Femanon here, I have some pussy-related questions I need male advice on

Femanon here, I have some pussy-related questions I need male advice on.
Do you ever feel like it can be too wet? Mine stays wet pretty much constantly, and when I get really turned on I sometimes can't feel my hubby's dick it's so wet. Average, 6", I know you all have huge cocks, spare me.
Do you like to lick it or is it just reciprocal? And does the sliminess turn you off? Or the smell? Not reeking, just the normal pussy smell I imagine, not strong, but I feel like putting your nose in it would make it stronger.

You smell like dick bitch.

It's awesome, you're lucky! Be proud

Show me your tits

I enjoy it. I have never had it be too wet. The smell actually gets better when you stick you tongue in and it's kind of a turn on.

Tits or GTFO

only an over thinking man can find something disgusting during sex , but, by other hand , i like a wet pussy, is hot

tits or gtfo

its really fun to go down on my girlfriend and see her really wet. as long as she keeps herself clean its never a hassle and every part of it is enjoyable

Yeah overly slimy is a turn off. Are you fat?

i have the same problem, op. i try to get my man to stick it before i get too wet and excited because then its too slippery and i prefer to feel him shove it in my hole when its tighter, i like the feeling of the pressure and stretching out better :3

A little chubby, yeah.

I love the smell and the taste of pussy. It's addicting to me.

But I also love the smell of a woman's sweat, so eh. Dunno if I'm the best source.

>Do you ever feel like it can be too wet?
No. It's actually pretty hot when it's sloppy and you're having hot, sweaty sex.
>Do you like to lick it or is it just reciprocal?
Love to lick it. Could go down for hours.
>And does the sliminess turn you off?
Again, no. There are better things to focus on while down there.
>Or the smell?
That's the best part imo. There's no better smell then a fresh, clean pussy.

Also, tits or gtfo

tits or gtfo


I'm glad I'm not the only one! Never felt comfortable enough with friends to ask.

Dick or GTFO

Yeah. Dicks or GTFO.

i know its not because im "loose" or whatever cause i noticed it happened when i lost my virginity. then again the fucker i lost it to had a shrimp dick but ive only been with one other person and hes a good 8 inches and it still loses sensation when you get too wet :'(

>Do you ever feel like it can be too wet?
Yes, but it's no reason to stop, we find it's usually time to change positions to find a better one
>Do you like to lick it or is it just reciprocal?
I love to go down, but she doesn't cause she doesn't like her pussy juice on my lips and won't kiss me afterwards. I'm working on it.
>And does the sliminess turn you off?
If it's clear it's a huge turn on, if it's milky less so but still hot, so long as it still smells nice.
>Or the smell?
I love my wife's pussy smell. It's one of the things it turns me on. But she maintains good hygiene which is essential. always so it smells salty sweet

Do you like getting eaten out? I've never really enjoyed it.

omfg i was just going to ask you this next. i HATE getting ate out, i think my clits too sensitive or something? all i know is it really really really hurts. ive had maybe 4 different guys try and its all hurt no matter what.. i dont know what the problem is but it really makes me feel bad and like a freak :(

It doesn't hurt for me, it just doesn't feel good. Maybe I overthink it.

tits or gtfo

> A little chubby, yeah.
= a 200 pound land wwhale

even when i rub my clit i have to rub it with my lips covering it. idk i cant directly touch my clit, it really hurts. not sure if it's normal. i did fall really hard on a bench directly on my clit in 7th grade once (lolll), i'm wondering if there's a possibility i broke it? can you even break it? just sucks because i can only cum from clitoral stimulation too.

I love eating pussy gets me super turned on, just going to town and sticking a finger or two in their anus while flicking the clot with my tongue. And yes, a pussy can get too wet and make it so that you cant feel as much. That's where some kagels and changing the angle will help.

>I've had 4 different guys try


I have to rub mine also, always have.

Not quite. 5'9, 155

tits or u know wat

In my experience. Bad smell is the worst as far as turn off goes. Make sure you wash that puss regularly. Also, make sure to shave where your vag starts. No hair below or in your vag.

I'm 27 slept with 30+ girls

i love licking pussy
it´s delicious, love when it´s wet.

tbh one of the best feelings I ever had was when I ripped someone during sex. Blood feels incredibly fucking good as lube, apparently.

