Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: Rules:
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Lousie claimed



>Hitting it
Abusive, I didn't think you had tthat kinda side...

Off to work!


Out of my way virgins! Big dick coming through!

still here


Of course, if you're not I may have to hold some things back... I'm definitely considering it after earlier.


Same, the only thing more awesome than bad movies is bad games/kusoge.

Plus it sticks around for a while up there. We usually get a day or two then it starts to melt and leave behind a bunch of mud.

I'll have to look into that one, can't say I'm familiar with it. A lot of old HK martial arts films are notably bad too. Zombie Vs. Ninja and Fantasy Force Mission (Jackie Chan) come to mind.

Never did a Tohou fighter, how do those play?

But I'm too sleepy to get out tha way.

Are you implying something?

That sounds pretty great. I'll totally look those up. I think the next movie I'm gonna see is a Len Kabasinski film, maybe Swamp Zombies.

Satisfaction in your own work is the first step to being really good at anything
what sort of stuff do you make, if it's cool asking? There's just so much stuff you can make with the knowledge to do so

>implying at least two things

Kusoge? What's that? I'd agree with bad games, but I don't know about a lot of them apart from Big Rigs. What's your favorite bad game? Favorite bad film?
You ever watch Secrets of the Clown?


Maybe, maybe not.

Tea or coffee?

Hey tomoko

mostly just shitty edits of tomoko or something. most of the stuff you can do in paint but it takes more work

It should stay for a few more months as usual.

hi mavis

They play a lot like smash
Been really long since I last played one so I can't really say much on the current state.


Coffee, unless it's a good green tea or really shitty coffee. What about chu?

You should try making movie posters
Not for any real movie, of course, but picking/editing a picture, using a good font, composing everything properly... It's a lot of fun and you'll probably learn some stuff along the way


Hey fat girls need dick too.

Same here, unless something gets seriously wonky.

Back to autism I go, after playing some autism.

Kusoge is weeb for shitty games. Same criteria apply though, shit gameplay, shit controls, glitchy, etc.

NES was full of them, two that I'll never forget as a kid were Cheetahmen and the glitchfest that was X-Men.

Made in Japan kusoge would be stuff like Choaniki, Buchigire Kongou, etc.

Hong Kong 97 gets an honorable mention.

>all of these shitty movie namedrops
This is almost too perfect.

Return of the Yuuki

We'll be in the 20s (C) again next week. A few more months for us and it'll start to warm up for tornado season.

Hm, I wouldn't be entirely out my element then. I can't hang with something that's too fast or has too many mechanics to memorize anymore. I used to be fine with Guilty Gear and the like, but now anyone can run circles around me in those faster paced animu fighters.

would you?

It's always nice to return to shitposting after a good training session with the girls.

Hello everyone
>no life
>Juvia claimed

Right in her hairy smelly pussy

Well then you may be right, may be wrong!
Shitty movies are greaaat

Ah, I see. Was the NES really that bad?

thats the kind of stuff i did in the high school class. already got most of the practical stuff sorted out. although its been a while since i made stuff and usually if i dont play with it then the next thing i make is god awful

Hi Julia!

Yeah it would be very surprising!
A sandstorm maybe or something alike could do the work, but not very probable.
I'm glad we don't have those here, they scare me.

where are you from?


Bad movies are absolutely amazing! I watched Reefer Madness not too long ago and it was amazingly atrocious.

So you're going to do lewd things to Chara? Nice.

I am back! How's Jack in the Box?

the one on the left

Very nice hat
Who that?

Practice practice practice
And that's kinda the goal of any artform, really, the practical stuff. remove all technical barries so you can freely put your brain onto paper/screen
As long as you're not actually falling asleep, you'll be making some sort of progress

Greetings Juvia
How do I do the hair floofs like you?

We get those in MN all the bloody time. It's gone from "ohfuck" to "fuck off you twirly cunt."

I' not sure that swearing at tornados works, but I haven't been hit by one yet.

Is this bullying?

Don't get me wrong it's still fast paced but it's more smash level gameplay with combos.
Welcome back

I really gotta sit down and watch more of em!
Where did I say that~?

What's up bud?

just the thicc one on the left

the nes was fucking awesome

although i will say it sort of ruins modern gaming. most games are just waaaaay to easy and i get bored. the saying "nes hard" was coined for good reason - a lot of the games demanded lightning quick reflexes

It had some great games, but there was a lot of shit. Time has made most of them forgotten, but I'll remember renting out some of those disappointments as a kid, or knowing friends who got a shitty game for their birthday.

They are, especially when you got someone to laugh along or suffer through them with. Food is a given.

>Reefer Madness
You described it perfectly in those last two words.

They're ugly. When you see the clouds start to wall up and descend, or the sirens go off, it's time to get to cover. I don't give a crap how many times it's a false alarm, all it takes is the one to ruin everything. Hail will usually mess things up around here when tornadoes or high winds don't.

Tacos were destroyed, full stomach for less than 5 bucks. As long as you don't study the 'meat' too closely it's all good.

Maybe a little.

You implied it.

What's your personal favorite bad movie? Any particular genres that draw you? Where's the best place to get bad movies; I just buy the $5 multipacks like a Normie.

