Birth control chemicals/medicines are a non-essential. Why do I have to pay for it via taxes? Furthermore...

Birth control chemicals/medicines are a non-essential. Why do I have to pay for it via taxes? Furthermore, why are my taxes being used to abort babies?

Doesn't make sense at all. Birth control is ridiculously inexpensive as is Plan B/morning after pills.

One has to TRY in this day and age to catch HIV and become pregnant.

Explain to me, without sperging out; why I (as a man) should have to pay for these things EXCLUSIVELY utilized by women?

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check your privilege you cis gender man

Yup, why should I as a male have to pay higher taxes and health insurance so women get free birth control (usa)? If a woman can't keep her knees together and is a whore she should finance her own whoredom. I don't see anyone paying for my condoms.

so you can fuck her right in the pussy

Ahhhhh the great myth of male privilege has been envoked. Let me guess hmmm you're a women studies student or "work" in a coffee shop.

tax dollars are not used to support abortions. ever. so congratulations on that.
birth control is non-essential, but then again so are your prescriptions. in this country we don't just aim to keep people alive, we let them live the best life possible, and birth control is used to treat a very wide variety of health issues. hope this helped

I fuck her right in the pussy anyway.

So you can fuck her right in the pussy without worrying about getting her pregnant and being on the hook for child support for the next 18 years.

Think of it this way: birth control is hella cheaper than welfare.
Your tax money never went to aborting babies, you ignorant faggot.
>one has to try to...become pregnant
Well, you kinda have me there. One does have to have sexual intercourse in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation to become pregnant.

ya and i love hillary clinton i almost shot myself right in the face after trump won but i live in california and cant get a gun i also love black lives matter and i am a proud supporter of the lgbtq community and i am sure you are an islamaphobic gay hating cis gender male who hates woman and wants to suck the dick of your russian overlords

If bc was being prescribed to cover something besides bc it's was already covered by health plans. Feminists just wanted others to pay for "their right" to be whores here in the U.S.

This user gets it.

i'd rather they take a couple pennies per paycheck to give out free BC than 30+ bucks a paycheck to support their welfare thug nasty "chillens".

the poor don't have much impulse control, keep that in mind.

Hence Why I use condoms. Not trusting a woman to take her pill or have some disease. Lol.

you mean the health department is'n't giving out brown bags anymore

no, that's not it at all. the debate is whether people on something like medicaid should be able to get birth control pills for medical reasons

>i'd rather they take a couple pennies per paycheck to give out free BC than 30+ bucks a paycheck to support their welfare thug nasty "chillens".
This. Unplanned pregnancies by usually single mothers under 25 are the bane of this country. Every girl should have to get the IUD at age 12 as a requirement for enrollment in public schools. IUD lasts about 10 years so we'd be effectively eliminated teen pregnancies that are overburdening our health system. Spend a few billion in prevention and not have to spend trillions repairing the damage their bastard spawn cause.

Also nig nog it's in your best interest that some females not become pageant or abourt the child. Last thing you want is
a child being born in to a home the is either unfit to raise it, or incapable of doing so.

You see genetics loads the gun but environment pulls the trigger. Meaning if they are in an unstable environment said child would then grow up being more susceptible of committing a crimes, unemployment, health issue that at the end of the day at the bare minimally would end up coasting you more tax dollars, if you where not out right the victim of a crime committed by said unwanted child

>poetic justice

Love women, love most people. Also mature and adult enough to never even contemplate shooting myself just because someone I disagreed with got elected. You better check your ass crack your panties seem to have gotten thenselves in a knot .. again. Lol

>tax dollars are not used to support abortions
dude when the government subsidized planed parenthood a portion of the the subsidy went to abortions so yes tax dollars have paid for abortions
>we let them live the best life possible
at the expense of tax payers who never use the service? why should tax dollars be used for birth control when it is a non-necessity that is easily payable
>so are your prescriptions
that are probably payed for through his own health care and not the government which the whole point of this is to argue against the government paying birth control.
>birth control is used to treat a variety of health issues
so is aspirin and other drugs but the government doesn't pay for them unless you buy a government health plan which you dont need to get free birth control
>hoped this helped
literally you are either ignorant and uneducated ore just plain stupid. either way you have no idea what you're talking about

women get much more from thr government now a days then they ever had and men have to suffer for it all the way from paying for women birth control to statistically paying more in alimony, child support, and insurance paying

