Let's get a good Arizona thread going!

Let's get a good Arizona thread going!

Other urls found in this thread:


AJ poppin in for a bump

I'm out, night

Here's Hannah




>AZ thread
>posts picture of Tibet's flag






family guy has made fun of tucson specifically like four times, i guess they really hate the city for some reason.






Still looking for wins of her! I know they exist.



Leak/see any snapchat users private pics/nudes Sup Forumsros use it before it's patched and don't share it. sn�pchatly.c�m

Did an exchange programme with tempe few years back. Your women are hot as fuck but down right retarded

Casa Grande Union High School hold in an annual male beauty contest called mr. Cougar. It is hosted by Casa Grande deca. This year's mr. Cooper involved 1 LGBT student who was discriminated in their photo shoot. The LGBT student turned up to the photo shoot in heels and short short shorts. The photo didn't was photoshopped so it did not appear that was wearing short short shorts and heels. Attached is a link to the tweet that the LGBT student posted about the situation. Make sure this is anonymous.