ITT: we discuss why skinny girls are the best kind of girls

ITT: we discuss why skinny girls are the best kind of girls

>the right girl for the right purpose
fuck you for making me respond.
>also there is no "best" subjectivity exists.

They just are.

>some cancer is best
You're an idiot

>also there is no "best" subjectivity exists
but skinny girls are more likely to stay loyal to their man

I prefer skinny women to my amerifat female fellow citizens.

Because being skinny makes them look more childlike, and therefore more attractive.

Fucking unf.

>more likely to stay loyal to their man

I am a dick. posted this gif in wrong thread.

I worry about you sometimes user.
>you sound like a pedophile.




lol nah

hey man if you didnt mean to post it here whats the worry
accidents happen nigga
bless you son

Youth is attractive. You know I'm right.


long girl is long

I think low body fat on a semi-muscular frame is a little better than low body fat on a low-muscular frame.

Might be just me, though.

tight bodies are built for fucking




kek, they're so fucking fat obvs


Moreee pleasee

I'm sorry but you are wrong.
A perfect woman is either "normal" or a little overweight.

he's right, don't question it. it reveals your virginity.



stfu pedo nothing better than some succulent booty




who is that?

only one who speaks the truth and we all know it

she has stretch marks gross

none of these girls are skinny.. they all have fat on them.. c'mon someone post skinny girls

Beluga Johnson

How to tell my gf to lose weight without insulting her Sup Forumsros? She isnt overweight but I want her to be skinnier

Stacy Narwhal

very skinny yesssss

And people say the holocaust didn't happen

nice try

Just trade up, or down in your case





I need to find a cutie like her

They're the best because here in the Midwest they are fictional, and I always masturbate best to things that don't exist.

Woww thanks, got any more?

Wrong. Having had sex with 119 different women over the last 30+ years (yes I'm an ancient fag), I can tell you right now that skinny chicks usually have unattractive clits, have looser pussies, and they have way more fucking drama. Give me an average, thick, curvy, or chunky bitch anyday, as they have tighter pussies, wetter pussies, they suck dick better, they fuck better, they are more willing to be submissive, they love to cook for you, etc.

I think that is related to the feeling of the power during sex, you realize that you can do anything to a skinny female because she doesn't have any power to resist, she is in my hands since the moment that accept to sleep with me.

the feels

I want to fap to this one but the skinny cunt doesn't fit on my fucking screen.

You obviously don't live in Texas.

Well, its unlikey a fat girl will run away..

Fucking landwhales.

Nope, but TX isn't a bad place. There are thick chicks in Dallas, Galveston, and Corpus.
