I hate stoners. I really do

I hate stoners. I really do.

All they do all day is smoke weed all the fucking time doing nothing productive and turn into retarded manchildren who annoy everyone around them.

And before you ask, yes I have tried weed countless times before but stopped using it because I simply did not enjoy turning myself into a lazy, hungry and annoying idiot.

Do you share my hatred for stoners as well Sup Forums or do I just have anger management issues since I can't be in the same room as a stoner without wanting to duct tape their mouth?

Neat story bro

I have some weird insecurities about weed. My bf enjoys it quite regularly, like multiple times a week. I used to smoke often with my ex.

But I still can't get over how uncomfortable it makes me to know that my partner smokes so often, even though he holds down a job, is affectionate, is a productive member of society, is clean, tidy, etc.

Why do you get your panties in a knot over other people and what they do? Jesus christ. If they bother you that fucking much, stay away from them.

Why do you enjoy taking the bait?

I share your thoughts about weed, but I don't hate stoners because I only give a fuck about what I do. If you start worrying about what other people do, you are going to have a bad time lil nigger.

ITT: People falling for copypasta

fucking idiots

I smoke pot all day everyday.

Im freelance, work from home, have a good pay, have several hobbies. Make music, do sposrts, work out, have friends, have a better life than most average people.
>been smoking non stop since 1999
So fuck you and your bait thread OP


Daily smoker here, started smoking daily around 4 years ago but have taken 2 long breaks of over 6 months each.

I think you just dislike unproductive people who smoke weed? I don't smoke until I've done all of my work for the day; studies, family commitments and cleaning/cooking. But once I've done all that, sure, I'll smoke all night and enjoy myself. I'll enjoy movies, books or music more than usual and it's also great for creativity (making music).

I don't think everyone is that stoner from the movies.

It's very hard for me to ignore shit like this because I see good potential in people going to waste which makes me very triggered. I have way too much empathy mang.

more idiots

It's OK man, someday you'll afford quality weed.

Not copypasta dipshit

Because it's 5 in the morning, why not?

>I run my own buisness and smoke weed every night
My home is always clean and tidy
I still have motivation in life
You can't put everyone in the same class
I don't drink alcohol .its my weekend off and smoking a fat joint

i share your experiences with weed
i dont like it

just accept reality, u nazi


I think you just have anger management issues
you should try
... weed

Stoners>alcoholics erry time

Thanks OP, I know what my next bait thread is gonna be, all of you are retarded top kek that was too easy

I don't hate weed, but hate the weed culture.

trips of truth

I was just using this thread to see if I could get reassurance about my insecurities kek jokes on you


why would it be bait? you don't know, fucking faggot stoner

Bipolar friend of mine used to hate weed, then one day he just gets obsessed now he's a pothead.

Pretty sure he became a fucking idiot after he started smoking, he registers for college, goes for 3 months, then just stoos going. Now he works at walmart and spends all of his money on weed.

He told me once he was actually considering killing himself, but you can never tell when it's coming from someone bipolar. One day he'll be real happy and wants to do something, next he just gets absolutely pissed from stupid shit. He also punched a hole in his wall when he was fighting the Abyss Watchers in Dark Souls 3

yea sure

OP here.
Heres my pic

Exactly, i think pot itself is great in moderation of course. It's just the gauge wearing, tattoo having degenerates who smoke everyday that make smoking seem very autistic.


There is nothing you can do about it though, so what is the point of being angry? You are just wasting your own time and happiness.


Threes bait, but I actually agree with the OPs sentiment. I smoke weed, mind you, but the stoner culture, and everyday smokers are both toxic.

Fake and gay.


>daily stoner
>hate "stoners"
>never tell anyone about my smoking weed because i know people hate it
>friends who know i am full time weed smoker never stfu about it
>even at bad times like when im meeting someone new or talking to college teacchers



all of u taking this bait are a bunch of newfags

Well it's just that I consider myself as an intelligent person, above average intelligence but obviously not the smartest bloke around.

