Index of Ignorance. How does yoy country perform, Sup Forums?

Index of Ignorance. How does yoy country perform, Sup Forums?

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>tfw huemonkey

Good job guys

ignorant of what?

>Germany not being the first

who made this

Wait, the higher, the most ignorant, you're only surpassed by India and both Chinas in ignorance

This is a really shitty graph and an even shittier explanation. OP I really do hope you kys. Fuck off back to pleddit

It's a chart made by those pseudointellectuals who hate civilized societies.

can the nordic countries even compete?

i mean, are there even any black people in norway?

Czechia 4th, that's some next level bullshit

here's the explanation

>not getting the graph

no, good job to you amerifat

UK should be higher, and im from the UK, but mostly because of the English.

They are so fucking ignorant about other religions and cultures, it isn't even funny anymore.

I would have the UK middle, but if you could split the UK up, Scotland, Wales and NI would be in the bottom 3rd, with England being top 3rd.

US is correct, in this world, nobody is more ignorant than the US, not all, but due to their pro-American education system and the lying spewing News networks. It is not surprise most of the world is not a fan of the US.

They are the most hypocrite nation on this planet. Closely followed by the Russians. And most of the Chinese.

>The survey took in populations from 40 countries, with between 500 and 1,000 people surveyed in each.
>Participants were asked a number of questions about their society, including their country's population, healthcare spending, home ownership and the proportion of Muslims living in their country. The findings were then collated to create the index.

Wow, so relevant.

>It's a chart made by those pseudointellectuals who hate civilized societies.
You can't read the graph, are you a pseudo-intellectual (moron) user?
All the "civilized" societies score the highest.


bong here, this is fucking wrong.

anyone who has actually lived in the UK is well aware how stupid the average person here is.

Chile and Spain scoring better thank Hong Kong and HK not being close to UK... the ignorant here is the one who made the chart

Post brexit vote I'm not so sure that graph is accurate.

The graph is left being least, right being the most

>They are so fucking ignorant about other religions and cultures, it isn't even funny anymore.

No one cares you middle class wanker

>nobody is more ignorant than the US

One of the least ignorant countries- they have a high average IQ. That's where everything is invented

Most likely they learn things which are actually useful instead of learning about Turd World fertility superstitions or whatever they ought to be learning about according to people like you

"Participants were asked a number of questions about their society, including their country's population, healthcare spending, home ownership and the proportion of Muslims living in their country. The findings were then collated to create the index."

Murica checking in
>tfw our nigs certainly brought down our average score just like they always do
>stuck next to fucking Brazil and Bantustan
>feels bad man

Is that even a country?

My country must be so good it's not even on the chart.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH india on top and us and uk down post brexit and trump

It's barely a country. After 50 years of civil war, I doubt they even have real people there. It's probably another hidden Russian military Base.

Just out of school are you lad?

America doesn't invent much at all, you should look to the Orient for that accolade.

Besides the majority of claims that specific inventions are American is wrong.

They didn't invent the TV, they were 2nd to build a working prototype, behind John Logie Baird's TV.

They didn't invent the internet either, that was essentially Tim Berners-Lee who came up with the WWW and the HTML language. You didn't invent an internet because you sent a message via ARPANET.

Shall we continue?

Like I said ignorant, and pro-American taught.

BR here, less ignorant than amerifats
huehue deal whit it faggots

and that is...? do you quantify ignorance?


>Best Korea not even on the list

>Most accurate
I dont believe my country is this accurate...


Also NL here.
I wonder which half of the population the measured.
Also if we are that high up, I'm scared for the other countries.

the chart is inaccurate. how would one even measure ignorance? what units do you measure it in?


No its not. Left is the least accurate and therefore the most ignorant. It says so on the website.

Arbitrary bullshit not based on reality. The equivalent of drawing conclusions about race from comparing milk consumption and crime rates or some other arbitrary bs set.