The worst part about it is blood is a turn off / thing I don't like to see or pretend exists at all. t-t

Being super wet is probably fine.

Hahahahahahaha, ok you fucking liar

I definitley prefer fingers in/on mine and lips on the nipples. But he seems to want to eat my pussy, I just can't stand it. Do you let your bf do it anyway?

>I have never had it be too wet
Top fking kek

i think i have pretty strong muscles down there because ive been doing kegels for like 10 years, even before i was sexually active because i heard it's good for you. it feels especially good when you do it while you're getting your pussy pounded lol


But a little hair makes it so much more sensitive for foreplay, therefore leads to better sex.

Everybody is different. There is no normal. I love the soaking wet pussy (*AS LONG AS IT'S CLEAN*), I love the taste, the look, the smell, everything. Could drown my shit in that. But, not everybody's that way. And, other femanon, don't think you have to terrorize your clit to be normz. Because, again, there are none.

When you're in a relationship with a dude for a bit he gets into all of your natural stuff. And by natural stuff I do mean all of your natural stuff. Some days you'll have a bad case of the farts, the shits, the crotch rot, all of it. And if he's a real man he'll get turned on by all of it. So as long as he stays away from porn, he'll be into every part of you.

Most of them were 4 or 5s at best

Don't get me wrong, grooming is a must.

>Femanon here
Show me your tits. Or get the fuck out. You could have asked every one of those questions, in a hypothetical way. But you did not. So out with the tits, and your supposedly sopping wet pussy, since tits don't prove you have a vag on Sup Forums.

yeah my husband really loves eating my pussy but i cant stand it either. i only let him if he really begs for it cause i feel bad lol or if i dont feel like having sex to make it up to him lol. he says he loves the way it smells and tastes.

Try the jockey position(or flat doggy or whatever the fuck it's called), then clamping down on your man with your vagine muscles. It will feel amazing for him. At least it does for me

Maybe you should switch to /hc/

same. penetration feels really good obviously but it can't make me cum alone.

what in the actual fuck is wrong with Sup Forums?

tits or gtfo

you know the rules.

if not then fuck you and abandon thread.

Do you guys have sex every night? My husband insists. Says it hurts if he doesn't nut. Doesn't jerking off work the same?

yes thats my favorite position!! haha. definitely the best sensation. its also about the only position i can manage right now being preggo af

FFS. here is some real advice from a guy with actual experience.
Hygiene is important. If he drools a lot and doesn't get the lips right in there, he is trying to use his spit to dilute your nastiness. Don't be afraid to clean up before sex. In fact, the Kama Sutra recommends this highly.
If they like it or not is entirely dependent upon the guy. I know guys who love their dick sucked and will do what takes to get a blowie. I personally don't enjoy BJs because, as you said, I've got a "huge" cock and not many mouths I've encountered can handle it effectively without teeth or muscle pain/exhaustion. Despite that, my drive for oral is one, I like the experience. It is a dominance thing for me. I can, with little effort and highly refined technique, coax an orgasm out of the most reluctant and skeptical girl and that turns me on. The bucking, squeezing, seizing, or squirting result that lets me know that she has been overcome excites me and makes me want to plow that submissive, tingly little thing.
Not a lot of men I've broached the subject with feel this way. Oral is a means to and end for them and they just want nut in a hole.
So really it just knowing your partner. Communication is important. If you doubt the communication, open with your own. Talk about things you enjoy about oral or whatever and coax what they may like out of them in regards to oral and you'll get your answer.


>Doesn't jerking off work the same?

yeah, at least once a day. before i got pregnant, we used to fuck literally 6 times a day at the very least. i couldn't resist it even though my pussy would be so sore lol. but since i got pregnant ive been extremely sick with morning sickness the entire time as well as heartburn and you know just being huge and carrying a big ass watermelon it makes it really hard to have sex so now we do it maybe once or twice a day. depending if im really sick or not. and yeah it hurts for dudes if they're horny and they don't cum, they get blue balls. i'm really glad girls dont work that way haha. im sure he'd get relief if he jerked off, as long as he cums? i dont think he needs to have sex to get relief?