When you are like me you notice problems all around you and try to fix them because they are hard to ignore.

Guess that's where the expression "Ignorance is bliss" comes from haha

I'm confused as to who's taking the bait

the people who agree with OP?
the people who disagree with OP?
anybody who is taking OP seriously?

#3 is the correct answer.

OP here and this was a serious thread on my part so imo the ones yelling bait are the ones who actually got baited kek

Steve-o is sober now you fucking moron

as an ex stoner i 100% agree with op

though i still smoke from time to time

OP here, I can't believe people fell for this shit, top kek

You and 50% of the rest of the planet, brother. In my view a lot of people notice these problems but just realize it is none of their concern and respect the agency of other people and don't let it worry them.

Shut up pussy

That's where the biggest difference between me and normies is. They can choose to ignore it but I can't because I wish this planet had more smart people and that is hard to accomplish when people ignore all the lost potential of other people. If everyone tried to make the best of every person that would make the world a better place but alas there will always be more dumb people than smart people.

Being intelligent is lonely...

Hey man, look, I agree with you, I wish the world was a better place too, but wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up faster. The best thing you can do for yourself and everyone else is to be the best person you can be.

"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know." - Ernest Hemingway

I can't ever be happy then knowing that I'm making the best of myself but the world isn't.

Fuck meeeeee

There's a huge difference between normal people who enjoy marijuana and "stoners". I hate anything in excess.

Depends on what you're smoking. I used to smoke some sativa before doing an assignment and it made me really productive. The "laziness" is the result of indica, couch locking, and helps you sleep. I stay away from indica, not all stoners are lazy.

Retards enjoy indulging, stop being a fucking retarded faggot and blaming weed. If you become a retarded faggot when you smoke weed, it's because you're a retarded faggot.

Stop indulging in Sup Forums then you retarded faggot

Stop being a baby back bitch op. Just because you don't like weed means anyone else gives a flying fuck. Get off your parents computer and stop bitching you ky jelly packing ass


meanwhile, stoners whether productive or not are having a fucking blast every day. imagine you are a man and simple things already make you happy but not ecstatic. start smoking every day. Every single day is fucking amazing. everything is fucking amazing. and then if you're actually productive it's even better. Life enhancer.

but you dont tell people or indulge in the "culture" you just do it alone all the time


Yeah, I also tried weed and think it's a waste

It's not that I hate weed. I hate the people who use it. I can't stand them because they go from decent functional people to annoying retards when they get high.

Dubs of truth. Stop whining like a little bitch and let people do what the fuck they want.

You think that because you hang out with faggots, and you meet normal people every day who are stoned, but you don't realize it because they aren't acting like faggots. You're just autistic and don't put things into perspective.

I have a degree in Information Science Technology and am a software engineer.

I smoke weed daily.

Your point is invalid.

"manchildren" You're the one wining online about a group of people you can't stand. Just don't be around them. - Problem solved by an unproductive stoner who probably pays more in taxes each week than you make a month.

>ITT Druggies justifying their drug abuse

Yeah true but pot sucks people into the "smokeweederryday" mentality nearly all the time turning pot users into stoners.

FYI, I don't smoke drugs so go fuck yourself. I just don't give a toss what other people get up to. It's their life, they can do what they like.

yeah i do

stoners != people who smoke weed tho

like people who go around going YAH BRUHHH LETS GO GET SMASHEEED arent the same as people who have a beer a tnight

>ITT faggot can't smoke weed without having an anxiety attack and GETS A BIG DICK ABOUT IT

OP out.

Too many weed glorifying potheads here who can't understand how fucked up they all look to the rest of the world.

Peace y'all



I'm being edgy. I'M BEING EDGY.
You are an unsufferable twat, disliking you is hardly edgy.

OMG that was like years ago.