Michigan Thread, because full moon and why not?

Michigan Thread, because full moon and why not?

who was posting the smokin hot blonde earlier?

also any 810??


ill try to bump but i cant contribute...sorry


flint fag..

Ask Dawn Waggoner if she knows about these


I want Shandell Stevens, Kellie Deboe, Amanda Johnson, Cassidy Dockett, or any other girls from Bay City

any mallory m 810?

Name your 810 crushes or requests.

i did



tell me about Michigan, why does it have the Upper Peninsula?????

Who dis

hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, drinking, enjoying beauty of nature.. among other things..

it's a big region

Here a slut for you guys

Idk but it's badass up there, just got back from a snowmobile trip. People talk kinda Canadian and say "eh" alot.

If I give it to Wisconsin, would it die?

still hoping for 810

anyone remember the blonde from earlier? didnt save. devastated

you merely dyed your hair blonde, I was born as a blonde, molded by it


thats.. not what i was driving at.. in the least


Sup niggas
Who else on the night shift?


any flint biches?

Traverse city bitches?

Thoes fucks down south wouldn't let us have Toledo so we got a place that's basically as south as southern Canada gets without actually being in Canada

810 checking in. Lead head, over.

we both know that I'll have to drink you now, you're just gonna have to imagine the clean water!


Toledo's a shit hole now, and the UP has a ton of Rhodium, according to a guy working on building a mine up there, may or may not be true, either way, that shit is priceless. I say we got the better end of the bargain in almost every way

it's a big region.....

well thats not cool. you understand you're parodying American children being poisoned right? it's one thing to be on Sup Forums and contribute to all the horror of it but we're talking about kids here. you're a special kind of fucked up.

im not even triggered im just.. worried for you, fucked up user..

I live in the one part of Flint that isn't contaminated. I'm """"privileged""""

Who remembers Siobhan Riley drawing a dick over Saginaw on 12?

you...you got win?


Please translate.

you're talking about a city that's so corrupt, we've infiltrated every level of its infrastructure. We tried to destroy Flint before with economics, but this time we won't wait around, this time we'll do it, with water! We don't make the same mistake twice

just surprised to see another flint fag.. lookin for local titties

Also, fuck the entire state of Ohio.

Don't have any local ones, sorry. Also, yeah, it somewhat surprised me, too. Most people on here are from Western Michigan.

u know mallory?

Also plenty of iron ore and copper, though the latter is currently not economical to mine. In the 19th and early 20th century though UP copper powered the growth of this nation's telecommunications and electrical grid growth.

Meanwhile, Toledo has the Mudhens

wanna kik? curious to see if we have mutuals


could show u my girl

Dem lips tho

616 west side, best side.

Who is she, I live in 269

Ashley B from SJ