It's either that or your taxes will go to welfare for children that were never wanted and are abused by shitty parents who couldn't afford protection in the first place. Or would you rather sterilize poor people? While we're at it, might as well cut social security, Medicare, the free lunch program, and unemployment. Kids and old people should work for their keep, right?

this tempest in a honeypot,created by the left,nurtured and watered by stephanopoulos in the romney war on women interview on A B Clinton ,net,hard left sees the issue as a bat co clobber cuckless people like romney,a way to further break up the family by removing parents from getting notice the kids getting BC or an abortion.
a vehicle to hire more government cucks,thus portraying cons as uncaring antiwomen etcetc without end amen

wow you are actually retarded congratulations

that are probably payed for through his own

>implying that nigger works.

>a portion of the the subsidy went to abortions
>inb4 hurr-durr lamstream media

true this is Sup Forums

is aborting children considered a form of planned parenthood now? i guess its easier to raise a kid that way

The depopulation initiative, race-specific bioweapons and Margaret Sanger's hatred of the black community.
>in 2012, more black babies were aborted than born in NYC
>look it up

god bless america

>more black babies were aborted than born
where's the problem?


>why I (as a man) should have to pay for these things EXCLUSIVELY utilized by women?

Do you pay for these things EXCLUSIVELY utilized by people with cancer/diabetes/aids/etc?

Those sandpaper tubes lol. Depends on the state and city. So who knows. Anyway I took my schooling seriously got educated, did it with out student loans, worked hard, now good job. Learned at an early age no one owes me anything. If I want something I have to earn it. Guess it's the "privileged cis male" way. I know how to take care of myself and those around me and accept personal responsibility. Unlike so many whiney special snow flakes these days.

Why should my pills pay for your fucking boner medicine?

Fuck off ya whiny cunt, it's the only thing keeping the niggers from outnumbering you in a fucking generation.

do your fucking research. In New York and California planned parenthood accepted Medicaid for abortions back in 2008
that stopped with the Hyde amendment so yes taxpayer money has been used to fund abortions

thanks for the life story james

Plan b is around 50 dollars a pill here my dude

heres a source nigger

You're welcome jane


It's also been used to kill tens of thousands in not hundreds of thousands of inicent civilians across the world, don't see you shit posting about that faggot.

I pay the fuck out of the taxes so all you fucks can pig out on red meat and drink alchohol your whole lives and then dump your medical bills on me, while I was eating healthy and exercising and drinking fucking water.

Fuck all ya

>Explain to me, without sperging out; why I (as a man) should have to pay for these things EXCLUSIVELY utilized by women?

Think of it as a flu shot, but for society. You're paying a marginal sum to provide birth control for all.

Women on birth control don't want to have kids. If they have kids they don't want, they don't raise them right. Then a statistically significant number of them become criminals.

because you don't want overpopulation by sons of whores and chads

Birth control costs less than an abortion, and far less than the economic strain created by the sheer mass of non-contributing humans created by sex without easy access to birth control.

So has our military, our intelligence community, our business interests, and our energy and trade policies, and I don't see you faggots complaining about that.

Don't bother. People like OP are incapable of seeing the bigger picture and their live view is "If it works for me, then everybody else should have to live the same way."

they were in other countries whats the big deal?

Well if you want to keep the numbers of the great unwashed down why not demand mandatory steralization for both males and females after two kids?


Not wearing seatbelts, high sugar food, and tobacco also make up a very large precent of health care cost.

Let's see. Publicly funded schools, loans from the federal government, so you can drive to your good job on roads that my taxes paid for. Great that your accepting personal responsibility and all, but don't think you didn't get a hand up, just like all of us.

Faggot I'm for most of that shit, and bc and abortions. so suck my cock slut.

So does keeping tards alive and educated.

Well nigger then those ass holes are gonna wanna come over here and scull fuck your face.

>ISL dipshit.

they dont raise them at all.
and while conservatives can be all preachy about how everyone should put the offspring they can't afford or care for up for adoption, they leave it to idealistic liberal yuppies and fags to actually do, and then ridicule them for it. Ask 100 conservatives about how they feel about raising someone elses kid, and 99 will tell you to fuck off, not their kid, not their problem. Primitive apes.

>Why do I have to pay for it via taxes?

