair one too. Though I would keep mine at one due to various instances in my childhood that really didn't allow me opportunities until I was older, and some others that I still have issues with today. Was your childhood decent? What's your favorite memory from when you were young?

Very true.
I rated mine average to kind of even it out. I dont have a religion i worship, but ive had some dreams and experiences that have changed me spiritually. Ive realized it doesnt actually affect my life outside my own head in any way though.

Haha yeah there's a decent vibe on Sup Forums when it comes to letting loose, there are just some people who take it too far lol. What's your favorite thing about Sup Forums and about how long have you been browsing?

im agnostic and i gave myself a 6 because i often contemplate what it means to be sentient, and the connotations of the words good and evil. also being open to the pssibility that there is a god and that there isnt one, and how the universe works in both cases. like a schrodinger's Christ.

Look up Caravan Palace, Lone Digger. The whole album is great but that's my favorite song from the album. Also you or your friend might love Mystery Skulls too.

Hello, this is .

A year ago I would have rated myself a 9 in appearance and intelligence but a 3 in confidence. Personally, it's because I used to be an autistic kid addicted to Sup Forums and OSRS, like most of you. However, I lost 130lbs and overcame my social anxiety by facing my fears and becoming a bartender. That's just me, though; everyone has their reasons.

Actually, if you rated yourself lowly in confidence but highly in intelligence/appearance, you should really start using your intelligence as a way to take advantage of your appearance to boost your confidence. Reflecting on where my unconfidence came from and using conscious decisions to overcome it is what saved me.

i guess i might have underrated myself in intelligence. i'm in the top 5% according to the iq jew, but i rated myself 7/10 because i'm not terribly knowledgeable and i didn't think it was referring to percentiles as an iq of 120 doesn't seem exceptionally high to me