When is it OK to RAPE a WOMAN ?

When is it OK to RAPE a WOMAN ?

When you're a man.

I've never raped anyone but I think it's OK just to peek at their goods if they are out cold lol

When she says "rape me" and she's into that sort of thing.

In self-defence

that's the same as rape.

When she actually has a penis.

When you want to have sex, but she says no.

when you both naked in bed and shes fapping you like your cock will inflate her flat titties and suddenly she decides 'not tonight'

please be a meme. please be a meme. dont let the world be this dark


Tell that to a rape victim, oh wait your saying rape isn't bad and doesn't hurt people

>Implying all sex isn't rape

When she consents while drunk.

Literally any time day or night.

>implying all rape isn't consensual sex between man and beast

Not rape though.

Never but the definition of rape has been unduly expanded. Rape is sex with a cunt who belongs to another man. It's not "forced sex", you can't rape a cunt you own.

Isn't it what they're FOR!?


Its never okay unless shes in college.


I was under the assumption that they aren't good for much else.

Can't rape the willing.

user, you always rape women. If you have sex with them and then break up, they tell everyone you raped them. So why not always rape them?

When she is "asking for it".

Literally nearly most sex can be defined as rape.
>touch my wife's shoulder, back and move my finger down until I get to her ass
>she moves my hand away
>repeat procedure about 4 times until she gives in and lets me finger her.
Mfw are we playing a game of cat and mouse or did I rape her.
This happens every time we have sex

Lose yourself in your moment of blissful rape. Her terror, her pain is your joy my friends. Don't let fear of the pigs stop you from becoming who you really are.

it's not rape if she doesn't remember.

Either the roofies kicked in, or she felt nothing.

because sticking your dick in someone unwantingly and peeping are the same thing. kys

When you're about to nut and she suddenly decides she's not ok with it.

ok to rape

People will tell you

>They're never asking for it

is it ok to rape if she has a dick?

Rape is a social construct, invented by the matriarchy to oppress men. It provides the illusion that women have free will and some control over their physical world.

>tl'dr: no such thing as rape

>has a dick
>pick one


nah they show everything because they don't want to get fucked

When she has a pussy

I would say it is okay to rape a girl and she looks like she is asking for it

When you're a president-elect.


I wouldn't go this far

I would say that it's social conditioning when women act like broken pieces of shit because they're raped. If you hammer it into a demographic's collective heads that they should be depressed and angsty if someone cuts them off in traffic, we would probably see mass suicides at four way stops

You forgot to mention how looking at women and holding doors open for them counts as rape too. To ignore these facts is sexist.


>I've never raped anyone

*tips fedora*

"Rape" is what the duck days when it wants more.

Either that, or is legit and careful.

Chances are though, that they've dragged their balls across her face and put their dick in their mouth.

>They're passed out

>They can't say no

>It's not rape

What are they going to say? "I was drunk and passed out in a random guy's bedroom" ?

If that argument flies then anyone who's ever killed anyone while driving drunk could say "It's not my fault, I was drunk when I got behind the wheel"

Don't be an asswipe. No, Never! I knew a girl who was raped in college. She killed herself 3 years later.

If she's trying to rape you.. rape her back. Tit for tat.


There is no such thing as rape. Rape is made up, just like man made time. Time isn't real, therefore rape isn't real.

I knew someone who was born and ded 67 years later.

Look, rape is cool and all but what you've posted is called acting, and I need a sauce for it.

when there are no cute boys around

Underrated post

Never you degenerate piece of shit

u r right.

women are stupid they confuse, "I said yes while drunk then regretted it 3 days later when my friends found out" or "I said yes while drunk but then I forgot I said it the next morning" as saying "no"

Sauce on OP pls?

It's always ok, they're just fuck meat used to extract semen.
The only thing stopping us are man made laws tbh.

What's black and blue, and hates sex?

A rape victim