Would you rather pay with your taxes the WIC and other welfare to raise all these whores children that they have and can't afford to raise because that cost a whole lot more than birth control. Why aren't you mad about that?

>Why aren't you mad about that?
Inability to see the long term

Geeee like I don't pay for all that with the enormous amount of taxes I pay.


look at the actual budget sometime, and realize how fucking gullible you've been to buy into someone elses absurd ideology of outrage and hate toward your own country.

We all go through it eventually.

What are you getting at Albert? You really aren't making a point, kinda just typing random words in incoherent sentences. Clearly not enough money is being given to education because it has failed you


You're just retarded.


sounds hot when are they coming

>Ask 100 conservatives about how they feel about raising someone elses kid, and 99 will tell you to fuck off

I'm liberal and I'd tell you to fuck off too. Not my kid not my problem and most of my friends would say the same fucking thing

insurance premiums pay for birth control
not your taxes directly

Rather pay for niglets after they are born until they die in prison? Count your blessings that you are a giant faggot OP.

Op is a just a baiting faggot get laid gaylord

>enormous amount of taxes I pay

What country are you living in user?

You laugh bitch, this ain't a game. Doubt you are ready for true combat.

insurance premiums now controlled by the federal government

fite me you bitch

I said idealistic liberal yuppies and fags

I didn't say every fucking liberal person in the world now did I...

I'm a liberal republican and I sure as fuck wouldn't either.

>Explain to me, without sperging out; why I (as a man) should have to pay for these things EXCLUSIVELY utilized by women?
You, as a human, should have to pay for things utilized by other humans. That is what taxes are for, gender be damned.
Or to put it another way, it's like saying your male tax money shouldn't be used to build women's toilets in public buildings - retarded.


...there's a difference.

feminist detected

>Ask 100 conservatives about how they feel about raising someone elses kid,

Not liberal or conservative somewhere in the middle but I wouldn't want to raise someone else's kid either. I'm no cuck

Kind of hard to string a coherent sentence together when my "guest worker" housekeeper is sucking my dick. Doesn't speak much english but she knows her expected duties.

What's your addy nigger?

Why should I pay for your shitty wars, always promoted and started by stupid slugbrained men?

I will abort every male baby I have.
And I will make you pay for it.

Way to back peddle faggot.


The land of the free and the brave ... ya right lol

god dammit

Birth control may not be an essential life-care item, and may seem as a luxury. But the fact of the matter is that delaying pregnancy until sexually active couples are ready has a net positive benefit on the economy and society at large.

Families that have unplanned children statistically make less money, and have a longer term need of assistance than families that can establish themselves first before children come into the picture.

By delaying childbirth until careers and homes are established results in significantly reduced operational costs of government assistance programs.

It's like spending a dollar to save a hundred.

>idealistic liberal yuppies and fags

So like 0.001% of the population

r u still in this thread faggot?

>complaining about paying a lot of taxes

you don't pay shit
try living in denmark
highest quality of life, and you pay for it. 100% sales tax. also top of the happiness index.

egalitarian actually, in other words what feminist used to mean before tumblr came along.

How the fuck do you have 100% sales tax user?

Planned parenthood also provides birthcontrol as well for no- and low-income women.

just saying if a women decides to spread her knees and whore it up she should be responsible enough to shell out a few bucks to pay for protection just like a man.

>Not my kid not my problem
You're not a liberal, then. Leftists take the "it takes a village" approach.
Condoms should be free too. In my country, they are.

denmark's VAT is only 25%

exactly. there are already too many goddamn kids getting dragged through the disasterous foster home circuit, bc there aren't enough people to adopt them. discontinue birth control, and you just add more neglected kids to the pile, soon to be on welfare costing your asses 10000% more than a few pills.

And how is it that exactly?

>only 25%
you just gave ron paul a heart attack

You poor saps

We don't even have transparent VATs in the USA. We'd throw our politicians into the ocean if they proposed it.

45°43'13.0"N 107°35'47.9"E these are my coordinates meet me here in 48 hours and i will be waiting if you don't show up your a little bitch


That's just the import duty. If it's too low, you dump the rest on the sales tax.

If their VAT was higher, they wouldn't have to have such a high sales tax.

top trololol friendo.
how much do you think unwanted kids are gunna cost you in taxes when their parents don't have the means to take care of them? dumbass.