Hillary Rodham Clinton won the popular vote

Hillary Rodham Clinton won the popular vote.

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And you fuck your dog?

Yes, your mother is my bitch.

Yea well, either way we were fucked.



Only due to 3 million illegal voters, so no. Sorry about that.

Fuck you and your dead mother in the ass.


I wanted to vote for Sanders..

But in the end only Trump was left.. v_v

Solid logic right here.

what an embarrassingly stupid thing to say

And that doesn't matter

Say it with me: President Trump. PRESIDENT TRUMP!


Democrats just don't make it here.

So what? When you go to the job you want the biggest salary not the most friends

The final tally shows Trump lost popular vote by 2.8 million – but he BEAT Clinton by 3 million votes outside of California and New York . . . Clinton won California by 4.2 million votes and New York by 1.6 million, running up the score in places where she would have won no matter what. Outside of those two liberal states, Trump was 3 million votes ahead. California alone accounted for more than Clinton's national popular-vote edge.

This is precisely why leftists want no electoral college; they only need to win two states to win the presidency.

Because if Trump won the popular vote you dumb liberals would be saying this is a fair voting system .



She wont the popular vote against Obama, and she lost to that NIgger. FUCKING FAGGOT SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO KILL YOURSELF DO the world a favor.

Sure she did,atleast you liberals have that ,right? Get over it. Trump Is the President now ! You can talk and talk but guess what? Yes,Trump is still President. ANd if you live in America,he is your President too. Cheers

I bet you have no friends.

And lost the election


Checked fine sir

If that's where the most voters are, then I don't see a problem.

All it would take to offset that is to get more people registered and voting in those other states. But of course everyone is too lazy for that shit and instead we sit here and point fingers and complain.

But honestly, Trump is a massive faggot. I have zero respect for the man, and I think the US is an even bigger joke now for electing him. I thought he was a massive faggot even before he announced his candidacy though.

>If that's where the most voters are, then I don't see a problem.
You don't understand how republics work, do you?

It floors me that people would even think of supporting such a lying piece of shit murdering mentally ill woman... And then when Trump wins FAIR N SQUARE you fuckers have to cry and protest because you didnt get your way. Fuck off. The DNC even paid for people to go and start fights at the Trump rallies! You people who support her are mentally ill and are blinded!

I agree with you. We can't let a majority dictate things for everybody.

That's why they need to pass a law where, if you're white, your vote only counts for half as much as a non-white vote. That way, whites won't decide the election any more and it'll be fair for everyone in America.


>she won california

Whats the problem?


And she still lost the election. What kind of incompetent cunt wins the popular vote and still loses? The kind you don't want running a country, that's who.

Hillary Roadman Clinton anyone?

And Donald John Trump won the election.

The popular vote does NOT decide who the president is... but I wouldn't expect brainwashed low-IQ victims like you and OP to understand that.

>tfw you wake up every day and Donald Trump is actually fucking president and every meme wasn't a dream
>tfw we dodged the collapse of western civilization and dystopian hellhole that would have been straight out of Sam Hyde's 2070 paradigm shift.

Ready your breakfast boys. Its inauguration day.

>falling this hard for the memes


>being this butthurt
I bet you think the electoral college is stupid don't you Hill shill?


She also made a company for the sole purpose of pay-to-play. Entirely illegally. But hey, whatever.

Nah you need +50% to win the popular vote.

She also spent a lot more and still lost.

Hillary for prison 2016

Alex Jones?


this image is hilarious to me

Yes she did. Thank God that the Founding Fathers gave the states equal rights. And thank God that every state isn't a cesspit of propaganda.


>Alt-rights flock to Sup Forums because they're too dumb to realize Sup Forumsros saying nigger and faggot are doing it for the lulz
>Need a safe space to get their neckbeard tard rage out without their only friend Mom commenting on FB status

Are you trolling or are you actually that stupid?

I wanted to vote Sanders too, but I don't see the reasoning behind voting for someone with the exact opposite ideology. You're only hurting yourself when you do that.

>Hillary Rodham Clinton won the popular vote.
She's still going to have to pay back the jihadists

>flock to Sup Forums
I'm a crossboarder from /quest and /vg, but hey.

I see no problem with everyone's vote being equal. Empty land masses shouldn't decide presidents in a democracy, people should.

this guy got more votes youtube.com/channel/UC09nMmK4_HBLoF0IBzLucqw

cali doesnt decide for the country

get the fuck bent commies

Yes, and that doesn't mean the slightest of fucks in your current system in your fuck-up of a continent-spanning country.