I should abandon a thread because the person may in fact be a fifty year old neck beard?

I've jerked this old cock of mine to some heavy shit in my time, so I really don't care. I take it as it comes, and if it's bullshit, i still don't care.

Jerking off is a lot like eating candy. They're times you'll satisfy with eating candy, then there's days you'd like to fuck around with some cherry pie. You can't compare the joy of fucking around with cherry pie to eating a mint or two.

Rules, newfag? This is Sup Forums

This is wonderful. I love wonderful. Fucking scrawny girls makes my dick ache. Fluffy girls is my poison. You have pleased me and my cock.

WTF, since when did TITS OR GTFO become optional?

No one gives a shit that you're a whore. Just post your fucking question like every other motherfucker here.

> hey guys I'm a girl, hehe flour a question for you.


And you fucking faggots stop enabling these whores and enforce the fucking LAW

Get a load of this faggot. Pussy hair is cool.

>tits or gtfo

You're the cancer of Sup Forums m8

You are a fucking freak! I would consider killing myself if I were you. At least have someone cut this over sensitive clit.

Triples confirm what I just said.

You have triples? Where's the triples you claim to have had, in the ass of an eagle?

lol i would but you can't have sex if you're dead..so wheres the fun in that

I can taste it in the back of my throat.

The harpoons.

Man them


Every time I see that cat I want to feed it to my dog. I hate cats, but this image pisses me off. I want my dog to eat that cat.

And fuck you. You wouldn't know a real woman if she were ten feet away from your cootie hiding ass.

how does letting 4 different guys give you oral sex make you a whore? 4 is a pretty low number for most bitches

Jesus. What a that is a big woman.

Aye Cap'n

If you lay down on your back, we all know you would be straddeling those gross bags in each arm pit.

>4 is a low number

Lol stupid whore. It's not just 4-5 guys, it's all the dick they've each enjoyed too and that's what makes you a whore. ;)

it's pretty low considering most females fucked people well into the double digits, oral's even more..

I understand your hate, so dont direct your hate for cats at me. Its cheap and shows your autism level.


What's so difficult to understand about a timestamp? TIMEstamp.

Nope, that tit pic is from another thread

Stay away from whores. They're warping your mind.

most highschool sluts go through 4 guys in a year. get real and american sluts start experimenting sexually in middle school.

You don't understand woman==whore

This pepe is probably the best to describe Sup Forums.


4 might be a high number for fucking afghans, not western women.

Feminist bitch

Wow thanks for this book about how big of a fucking faggot you are

>western whores

ftfy. Step your game up, faggot.

Boy, you're safe and sound in whichever hell hole out there's about that's yours. But if you thought I was a feminist then you're wrong. I'm just a stranger with a dick, like you are, who happens to know how relationships work. I've had a few, some longer than others. Some were rewarding, and some put a restraining order against me.

preference will vary by each guy, it is a sign of arousal so most guys find it a turn-on
>not feeling it
Fairly normal if yoy're super wet, this happens more often if oral is foreplay (saliva). Even with larger dicks this happens.
All pussies smell different blah blah blah
If he's really into you, he likes the smell. A guy ends up associating the smell with the attraction. Keep it clean and the smell will be fine.

>I get turned on by crotch rot
>some ex-girlfriends have restraining orders on me

Not surprised...

This...so MUCH THIS

I do actually. My gf gets quite wet most of the time and while it's not a turn off it sure does make it hard to feel anything and make a dick feel good when you can't feel yourself being gripped


Nice tits

about the weirdest thing i've heard other dudes say they like on women besides the smell and taste of their pussy is their natural body odor or sweat or whatever. like man musk but for girls. that doesn't seem that weird though, not like fucking crotch rot.

you got massive tits. come cam so we can see them
> icanhazchat. com/tog

just tell her to squeeze your dick (kegels) while you're inside her.

Well excuse me for being a man, I think i'm going to have me some cranberry and vodka, take a nice long piss. Choose which lube to lather up my dick with, either the scented or unscented one. Decide what I'm going to get off to tonight. And then after I pass out with my dick in my head like I do every night, I'll get up bright and early to get ready for work.

Crotch Rot happens more often than not, to both girls and boys, you'll learn that eventually, boy.