Sup Forumsattlestaions thread

Sup Forumsattlestaions thread

>comfy edition

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>comfy edition


what kind of mic stand and whatever the headphones are resting on are those?

Mic boom is some cheap one from ebay

and headphone stand,searchweb201602_2_10065_10068_10000009_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10110_10111_10112_10060_10113_10114_10062_10056_10055_10054_10059_10099_10078_10079_10000012_10103_10073_10102_10000015_10096_10052_10053_10107_10050_10106_10051,searchweb201603_10,afswitch_5,single_sort_0_default&btsid=9622bf46-c263-4f35-a10e-b4c2736c71f9

Here's our comfy warstation. Enjoy.


Fucking Christ m8

estimate to how much money is poured into that room?

mfw i will never have a long slide desert eagle resting above my private arcade machine

wtf do you do for a living?

actually somewhat legit

serene. 8/10. Needs more battle in battlestation tho
Fockin classy. 9/10
All of the essentials, done right. 8/10.
Clean. 9/10.
Hogwarts of battlestations. 10/10
Bitches find this battlestation acceptable. 9/10.
Solid, but needs work. 6/10.
Comfy. I'll give it a 5 for effort.
Easily the best so far. 10/10 and my good god is that amazing.

I'd estimate 120k, including firearms
Follow your dreams brother
Nothing anymore I retired young

but what DID you do

unless you somehow got a ton of money given to you


Got REALLY lucky with investments. Didn't piss away cash until I was well into my 5th million.

smart guy with money and the market ayy

Lol! I really have to say it was pure luck

yea but like in the beginning you must of had some idea what you were putting your money into, and mustve had a somewhat large amount too

like gg man

Haha ty man. Enjoy some ass :)

comfy thread


you sir, are a gentleman, and a fucking lucky legend among us plebs of 4chins

I'm pretty sure thats KOB King of Booty from a few threads or DemiChad from /k/

fuxking legend man


Ayy fagets


ko bruh dat a hp?

Mein kampfy station.

And the living room setup. I use a controller and steam big picture mode.

that's fucking sick af

I'll see your SKS and Smith, and raise you a desert eagle and an SAI GRY.

Forgot pic lol

what do you play on battle dot net?

looks nice


that isnt a battle station faggot and its gross as fuck


Back at my old house, we had a station of 6 computers on the diningroom table lol. Those were good times, but now I'm 26 years old with no friends lol.

meant to say that this isnt a battlestation and that its fucking unbearable and not this one ->

Holy shit.

underrated post

Fuck off sa/k/uya


Fucking how
You are not human

Noice. Even your girl is a weapon with that chin. Always prepared.

She's eating lol. It's not that prominent. Extremely witty, though.

t. sakuya or sakuya loving manbutt addict


Fuck the computers, lets see more of that body!


No bitch but also got a rifle user, Murica

Go on....

That's a fine rifle and station, user. Murka.

She's a pretty looking lass anyway, I just have a hard time not being a cunt.
What the fuck is sakuya, you dirty weeb?

An thats a fine asshole my friend, moar

wtf ahahhahaaha

KEK love it

Lol fair enough.
Czech girls have nice assholes from the one I've seen lol. Not exactly a mass study but so far so good.


Fave game and tits?

Mine or hers?


My favorite game of all time is Shadowrun for Sega Genesis.
Hers is Final Fight, which she is currently playing.

Living the dream god damn!

what do you guys do for a living?


Buy and sell guns now. Barely anything.

did you import her

Am I the only one here who's noticed it isn't January 4th?

Nah. Met her in college when I was broke and she let me stay on her couch and bought me food. She as chill as she is hot. When I made it big I kept that bad bitch around lol

no carpet = not comfortable

My bad. Fixed timestamp. Good looking out I guess?

Do expensive computers and assault rifles go hand in hand with you ameritards? Jeez


you have an interesting life story, i want to make it a movie

too bright, small screen

I know her. She goes to my school.

Does being a broke jelly cuck more worried about the rest of the world than their own caliphate come with being a musleuro?

cozy here tonight

I have been using a big chair for my game chair for years (sometimes use a custom made desk and rocker like chair too)...

That mousepad placement is shit. No excuses, I would never want that. Otherwise a good idea.

don't put that screen so high man

the upper screen border should be at eye level for maximum ergonomics.

the kind of room you want to burn out

Lol k
Haha oh, shit is VERY interesting.
Oh? That's odd. She doesn't go to school anymore. Cool though.

There was a battlestations thread the other night and someone had a setup with a Nintento 3DS and 2 old ass computer speakers. Anyone have that picture by chance? Was fucking gold.

I need more of you in my life

I'm mostly on /k/. I'm DemiChad.

It only gets posted every single time. Just give it a minute sheesh.

Im Canadian, I can't help but worry and while also feel sorry for all of you.

We don't care.

wtf is wrong with you people. hes showing you his gf and you guys are accusing this poor innocent man of photoshopping and not being real

No, ameritards never do

Thank you for your concern. It's clearly very needed :)

you sir, win this thread

why doesnt she care about being naked and shared on teh internetz?

I was being facetious about it being shopped since that's what some idiot always says 110% of the time.