Wake me up

wake me up

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i don't have a significant savings anyway.

no youtube.com/watch?v=kacNHoavfVg

yea i wanna know too



Even less reason to be concerned I suppose.

Remember Kurfy, the camwhore guy that used to post here? turns out he's some kind of fursuit sex porn star. Nigga has like 5.5k followers on twitter and it really upsets me because there's people who work really hard on actual talent stuff that have far less.

Wait you seriously did not know this?

How many of the porn artists that you like do you actually give a shit about?
The guy probably has less than 10 people out of that 5.5 K that actually give a shit about him as a person.

so what I learned about my last name male lineage so far;
my great grandfather was a rum runner who moved from arkansas to california during the middle of the depression and his name is (1st) william, frank, hurley, (middle) scott (last) scott or holmes

his great great grandfather was a corporal in the union cavalry (I also found a letter he wrote to his local newspaper)

corporal guy's great great great grandfather was a british loyalist in the revolutionary war

I did not

i didn't know it either, i guess by choice.

can't get mad that sex sells, because sex always sells.

hurley changed his name a fucking lot.

can you disable text chat in siege? it always distracts me

Does he have an xtube account?


no, can't even mute the other team so they can say whatever they want to you always

Before you go go

I mean:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>is gay
>shaves and posts videos constantly
At some point you have to realize this is probably not a private hobby he likes to do on the weekends.

people don't know this?


wow that's actually really fucking cool, do you just play it on your keyboard?

You did not know this? He has tons of porn stuff floating around. He did when he posted here.

He's pretty fucking hot to be quite honest.

I get both of these points it just is frustrating because I know some really talented people who deserve the recognition far more

ITT: Old news

fuckin ubisoft, there must be a way.

Nobody cares if you are talented.
What matters is if you know people.

If I recall he looked like a bloated pear.

World ain't fair I guess.

It's old news that he's a huge queer but I didn't know that the dude has some sort of strange cult following that's somewhat sizable.

>If I recall he looked like a bloated pear


Oh when I was a lad, I swore I'd be famous.
But now that I'm old I prefer to be nameless.
Cursing our lives with a beer in between us.
And drink all our troubles away.

>TFW you have 12 followers on Tumblr and 7 of them are porn bots for lesbian sites

He's been doing murrsuit stuff for a while now. It's not surprising there's a following since he has a more attractive body than most involved in such.


Was Kurfy not the pear guy?

You all seem to remember this differently than I do.

I believe you may be thinking of Timby.

i think i saw Kurfy streaming HotS on Twitch a few times

Can't wake up.

He was strangely skinnyfat with a bit of a muffin top, Roy's just saying he's more attractive than the rest of the murrsuiters because the rest of the murrsuiters are essentially ogres from Elder Scrolls IV



Well, the rest of the murrsuiters that make public videos anyway. I'm sure there are plenty decent ones who get freaky in private but uh yeah.

No, if people know YOU.


I don't know anyone called Timby.

Ok so I am thinking of the right guy.

His personality made him unbearable.


This is a common and tragic problem


I was just on his twitter like 15 minutes ago, I'm thinking of the right person. Timby wasn't skinnyfat, Timby was FAT AS FUCK lol

It wouldn't surprise me if the more attractive people end up in the pup play stuff merely because there are just a greater volume of people to .... interact with.

Tonight is going to be good.

Timby was the guy that used to spam nudes, was pear-shaped, and had a puppy RP thing going on. Kurfy was skinny.

is it bad if I thought the thumbnail was you browning chicken in a pot?

People's views on what constitutes fat varies. I wasn't sure.


is here?



Fuck maybe I do have it mixed up.

wasn't kurfy just a porn poster

did you get my email?


yeah, but he'd only post porn of his fursona if i recall correctly.


Well, I don't see it.



It's bad that there are two people which are being confused as Kurfy.

Yeah I got it. You live within the US right? Import fee's can be a bitch depending on where you are.

He woukd post pics of himself with a fursuit head on from his convention hook-ups.

Hey Jeff.

he snarf

dont live in US but im aware of import fees

I got 2 more hours on shift. It sucks.

I don't recall Kurfy ever being fat from the pictures I saw but further defending that point really isn't doing me any favors.


Evening guys!

yea but im about to buy a ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY dollar controller to play it betterly

yea that's the curse of the modern world



is it a busy night tonight?


evening, how are you?
oh god why, you could buy a dragon dildo with a cum tube for that.


it's such a shame that a game this good was produced by a company as stupid as ubisoft


Aha, THERE'S the skinny one! Maya's the only skinny one that I'm aware of.

Thanks for the (You)s.

i'm doing pretty well, alone at home drawing cocks...

I'm skinny
nice, I'm at home recovering from panic from earlier and watching AGDQ

>Maya's the only skinny one that I'm aware of.

I have his butt pic at home, I'll post it.


Nope, dead.


He meant of the people that spam pictures of their naked bodies in thread.


i don't need more dildos.



No thanks.


You also don't pictures of your penis and asshole in thread.

At least not that I'm aware of anyway.


pretend its not, and hope it stays as good as it is, and youll be fine... until it inevitably happens.

oh fuck, hope it's nothing too serious and you can get some rest...

really? i dont believe you

hi snarf! no pics of my butt this time?