Why is agnosticism so much better than atheism/having a religion?

why is agnosticism so much better than atheism/having a religion?

bump, pls explain

it implies you keep an open mind, that you don't totally negate the beliefs of others and just accept to entertain an idea without actually knowing.
IMO it's the most rational / logic point of view regarding theology.

Agnostics are atheists dipshit the full term is atheist-agnostic

Well given there is no proof, atheism is the way to go until proven otherwise. Next look into what each spirital book preaches.
>Good vs evil.
But what is evil? It's a man made concept that doesn't exist outside of the realm of humanity. Evil doesn't exist in nature and many have different aspects to what evil is. When most don't agree on the same evils, evil doesn't hold a lot of meaning since its perception based. Even Christianity as a whole can't give a solid evil that others wouldn't disagree on. Not even murder. Maurders still exist


Your picture means nothing

so what you are saying is that you think atheism are agnosticism are incompatible or different sides of the same issue?

You don't understand the meaning of words. Which is pretty sad if you consider that you are trying to pat yourself on the back for how smart and open minded you are.

atheism and* agnosticism

Agnosticism is more a "nobody knows" if there is some higher power or not and what will happen after death

It is better. Most true scientists would be agnostic because they dont speak in absolute truths. Just likelys and unlikelys.

But on that same line of thinking even an agnostic who knows he doesnt know anything should find peoples absolute devotion to a 2000 year old book to be very silly.

Atheism is greek for "without god"
Agnostic is greek for "not knowing."

They are not the same.

Keep that Fedora on tight my man

Nope see


yeah, that's what i'm saying, they are unrelated issues, OP thinks they're, like, different sides of the same coin, but it's not even the same coin.

Nah. Its politically correct fence sitting for what is a gairly binary question.

Pull the splinters out of your ass and make a decision.


At least it started that way

How about letting me know what's wrong with my logic instead

Oh. I see now. Sorry carry on.

Not sure I understand now...

"There is no god." "and i dont know if there is a god" arent the same thing...

The rest is just etymology. Tough i know.

Is it?

14yo faggot OP learnt a new word today.
Anons taking the bait so hard and doing his homework!
Bunch of fag, the lot of you!!!

There are three to four total viewpoints (depending on categorization).
You're making the claim that something that's entirely subjective is better for all.
Go read a book, retard.
>obviously bait, but this is only a 8lb line and I'm a big guy

>third dimensional emergencies
this is why we can't have nice trips

Atheist - BELIEVES God doesn't exist

Agnostic - DOES NOT BELIEVE God exists

see the difference?

Atheists, like religious people, have unsubstantiated beliefs. Agnostics do not.

You can't believe something that doesn't exist. Good bait though. Its lack of belief

is it hard to always be wrong?

Atheist - prefix "A", meaning without - "theist", meaning someone who believes in God, gods, etc.

May I add:
Agnostics DO believe in a superior power,

divinity, whatever you wanna call it.

Atheists do believe in Evolution

This is slightly wrong. The agnostic side should not have a line separating AgTheist and AgAtheist. There should instead be a third category in the middle: True Agnostic, believing that there is an equal chance of a God existing or not existing. Doubt exists on a spectrum, with theist leaning and atheist leaning at either extreme. It would stand to reason that in the middle someone would be split 50/50 on the idea of God's existence.

What? No they don't, its the lack of belief in things unknown

You prob meant "aN" bro

Nope it's just A

Theism = belief
Gnosticism = knowledge

Also, Agnostics DO believe IN something? Whatever that is

This guy gets it.

wow, this place sure is full of retards and millennials

gnosticism/agnosticism are about knowledge

theism/atheism are about belief

gnostic -> I KNOW god(s) exist (that claim bears a burden of proof)

agnostic -> I don't KNOW if a god exists

theist -> I BELIEVE god(s) exist (would have to give a valid reason for that belief

atheist -> i do not BELIEVE god(s) exist (for whatever reason)

Nope that's not how it works

Nope that's not how it works

completely being a nonebeliver is the most blue pilled way to live
i mean cmon theres definetely a higher chance that theres more to universe, to our creation and to life after death that is beyond our comprehension
i mean just thinking about all the events up to now from the big bang iself - a tiny small change in the process from that very beggining could have made a massive difference including events that lead to the creation of our planet and even a small difference in the process of those events too could have probably rendeed us and our planet none-existant now that it all seems too coincidental..
i mean i may not be the mainsteam religious believer but im almost sure that us, our world and this whole universe didn`t start and is existing just randomly without a reason or purpose whatsoever...

Not going to refute it with a counterargument? Just
>no u
and end the discussion? What are your thoughts?

completely going on "MUH BELLYFEELS" is the most retarded way to be

give evidence or fuck off

Well put

Read here it's quite clear

let me help you:

gnostic atheist: i know there's no god

agnostic atheist: i don't think there's a god

agnostic theist: i think there's a god

gnostic theist: i know there's a god
there is no special snowflake "pure agnostic i don't believe in anything"... if you don't act like you're religous you're simply an agnostic atheist, get over it

i`m not saying that you should be what im saying is that this should be respected and taken into considered both ways always keeping an open mind? knowwhatimsayin?


>for you

taken into consideration" dang phone

agnosticism - gnosticism is not a spectrum, they are exclusive positions in regard to each other.

You either doubt or know.
As an agnostic theist you believe that there is a god, but admit the possibility of being proven wrong.
As an agnostic atheist you don't believe that there is any god, but admit the possibility of being proven wrong.
Gnostics of either side claim to have proof for their position.

no it shouldn't, for the same reason horoscopes and crystal magic should not be taken into consideration

give evidence or be laughed at by people who understand what reality is, you new age faggot

it's based on how you act on the question in your daily life

if you don't pray, go to church, believe in higher powers or sacrifice a lamb every so often you're an atheist

simply put: if you behave like an atheist, you are an (agnostic) atheist

That was what I initially responded to. I am this guy
What would you call someone that believes in a 50/50 chance? If it isnt different than someone who believes in god but its more of an 80/20 split, why is there no difference? What about the person that is 80/20 in favor of no god? Are they not also an agnostic theist because they admit there is a 20 percent chance of gods existence?

I was completely focusing on the agnostic side of the graph. The gnostic side is fine.

I know you are arguing definitions which is pointless. Mine is correct yours is incorrect. Google it if you still don't get it.

I'd call them an agnostic atheist.

you either hold an active BELIEF that god exists or you don't

BELIEF is not the same as knowledge. DO you actively hold a belief in god(s)?

yes -> theist
no -> atheist

you can't hold a 50/50 belief that pigs can fly and cannot. you either believe something is true or you don't believe something is true.

BELIEF is not the same as KNOWLEDGE

if I ask you "do you BELIEVE" in god(s) and you answer "I don't know if god(s) exist", you didn't understand the question.

That's because religion and belief in a god are obviously not the same. What the definition of "god" means can take a whole different take in (energy/alien being/ghosts and shit), as apposed to religion who truly believe god is somewhat characterised as a human appearrence-wise.

So you decide how people belief in stuff?
>What is a free will?

to miss the point so completely you must be retarded

seek help