Bash the fash!

Bash the fash!

Authoritarians are paper tigers, always have been always will. All these liberals (who are really just behind your back conservatives) and (actual) conservatives are just cogs in the capitalist machine, willingly. Whats going on now is their transformation into authoritarians. Fascists, almost. And what do we do with fascists? We fight them in the streets, to the death. They wont be a problem, because they are at heart, all cowards, demonstrated by their obsession with cult of personality bullshit like Trump and Hillary. The truth is and has been that the current order is outdated, toxic to human development even, and has been since the 1950's. We need a cleansing, of blood and gunpowder, to shake the dead leaves from the great tree trunk of our nation and seize the apparatus of the state for the people once again! Only that way, comrades, shall we come closer to reaching the hand of humanity, as is our Terran birthright, into the stars, to take our place forever as the Terran Interstellar Soviet Republic!











Solidarity comrade.

But you know this place is basically the new stormfront, right? More than half the people here will either die during the revolution or be executed after.

inb4 thread gets flooded with nazis






I havent found a place that's as kooky but with like minded folks. I'm honestly not even sure where to discuss action. reddits antifa and communist boards are mostly just fascists masquerading as comrades.

SAdly. Atleast we can occasionally have a reasonable Leftist thread.

And here they come...

neo nazis right on schedule. See you on the battlefield.




>More than half the people here will either die during the revolution or be executed after.

Nope. Not at all authoritarian.




>5 posters
holy fuck op jesus christ stop

Those traitors will die by committee, for your information, and rightly so


Theres SocialistRA , Anarchism and thats about it.

The regular Socialism board is shit now.


Dibs on the RED planet.


The place to discuss action is your local chapter for the IWW, ISO, CPUSA, Black Rose, or SALT




>Those traitors will die by committee, for your information, and rightly so

Nope. Not at all authoritarian.

Gandhi was a liberal PoS. Bhagat Singh was the true Indian revolutionary that we should be celebrating

You aren't wrong.

Except for the Soviet bit.

mfw communism has always failed
inb4 but it wasnt real communism

mfw capitalism has always failed
inb4 it was only crony capitalism

Gotta go red

Hello fellow comrades, just wondering your opinion on the Bolsheviks (and who they really were) and Karl Marx's Ancestry/lineage?





An no one in their right mind, except for the right wing actually see him as a Socialist, let alone a Communist


fucking hell i hate commies

Is the fact that the Soviet Government was primarily Jewish for almost it's entirety linked to the fact that the Allies only found labour camps in WW2 whilst the Soviets were the ones to find the extermination camps related at all? Or is it just coincidence?

Are you seriously suggesting CPUSA? do you think I'm an FBI agent?




Hey, he said he'd rest when capitalism fell, and he died after trump was elected, so... mission accomplished, shits about to get real




fucking hell i hate fascists


Never CPUSA. They are only support the Democratic Party, and as such support Wall St.

The others are fine though. SALT is probably the best bet at the moment




Well you know what the joke used to be, that cpusa was maybe two thirds undercover agents

I'm all for this cause. I'd like to study more on the subject. Could you name a communist or socialist society that has held together and prospered for more than 30 years?

Isn't that a guy that never worked a day in his life and mooched off his inheritance and then friends?

You can try SALT, not the oldest, but one of the fastest growing in the US.

A little more "Liberal Friendly" I guess, but more so in the way to convert them to actual leftist views

The IWW has been around forever

Oy vey!

Sounds like you're describing Trump

Burn unit, we got a casualty

The IWW literally -WAS- the labour movement that gave us most of the worker's rights we have today. The weekend, 40 hour work week, no child labour etc.

The IWW is where all the early American socialists and anarchists got together and were allies and actually making the country a better place.

Oh look, Marx is related to the Rothschilds.

He also said that even capitalism had its proper place in human development. That place ended in the 1950's.


Well, a society as in a city, state, or country that holds socialist/communist systems without living in abject poverty. Not an organization that represents socialists.


Pretty sure you can trace any European back enough to find that they are related to Rothschild and what not

Fun fact, Lenin also included finishing the final stages of capitalism in the soviet union under the "New Economic Plan"

and then the kulaks fucked everyone over and caused mass starvation and Stalin took power and was like "okay we finished capitalism, time for some socialism.. NEP is over"

Name a capitalist state that hasn't committed atrocities in the name of profits

i agree with most of what you're saying, but what you fuckwits fail to see every time is that we've tried that method of revolution countless times in history, and what happens EVERY TIME without fail is that once the revolutionarys get power, they abuse it. greed is human nature. passive resistance is the only way. non-violent revolutions are the only ones with a chance to change the status quo in the long-term. it's harder, but i'm sick of the same cycles repeating.

Those god damned kulaks

I love how you didnt answer his question

Hmm..... Tito's Yugoslavia is a possible option. Had quite a high standard of living, even on par with Western societies

You can look at Rojava, but they are quite new, only been around for a few years. But looks promising

It's all fun and games until you cause a major famine by hoarding grains and extorting citizens of all their worldly possessions. Then its to the gulags.

>once the revolutionarys get power, they abuse it
G Dub and pals seemed to do alright. Probably why so many people are trying to dismantle everything they fought for, these days.

Imagine you were given $10 and you figured out how to turn it into $80,000

That's what Trump has done on a bigger scale and that's not even including all assets outside of cash that he holds.


Well we honestly haven't seen a proper revolutionary movement for some time, anywhere. The model created by the irish worked well, but there was too much infighting, and the black nationalist movement here in the US was going to try that model until their leaders were taken from them. If MLK and Malcolm X had managed to come together, as a political arm and a militant arm of a movement, then we might have seen something very different from what happened. So I disagree with you, respectfully. Direct action is the only way. Non-violent efforts have been turned into a circus in this country.

South Korea



New Zealand



And if you're honest, you'll admit it