>thinks this is an argument

But you have no problem with Trump putting unqualified donors in high political offices. Do you know who Tillerson or DeVos are?

No one understands this.

The tears are still delicious

So what?
>what is federation of states
>what is the constitution

Imagine HRC won.

Then I posted on this message board 'But, but Trump won New York."

That's great, but that's not how the fucking game is played. I'm happy that HRC won the popular vote, because winning the popular vote isn't how the fucking game is played. It's a non-sequitur.

Like say you're playing Monopoly, and your retarded friend throws some dice on the board and screams YAHTZEEE!! What would you say to him?

Great job, Mario, but your yahtzee is in another castle. Maybe next time, buckaroos.

This is a nonsensical statement for a simple reason-
America *doesn't have* a popular vote.
Because America uses region-based winner-take-all voting it is impossible to say there is a populat vote.
Here's why-
say you live in San Francisco and are conservative. You know 99% of the voters are liberal... so you don't vote,
The reverse is true in, say, rural Texas.
Because of this actual voting patterns look NOTHING like popular voting!

The federal government was created by the states. We are a federation of states.
Why does Rhode Island get 2 Senators and Texas also only get two Senators? Because we are a federation of states, as set up by the constitution.
Do people even know what the word federal means anymore.

What you are describing is the opposite of equal rights. Californians pay far more into the federal government than any other state in the country, but their vote is literally worth less than someone's vote in South Dakota. If you want equal voting rights, then one vote MUST equal one vote. Right now Californian's votes are worth less than one vote. It should have no bearing on where you live.

Husband or Wife had second phone for cheating
Went in Husband or Wife's second phone
Caught Husband or Wife cheating
You're the bad person for going in the second phone
You must forget the fact that Husband or Wife is a cheating liar
You must forget the fact that Husband or Wife had a second phone for intentionally cheating.
Liberal logic on email release costing Hillary the election.

1 person- 1 vote. Take back your country!

>46.1% of the popular vote
>100% of the presidency

Get rekt.

>Left my laptop open while taking a piss
>come back to autistic roommate touching himself to pictures of cornflakes on my computer

Good thing California doesn't decide who becomes president :^)

Fucking retard there's a reason popular vote doesn't win. If it did Cali, new York, Texas and Florida would be the only deciding factors on who wins. Fuck you nigger

California sends more people to the House of Representatives than South Dakota. The House determines all spending bills.
The way the United STATES government was supposed to work, is the House represents the people, the Senate represents the states (originally Senators were chosen by State governments to represent the states in the federal government), and the President presides over the government, and his job was only supposed to be to execute the laws passed by Congress, and head the military (but without the power to start war).
That's how it's supposed to operate.


Check what percent Bill Clinton won in 1992.

Holy hell checked



Is it me or are the only people complaining the illegal immigrants and the fucking tumblr hipsters (who would be mad either way, fucking nu-males).

I hope trump makes death camps for you queers.

she won the popular vote 8 years ago but you liberals didnt seem to care then.



And still couldn't be President. Go patriarchy!

Kill yourself, tumblr fag


i don't know who to tell

Go back to /reddit/


"illegal voters" kek

amazing that none of them got caught, isn't it? Those Mex-e-cans are clever, too clever to be stopped by some flimsy wall.

That's like saying the Cowboys should've won because they got more yards. You fundamentally misunderstand America.

Happy Trumpmas.



And LOST the Electoral College. Not President. Never will be. Will die a nasty old hag, bitter about being a cunt.

>supposed to be outraged over your political opponent getting exposed for being a corrupt turd.

The only reason people are mad about this is because Hillary got grabbed by the pussy. She shouldn't have done all that shady shit.

And if you can;t keep the basics secret, why let you be in charge. At least Trump hasn't been compromised like her.

>Inb4 Golden shower dumb.
lol and we all know this was a made up story from Sup Forums

Sorry dude, Presidential Salary is shit compared with what he was earning. He is giving up a lot to do the right thing for the USA


too bad it doesnt work that way...

Implying there won't be a major terrorist attack in the first 6 months of his presidency which will predictably goad him into attacking some shit country like Pakistan or Iran. Then WWIII will begin.

california is a sanctuary state that has to steal water from neighboring states. right now, californian votes are worth exactly what every other vote in the country is.
sorry you guys didn't get enough. stay mad.
trump 2020/pence 2024.