This guy slapped your gf's ass, what do you do?

This guy slapped your gf's ass, what do you do?

Nothing since she's just going to be feeling sick anyways.

fantasize about rimming his sweaty shit stained asshole

Give him respect for getting his planet-sized ass out of the chair

walk slightly farther away

Travel about 20 miles south of his tits to slap his ass

Jiggle his titty

Ask him if he's okay as that much movement and effort probably strained his heart and lungs.

Watch him online as he slowly sinks into a pit of fat and his own despair as he realizes the only people who watch him are "ironic" autistic 12yr old

I'D SLAP HER. Because she obviously went to him. This fucker ain't moving.

High five him and tell my GF to be Happy Boogie slapped her ass.

Pray to god he doesnt find out I drank his Mtn Dew

> Get daddy another beer
> Cause I am my own gf
> I am trap
> He is my daddy
> we never leave the house

Slap him and watch the waves roll for the next two days.

Who is this fat fuck anyway

>file name

Make her suck his cock till he cums on her face and make her be his cumslut whore as a reward for him being able to get out the chair to slap her ass

bull rush
knock his ass over
he's too fat to get back up

what's that tube on his bed for?

She probably got atracted to his gravitational field so I would forgive him

Is that Boogie?

>Try to kick him
>Caught in his gravity
>To late to turn back now
>Punch his weak spot repeatedly while floating by since he is basically a Death Star
>Explode alongside him and save the world

Him? He's cool.

In fact, I'd let him fuck my wife.

Come at him live through the power of the internet

>Dat dare file name.

Sue him that guy is a millionaire

> implaying that lard of fat could move 50 feet
Top kek

Woogie boogie nigger woogie boogie

Probably a CPAP machine for breathing at night.

So he doesn't stop breathing in his sleep. Also nice pic, pity she doesn't have a bit of fluff in her panties.

Id let him use my gf anyway he wanted and id let him do the same to me afterwards

I was just fapping to that same girl, looks like Lauren Mayberry in this pictures.

Still would benefit from fluff.

steal his diabetes medicine

Kill him