You come home and find this on your bed, what do?

You come home and find this on your bed, what do?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Oh, hee hee Oh My.
>M'lady, you surpise me
>Blushes profusely*
>These legs, how delectably delightful
>*Conquettishly gives legs a tongue bath*
>M'lady you must forgive me. I am at surely at my most..
>*Breathes in, bashfully*
>Might I be so bold as to savour thine toes
>*slobber gently over toes*
>The beast awakens, m'lady
>Ohh, my my yes indeed.
>I shan't hold back, m'lady
>*Rubs all three inches mischievously over buttocks*
>*Parts buttocks to unleash the pungent vinegar stink*
>My lady, my lust betrays me


good one

>tfw you were thinking exact same thing
>tfw this user purposely made it cringey and beta
>tfw youre cringey and beta
>tfw you just want to slobber over toes

theres only one answer

me eat! nom nom nom!

Best her unconscious and drag her to my basement. I would bound and gag her and secure her to the weird iron circle that is at the bottom of my sin pump hole while I went to Lowe's for chain as it would make for better long term restraints. When I got home I would probably have to beat her unconscious again to switch to the chain restraints and then I would proceed to knock her teeth out with a hammer. She will likely wake up from that, but would pass out due to the pain, so id likely take a break to finger her was until she woke up and then fuck it since the struggle and whimpering would make it kinda hot. After I get off, I would just leave her down there for about five days so that she is starving and will eat and drink the laced stuff I bring her so that I can pull out the remaining teeth she has left and clean her up a bit. Then I would just fuck her here and there while I waited for her mouth to heal for all the real fun.

i mean beating her will just make her ugly. its not sexy if shes ugly.

ask her how did she get here and where are her parents because I am normal.

If she has no parents or something i guess call CPS or adopt/fuck her

run out of house and call the cops.
could be a demon fucck that

I plan to keep her until she is in complete Stockholm mode. She will heal up mate.

I'd just say "Wow who are you and what are you doing here? If you're here for sex with me then sorry I can't because I have a girlfriend and we are in a monogamous relationship. Please leave, otherwise I will call the police." I dunno what else

a girl without teeth is not pretty. yes i get the bj implication but i mean pretty low standards. might as well get sucked off by a vacuum cleaner

>because I have a girlfriend and we are in a monogamous relationship
>not because shes underage

She never told me and I never asked her age. Age is irrelevant if I already have a reason.

I would say get the fuck off of my bed

Ask my roommate who switched out my bed sheets. Mine is solid blue

If you think a vacuum and a female mouth are the same, you have obviously never received a blowjob

yo fuckin' bitch slap dat cracker slut whore.

How do you know?

I would get on that bed.. put her legs up on my shoulders and drill her pussy til I cum inside of her like the cum dump she is.

I'd tell her to put her clothes on and respect herself. She's underage and deserves to be treated like a princess. That's what I would do if I was a precum child but I'm not. I'm TraVonn motherfucking DeWayne my nigga and ima fuck the shit out her ass. Booty still gon be shaking when chris Hansen finds me. On god I'll go to prinson but I ain't tripping. I ain't gotta pay for bills, free food, and free gym membership. Tf she doing breaking in my house anyway.


Ask her how she got in and turn her in to the police

stumble in to bed because im fucked up/ vomit in her hair when asleep

Time to celebrate!


Why do people make these threads.

At this point it's old news, Sup Forums will come home, find a girl, boy, man, grandma, baby, she-man, pony, Groot, Trump, or ANYTHING FUCKING ELSE and they will FUGG IT INTO UNCONSCIOUSNESS

Anything else is just a variation of such