That's pretty gay

that's pretty gay

That sounds pretty awesome! Which Fire Emblem?


yeah, it's a nice thing to watch or put on in the background. usually I don't catch it live and just watch it all afterwards they're playing blazing sword right now



I haven't played that one, I played the earlier ones that I could get my hands on. I usually use netflix for background, This show is pretty good though.


Always wanted to find your favourite snap chat leaks? Use this tool today & thank me later lolol sn�pchatly.c�m


Shiiiiiit, spent 40 minutes shooting the breeze with the clerk at the 7-11 across the street from work.

What did you go on about?

I can't wait till the next season of it comes out. I've never played any of the fire emblem series, is it any fun?

must have been a good conversation

Any interesting conversation?

The older versions are good, but may be a bit dated.

Mostly work stuff, with a little politics thrown in.


it doesn't really look like a genre I'd play

anything happen while closing up?


What are your genres? Which games?

Well yeah, you have to die

Nah. Had 2 customers since 10:30. It was a dead night.

mostly open world games, some puzzle and shooters as well

what do you do when you're just sitting around doing nothing?


Either browse my phone, or I have my 3DS, so playing the Pokeymanz Moon.


The only shooter I've played lately is overwatch. When it comes to open world games I'll play any that my friends are, which is none at the moment unfortunately.

more cute g/fur pls...




I've been playing a ton of overwatch. the open world games I do play I take forever to get through cause I end up doing all the sidequests and stuff



There's a Cadillac out in the dark.


so far so good guys.


is it just sitting there ominously?


Yes and there's a guitar gangster lighting a smoke.



I moved into a new place and don't have the internet speed to play overwatch at the moment and it sucks.




you got to toss on a leather jacket and dark sunglasses and go meet him now

that sucks. I had that problem when I changed over providers and it was impossible to play for a week or two




Post your butt.

I can stream video and surf the web, but I can't game. My roommate thinks his internet is fast... it's only 3.64 Mbps download speed (pathetic)... I'm getting my own soon if he doesn't cave so I can show him what an actual internet connection really is.


Get a good router as well.

That makes a huge difference.


Does anyone have more cocksucker PoV pics? I lost one I loved of a dragon with his cock in your face and a drop of pre coming off of it :*o if anyone posts it I will post my booty in return!
If its wanted of course.


I don't think that's too slow to game. but it's probably too slow to game with someone else on it



same person. I talked to you last night about my favorite N64 game. I already have an amazing router. He won't let me connect it to his modem though. Which I guess is fair, because he won't let me help pay for this terrible internet.




Is it DSL? Get cable installed.

It's shared by three people... I could probably play it now because everyone is asleep though.



Cable is installed, It's just the worst connection possible.

yeah that many people'll be a problem. who do you play mostly?



oh so close but not it :o damn sexy tho
the pose of the dragon was more like

Hmm alright then.

Could always get your own cable connection.

Anyways whats new?

amazing to find this shit that actually works lol sn�pchatly.c�m

D.Va, Mercy, Soldier 76, Mei, and Reinhardt in that order. You?

Tease shot for the effort tho ;)

Having the same problems. Its painful.


Nothing much do you remember the conversation from last night?

mercy, zarya, ana, roadhog, dva. although in competitive it's been a lot of ana and zarya



Just terrible, my roommate is my cousin and while he knows how computers and the internet works he only uses it to promote his band and listen to music.

That game involves ann, karen, and popuri. Just trying to make sure it's you. I don't see you on this late very often.

I'm always up this late. Usually only lurking though.

dva in competitive for me. I provide a lot of covering fire, so my points are a bit lacking.

What are you up to lately? What have you found?

Just trying to gather as much money as I can

Have a SNES for sale and a lady who has some NES games she wants to sell to me.

I mostly play competative with a friend, and I think I get pretty good points.

I am very much a support player unless I feel the need to use 76.

Do you know the NES games?

Although as dva I can switch from aiding people to blowing them up.

My brother-in-law controls the net here. He's cheap.

Yeah, its a big list. They said they'd take less then Ebay but I'm not sure how much less.

it helps that I can combo with my duo partner really well. and I only really hop on other characters when we get bored of what we're playing

Same as my cousin. His band is alright, but not good enough to get big.

I like to see how things are flowing then I jump to a character if necessary. dva is my favorite though. If I'm doing defense though Mei sometimes is my choice. With the right team the attackers never advance.

Sounds a little difficult at the moment then?

How so?

I can't wait till they add more heroes and maps

Are you paying per game or bulk?