This fat fuck is "extremely" autistic and refuses to drink out of anything besides a sippy cup...

This fat fuck is "extremely" autistic and refuses to drink out of anything besides a sippy cup. Can someone explain to me why some parent couldn't just smack him across the head and make home drink out of a regular cup. My cousin is autistic and we dont let him get away with shit like this. I just feel his parents are faggot ass liberal white people. Basically I just want to know if the boy is overreacting and if the parents are PC faggots who should have just yelled at his fat ass.

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Was this the kid who started basically an international manhunt for a specific make of sippy cup that wasn't even in production any more after his parents lost it, and claimed he would 'die without it as he cannot drink'

strap a jet engine to his wheelchair


People with especially extreme cases of autism DO NOT UNDERSTAND esoteric social concepts like punishment, reward, bargaining, etc. At least not like we can. You could beat him and shout at him until he stops asking for his damn sippy cup, but then all you've done is browbeat him into not asking for his sippy cup.

You haven't actually taught him that a sippy cup is for toddlers, or that the world won't end it he doesn't use one.

A sippy cup is not that big of a deal anyway.

On the bright side, these days we have a better idea what's wrong with him and how he CAN be taught to live some semblance of a normal life... maybe even to at least partially pay for his own care.

50 years ago this kids family would have locked him up in an asylum and forgot he existed, guaranteeing that you and I would have to pay every last cent of his care until he died.

Kids already to fat he's doomed

The nazis would have cremated his fat, retarded ass.

Just saying.

>Hitler did nothing wrong.

he looks pretty chill tbh

>50 years ago this kids family would have locked him up in an asylum and forgot he existed, guaranteeing that you and I would have to pay every last cent of his care until he died.

maybe if he couldn't speak

a firm paddlin' could do him some good, tbh. that or kick him out of his parent's house the moment he turns 18

the streets teach, sink or swim, live or die. if he's not smart enough to stop drinking out of a sippy cup then he's not smart enough to start a lawsuit.

It would be death for sure, you can't just say shit like that when the answer is clear and obvious death. It's not the 500's, we don't need sacrifices for rain.

Neither is he doing society any good. Off to the chamber, tubby!

Neither is anyone that isn't working on automation. Fuck existence in general amirite? Way easier to advocate death than to an hero, shits scary, with you bro.

it seems like there are two "types" of autism.

the first one, is the one that people reference on places like here. it's tv autism. like the kid looks down on occasion and then puts headphones on. then in the next scene spills their guts about being autistic. that's not autism. that's television and attention seeking.

the second is real autism. depending on how bad it is, they do not understand social behavior. so slapping him around and telling him to be an alpha like every single Sup Forumsro aint working. my neighbors kid has it. it's fucked up. this kid for real will run into the street if they don't hold his hand.

so really the answer is, do the parents have the means to take care of the burden?

There's what i call gentle autism.
IT's like when someone cries into their birthday cake with no rhyme or reason to be upset. Just a fucking broken mind.
There's also screaming at an electronic dancing santa 'BYE SANTA'.

That is a woman.

this neighbor kid rewinds his dvr and watched the same 4 seconds of sponge bob over and over.

his dad vents about him to me on the chance he catches me in the yard.

i've heard some horror storries

please tell.

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I used to work with autistic people (legit autism, not the Sup Forums kind) and sometimes it's just better to let them have their sippy cup or that one fucking song on repeat for 10 hours if it keeps them content rather than trying to teach them behavioral habits they will never truly grasp or understand because it will just reduce them to a screeching frustfrated pants-shitting mess. it's a day-by-day life when you live with people that have autismo.
Tl'dr: it's better to just let them have their nonsense and somehow co-exist with those genetic mistakes.

If my future kids will be suspected to have autism they will be getting the coat hanger for sure, also fuck posting from a phone.

>his dad vents about him to me on the chance he catches me in the yard.
Shouldn't have gambled in the genetic lottery, "dad".

>a firm paddlin' could do him some good, tbh. that or kick him out of his parent's house the moment he turns 18

The kid was so extremely autistic that he was suffering from severe dehydration because he wouldn't drink from anything except his sippy cup.

You wouldn't ask a diabetic to smash down a bottle of coca cola, nor would you seriously expect a quadriplegic to walk up a flight of stairs. this is no different.

>Severe mental AND physical handicpa
>he CAN be taught to live some semblance of a normal life... maybe even to at least partially pay for his own care.

You failed the test.

the kid is like 15 i would say

so every day it's a fight because he wants to wear like doras explorers pajamas or some shit. the dad threw them away at one point and the kid screamed the same sentence over and over for two days. this was with sleep in between. he would wake up and scream.

so the mom goes and buys more dora stuff and the kid stops. but his dad wont let him wear the shit out, and that is where the problem is.

he is also a sippy cup kid. which i thought was something unique to him.

apparently they can never go to a restaurant with their kid either because he freaks the fuck out. he only eats like 4 different things, and can't stand to see others eat.

i barely listen to the dad, because nearly 80% of everything he has said to me is bitching about his son.

i do feel bad for the parents though. they didn't want the issues they got. so i try to pretend i am interested with he complains.

i know i could not do it.

>the streets teach
Eh, something tells me you're not living in a ghetto, literally figthting for scraps.

Get your white overweight ass out of this thread and go ask your mom when dinner is ready

>worth a giggle.
>I'm gonna remember that dora shit.

I know i've seen plenty of autisimos with the sippy cup fetish.
It's usually funny.

why the fuck do you even fucking care?

i just wonder where it comes from?
why do they love the sippy cup?

>Angry at son
>Wag finger angrily in his face
>Finger Comes within 3 inches of his face
>Neighbours see it
>Arrested for child abuse, 20 years
>Child taken away from home
>Child placed in transgender muslim lesbian couples house
Thats probably why

I think because it's what they get used too. They don't remember drinking from a bottle but sippy cup becomes stuck in their minds. They're obsessed with routine.

Really who cares what some random autistic fuck miles away drinks out of?