I wonder if this is what Germany felt like when Hitler was being sworn in as Chancellor

I wonder if this is what Germany felt like when Hitler was being sworn in as Chancellor.



It's funny because your shit president said he felt like he was living in Nazi Germany lol.

Don't you insult the emporer

When Trump called CNN Nazis, really we all know he's just projecting.

Op is faggot


hitler was as popular as Obama

true evil is loved by all

Doesn't matter what op thinks. Trump is our Savior now nogger

Hitler rode 30% approval until his men got a hold of the polls. If Trumps ratings go up it's because he owns the polls.

in fact the way Obama executive-ordered whatever he wanted in defiance of the senate and congress was more like how Hitler ran the German government pre-war

Obama is more akin to Hitler than any US president ever

Doubtful. I'm sure this isn't nearly as exciting.

Yeah. And what the fuck are you gonna do faggot? Homosexuals are total degenerates

Hitlers party won 30% of the vote, because Germany was a 8 party system, which is why he won the election
his personal rating was over 60%

Tumblr's another 4 doors down the hall, m8.

>Obama did what he wanted
Then why are there still white people?

have you seen how many white libtards sucked his balls?

Hitler never won an election, he lost the Presidential election twice and then he was appointed by the senile president he lost against. Hence his low approval ratings coming in

And now Trump is president so... Obama lost.

The year 1932 had seen Hitler’s meteoric rise to prominence in Germany, spurred largely by the German people’s frustration with dismal economic conditions and the still-festering wounds inflicted by defeat in the Great War and the harsh peace terms of the Versailles treaty. A charismatic speaker, Hitler channeled popular discontent with the post-war Weimar government into support for his fledgling Nazi party. In an election held in July 1932, the Nazis won 230 governmental seats; together with the Communists, the next largest party, they made up over half of the Reichstag.

Hindenburg, intimidated by Hitler’s growing popularity and the thuggish nature of his cadre of supporters, the SA (or Brownshirts), initially refused to make him chancellor. Instead, he appointed General Kurt von Schleicher, who attempted to steal Hitler’s thunder by negotiating with a dissident Nazi faction led by Gregor Strasser. At the next round of elections in November, the Nazis lost ground—but the Communists gained it, a paradoxical effect of Schleicher’s efforts that made right-wing forces in Germany even more determined to get Hitler into power. In a series of complicated negotiations, ex-Chancellor Franz von Papen, backed by prominent German businessmen and the conservative German National People’s Party (DNVP), convinced Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor, with the understanding that von Papen as vice-chancellor and other non-Nazis in key government positions would contain and temper Hitler’s more brutal tendencies.

he won the election by having enough seats to form a government by coalition with the weak wiemar party, this blocked the communists.
they didn't have a presidential election or a president, the chancellor was appointed by the leading party/parties

you are a font of the obvious


Project much? Lel

Trump should be very popular on Sup Forums. He has a lot of values in common with most btards. I wonder if the secret service has some trolls on Sup Forums spreading negative oppinions. Oh, I mean the russians, of course.


Who was Paul von Hindenburg?

They didn't see it coming like this.

>the snowflake lefties and their runaway "feelings"

do you guys ever take to the time to drop the feelings and start the rational thinking?

So which race is he going to genocide? Mexicunts or mooselimbs?