Thank you!

well the one that actually took practice was illustrator because you could actually draw things from scratch in it with a mouse. i remember we had a week to do this one project where we had to draw characters from an animated show. I thought dragon ball z would be cool and i spent 3 or 4 days out of the 7 or 8 he gave us drawing Piccolo. so i ended up with a really nice Piccolo but everyone else looked not as good. I think i was even short a character

There ya go! I'm not a fan of fast food mexican to be honest

Then it works!
I'll keep that in mind in case I face one.
I'd freak out to those sirens.
I'm used to hail though.

Not much just playing Vidya and watching guides atm

>hair floofs
It's a secret. Not even i really know. Maybe because she's made of water she can control her hair too? That's my guess.
Any hat like juvia's is a quality hat to me.

I'm trying to get my friend into terrible movies, but they never wanna sit down and watch a full movie!
I did no such thing!
Probably Space Cop, but that's because I love the people who made it so much.
It's been too long since I saw a good bad western.
I usually use Amazon or torrenting, but amazon is much more expensive than the multipacks.

sneaks up on and kisses from behind.

Nice, i'm playing LoL with some drunk friends. What guides?

So you're saying you don't want to do lewd things to Chara?

I'd rather do lewd things to you


Guides on World of Warships and playing World of Warships

Illustrator is hecking weird. I haven't had much practice with it though, but it's way different from PS. And that sounds like a pretty fun class, I get why you'd enjoy it. But
>short a character?

I guess it's only those who are one with the water who can realize the true hair floofs... oh well, it's not for us mere mortals

Eh? Kind of taken here, buddy.

I didn't say that either!

So which is it?

That's more manageable though, speed isn't a dealbreaker for me, but if it's speed with deeper mechanics, then my skill ceiling is lower than something fast but easier on the combos, movesets, etc.

I can agree with that, not to mention most of what's taken from granted wasn't around back then. Castlevania had some pretty good examples of it. Once you jump, there's no adjusting mid-air. If you forgot to hold diagonally upwards while going up stairs, you would walk off the stairs, fall though them, and immediately die.

Likewise, but it's usually the cheapest option this late at night. After midnight Chinese is my favorite, but it can be hard to find here unless I make it myself.

They're loud, obnoxious, and definitely unnerving when you hear them for the first time. It's for a reason though, plenty of people hurt or killed when the tornado barrels over the house and they didn't get to cover.

It's definitely an acquired taste, but the shared laughs/misery are always great material for injokes and stuff to talk about for a long time to come.

I know that feeling. I'm in a bad movie club and I've found that I almost always laugh more when I'm around a bunch of people.

Can you give me a demonstration

Yep! Be sure to hurt its feelings thoroughly! Also, hello from the US equivalent of Canada!

Oh God, what is Space Cop and why do I feel oddly aroused?


your point?

oh well he wanted us to draw i think it was four or five characters i remember drawing Roshi android 18 and Piccolo. So yeah i hadnt even started on Goku

Of what?

Unless you're Mako, you don't get to do shit to me.

That's not important right now!
I know I joked about Godzilla Final Wars with the friends I watched it with for a year or more.
Space cop is a 2016 Sci-fi B-Movie starring Rich Evans, produced by RedLetterMedia!
As for the arousal, you're on your own there

Well look who finally decides to show up after leaving me worried sick this whole week
I'm sure with enough hair curls and hair spray you can achieve God level floofs
It's so great they're nearly identical but different colors

what if i do it anyway

Aggressive bullying.

Sure it is. I mean, how would Chara feel about you being so unsure?

You think I'd let you?

I'm working on it.

I'd recommend watching videos on it. I mostly play the bullet hell Touhou games and read up on the story.
Yes Rin you are shit

;-; I'm sorry it's been a weird week so i havent been on much...maybe we should exchange kik or skype or telegram or phone numbers....

>implying you would need to let me

You think I couldn't stop you?

I'm not unsure! And Chara knows which option I went with! But that doesn't mean you need to!

very much so

K den.

I know, right?

I just checked the IMDb page. From what I've observed, it seems like some amalgamation of Demolition Man and Kung Fury.

Anya's gunna strangle you with her black belt .. watch out

that would only make my erection and my resolve harder

Oh cool, I played that game and World of Tanks for a bit but could never really get into the games. I enjoyed what little I played though

Our options are Steak n Shake and McDonald's. Personally steak n shake is better, but it's a sit down restaurant which I'm not a fan of late at night

Unless you die

Oh I see, my bad
Would you ever consider doing art professionally? Not right now, of course, but it sounds like you have some innate talent. A lot of online artists start out like that, just drawing and posting their stuff wherever, and they get better/build a following until it's sustainable

but no blue floofs :(

I would be sad to see all the damage they cause.
I'll do my best!
>the US equivalent of Canada

Sure I do. I mean, don't you care enough to say it in public?

You're amusing, I like you.

I'm not sure I'd strangle someone with it. It has some sentimental value.

what im actually saying here is simply I find your waifu choice to be a good one.

You can use mine. then.

Can't say I've ever seen Kung Fury, but just the name sounds like something I'd wanna see.

Nah, I don't wanna start thread drama when Sonokawa comes back!


Oh, neat.

You have one?

Oh, so what you're telling me here is that it is going to be lewd.


well what i did was pretend like I could art the whole time while doing it. I had the thing right and front of me and did my best to copy it. Besides thinking of your own things is very difficult and doing them as well i dont think i could