How do you feel, user? I hope you're taking care of yourself

How do you feel, user? I hope you're taking care of yourself.

Good? Bad?

Share your feelings with me.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't want to talk to you


at this very second, sad and feeling pretty terrible, fishly one

Eh. Frustrated with the asinine stupidity of some folk, but other than that I'm golden.

Why is that?

lonely and stuff, was probably reminded of someone i loved too; also, really tired, as it's 5 in the morning here

I'm sorry you feel that way. Can I help?

probably, you're someone to talk to; i'm feeling a little better from that second at this time anyway, getting ready to sleep again and watching arc-v abridged

I don't think I will ever accomplish anything I want to in life.


you seem like a nice person
thank you for caring about people

im fighting the chick from OP's pic and I keep losing. someone help ty.

I hope you enjoy your day

The future is never known, so try your best now.
I believe in you

As are you. Thank you

I've been trying my best for a very long time and I'm tired

it seems like it'll be alright, but thank you anyway

Everyone has something inn common with someone. You fit in, you just need to find the puzzle pieces you fit with

how are you feeling OP? Anything you need to talk about?

You are trying, which is good.
Take a breather, relax for a day and clear your thoughts. Clean your room and just shower if you want.
You aren't a failure

I'm fine thank you for asking.
I just feel like I should check up with everyone

Define failure

I was diagnosed with Major depression disorder about a month ago and am now on some pretty heavy meds which may become heavier if I don't start to improve within 6 months.
Other than that doing pretty fine

Feeling good, about to move into a city, new job, better income.
But my car it's giving me a hard time.

A failure is someone who has given up on life and blames others for their misfortune.
This isn't bad, rock bottom is helpful to move back up.
Everyone can change.

Engine problems?

I wish I could tell you that I don't do that

As I've said, it's not bad. You can change.
No one is bound to one path in life, and it doesn't make you a bad person to be in a rut.

I shouldn't have spent all that money on fast food

I feel ignored

Not unusual, but also not fun

I really ought to study for my A+ more

Can't I just have a hot cougar sugar momma?

I feel for you there

Why is that

I can also relate.

You should study soon

Don't we all want one?

I've got bronchitis and pleurisy, if that wasn't fun enough, two bruised ribs. Factor in some depression and insomnia for shits and giggles.

What if the "rut" is my fault and I can't get out of it because I'm paradoxically painfully comfortable here. I mean so far every time I've tried to get out of this "rut" it seems I've dug myself deeper in it and now I have no motivation to get out because I figure "well it won't work because I done it so many times before with worse results than last time." Add on top of that I don't have a gf or really any friends to work hard for because I've given up on myself. Sorry for the rant

Well I believe both of those can be cured, so I am sorry I can't help you there. And i hope you have medication for the insomnia and not the depression, those worry me.

I'm going to jack off to Undyne later

Got a cortisone shot, some meds, and shit. Been dealing with this shit for 3 weeks. Probably causing both the insomnia and depression. I just want to sleep.

It's okay to rant.
When you chain an elephant when it is young you won't have to get a stronger chain once it's older.
Its a fixed mindset, try try again.
And don't worry about love, let it find you.have you gone out recently? Maybe talk to people from work

Pretty bad. Looks like this year will be just as shitty as the others.

Being a skibum in austria with a newly broken shoulder really screws with your mood.

Oh dear....
I think there may be a thread for her on if that helps

Well I hope for the best for you.

Why is that

I have a hard time getting off on single pictures so I usually read comics or stories. Though I imagine most fics of undertale characters are terrible.

I know how you feel, when I was told I couldn't do as much extreme exercise because of my ulcers. I was upset that I couldn't do parkour anymore.
Thankfully your shoulder will heal soon

I live too far from everything, all the people are either significantly older than me or already have a boyfriend. My only hope is that a customer gives me a chance but that idea is out the window because I'm getting really shitty hours

I really am unsure how to help

Thanks. Won't be long on meds. Trying like hell to not cough. About time for my pain pills anyway.

Maybe go to a rally or a festival one day
somewhere social nearby

feeling pretty fuckin good right now while listening this

Not without me you're not. Post the rest of the comic.

I don't really need help I was just stating my intentions

I hope for the best. Same for the pain

the artist is captain jingo

you can find the two comics easily i'm sure

Have a pretty big opioid habit. Can't seem to get passed it.

Is there anyone who can help you kick the habit

I did not think of that

I hope it goes well!

I feel like Undertale is shit.

I bet her pussy smells like fish

Not them but that's not usually something you can just kick with a little help. You have to really want to get clean usually.


The fan base is awful.
The game is good, by no means perfect, but good.
Repetitive at times.

I hope for the best

You know what that's all I really wanted to hear, and I thank you for being the one person I've met that can say that.

i consider the characters and game good, but the fans seem vile abominations

hi i need to vent and this is my only outlet

ever since high school i've been holed up in my room with not a lot of human contact just playing video games. i was trying to get good because my dream was to be recognized for playing games at some point, but nobody really understands that. i desperately seek approval from other people, despite not having talked to many people outside of my family for the past 4 years. i'm currently 22 i have no skills or real life relationships.

the reason i'm sad is because i think i've finally come to the decision that i'm just not good enough at anything. i'm not improving, not getting any attention, nobody cares.

i know my ambitions were kind of weird in the first place but this is all i ever wanted, i've been playing video games since i was a little kid. i think i'm going to give up though. i think i'm just not smart enough or maybe not quick enough or something? i'm not really sure why i'm so stuck not improving, but it really got me today when i actually moved back in progress a lot.

ty 4 subscribing 2 my blog guys see u soon

Okay for once.
No suicidal thoughts.
No thoughts of starving myself.
No thoughts of deliberately gaining weight.

No sexual thoughts of children, no compulsive and unbearably intense self shaming, no self harm cravings.
Not even any joy, either.

For once, everything is just calm.
Just silent, empty; clean.
I wish I could stay like this forever.


Well the fanbase makes it out to be gods gift, when it's not.
Good game, fanbase made people hate it


I hope so too :) goodnight and good luck

Not really. I'm sure I have friends I could at the very least talk to it about but I feel like I'd be a burden. A lot of them are at real happy spots in their lives and I don't want to take that away from them. This isn't my first(or second for that matter) time, I've been clean before, so I feel like telling those close to me is going to really crush their spirits and cause them to think less of me. Hopefully I can just get over it on my own, but it's hard being able to have the self control necessary for that.

Hope is good but change also requires action.

Well I'm not sad.
I'm not happy.
I just feel empty with life. Like I'm just not content with what I've got, which really isn't much.

If you hate something because of the fanbase rather than it's own merits you're an easily manipulated person who's opinions don't matter.

It IS God's gift.
... To grinds.

Vent away
And don't worry, I'm in the same situation just at a slightly younger age.
You don't have to be amazing at something off the bat, find something you find passion in and keep drilling till you get it. If its games get a small job, and work so you can enjoy yourself while streaming.
I would consider you a Jack of all trades, average in all but master in none.
But, you can still master something. It's not too late

hey, which games do you play? and if you're still hopeful, may i suggest taking a break for a bit, play some things just for fun, then return to approaching greatness when you've recharged

Everything is going ok OP.

I'm happy for you user

But I still enjoy the game. I'm saying the fanbase only over hypes it for new comers.


If they are your friends they would want to help you get rid of the habit.
You wouldn't be a burden, and they would feel better knowing you feel better


I feel filled with determination

Holy shit this gave me OFF vibes af.
>being so fucked in the head that you're happier feeling empty inside than feeling like yourself

hey thanks guys. i was masters at starcraft 2 but the other day i played and some guy beat me and bullied me saying how he was going to put me losing on youtube calling me a bunch of names and i just snapped. i'm probably not going to play starcraft again for a long time, it's a dead game anyways and i have a really hard time dealing with personal criticism.

i've mostly been plugging away at league of legends. i like to play support characters as i feel like the ability to read a situation with 9 other players and pick where your peeling abilities need to be placed is cool. it feels like sometimes i'm not in control of my destiny because i don't play carry champs, but i realize that a better player would probably turn these situations i can't carry into winnable games.

i'm starting to feel like it's too late because i've been playing these games for years and i still haven't made any real progress. i got demoted in league today after a 7 games loss streak. i then tried to play ARK and lost 2 dinosaurs i spent 4 hours taming and made zero progress there too. it just feels like the world is conspiring against me and i feel so defeated

Alright undyne
I'll bite
I feel emotionally great, I love my life right now
But I'm sick as a dog right now...

You don't have to be a master.
Lots of people get famous for even being awful at games.
Look at DarkSydePhil.
Keep trying, you'll only get better.

Is it a cold?

i'm only a third-rate person, but i'll have to mention two things, here; first, it always takes more xp to get to 99 than 20, and second, we've all had bad streaks, even ; you should not lose hope

Way worse, fever, splitting headache, sinus infection, a hunger so painful that's making me so nauseous I can't eat

I feel like bedrest is your best bet

Been in bed for past two days, this is day three

part of it is my insecurity about myself. when i do well at whatever game i feel like i have some confidence. like i can always go shine in that one place, but i haven't felt that feeling in a long time, since i was much younger. for some reason i could never bring myself to care about other shit, i just want to be good and "respected" i suppose. i could not handle the kind of shit that DSP puts up with, i am a very sensitive person. however, your point is well-taken. it doesn't require you to be good to make a living with games, i'm just pretty sure i would always feel resentful of people who are good while i just flop around doing some pewdiepie shit. it's like my self-confidence is so fucked that the only way i find any worth in myself is thru my ranking in various games, and i suck at everything so it is destroying me.

anyways, you're right about the losing streak. everyone has some off days or whatever, i just don't feel confident in myself to get back what i lost, i feel like i'm just going to go backwards and tilt from here.

These fevers tend to linger.
I doubt it will go away in a day or two, but maybe go for a jog. Exercise always helps me

see a doctor, perhaps?

>go for a job while a fever raises your blood pressure

enjoy fainting and concussions?

well, i, a mere third-rate person, am confident in you to charge forward and set video gaming records

I know exactly how you feel since I act that way sometimes too
So I say too you what I say to myself.
Don't be so hard on yourself you're making progress