Hi guys. Anyone have any thing for me today? Or should I just kill myself. Pic related, its me

Hi guys. Anyone have any thing for me today? Or should I just kill myself. Pic related, its me.

kys faggot

kill yourself

also, what is goggle

You're ugly. Lel.

"Pic related, it's me"

Yeah... Google image search says otherwise bitch.

OP is and always will be, always was, a faggot.

Timestamp with tits or gtfo

tits or gtfo


Youre both of subhuman intelligence. Can people be this stupid? Yes, apparently they can.


Great argument. Did daddy play cave explorer with you as a child? fingering your little tushy?

But yes, she is a hottie. Not tit pics of her.

>Pic related, its me

Sure it.is nigger. Google image search doesn't believe you

i don't know who to tell

Look you're just stupid. I can't be bothered with talking to a retard.

Found tit pics on Google idiot


Guyz. The file name is clue enough it's not me, especially if you googled it. You absolute retards.but dont worry. You'll do okay kids.




>Hur hur dis me... O shit I stupid get caught. U all tards!

Kys you fucking autistic nigger

Thank you boxy fan boy.



Not even boxxy

You might actually be badly autistic.

Kill yourself gently

Hu is it then?

omg Toff its you??? your my favorite cast member!


Prove it haha..

>You are autistic

Yaaa its mee ! I'm on Sup Forums now BC I have nothing to do :(((((

No to be honest mate you are fucking stupid. But who cares? So long as you're not ugly too right? Right? .....



sry sweetie, ur day will get better i promise!!! xDDDD xDDD XD

>Hur hur dis me... O shit I stupid get caught. U all tards!

Make a friend

>Hur hur dis me... O shit I stupid get caught. U all tards!!

>Hur hur dis me... O shit I stupid get caught. U all tards!!!

>Hur hur dis me... O shit I stupid get caught. U all tards!!!!

>Hur hur dis me... O shit I stupid get caught. U all tards!!!!!


>Hur hur dis me... O shit I stupid get caught. U all tards!!!!!!!


Op you're literally retarded if you think people will believe thats you without tits and timestamp. Fuck off faggot

>Hur hur dis me... O shit I stupid get caught. U all tards!.

The file name. You silly bastard. Just another Sup Forums spastic, who types before reading.

Read or kys.

Boxy. Youre so hella ugly. BTW


Thank you :********


I'd probably still have sex with you. But I think I lack the most basic standards at times..


You realy want me then get to sucking nigger

I,ll just hide this.. Hahahah

Don't call me a nigger you 5ft 5. And. How can you post shot like that..

Ok hide it

Want to see where I keep it when I build up enough

this is the cancer that is killing this website.

Great. Well done, subhuman.

Isn't it tho

Have a cock or 2 or 3

Some more

Maybe one more?

I know dis isn't u it says tumblr in the file name. Duuur huuuur. I'm a retard huuur.

Never said that was me you stupid autistic faggot


Can you make me a fansign with the name Colby please?


sauce ?

You're just an ugly guy who has nothing better to do than post dick and trap pics he's collected onto my thread. You're autistic. You fucking nigger.


You mad nigger lol

Here have another cock

Stay ugly and annoying, worm.

I wrecked your shitty thread. Hahahaha

Also this is a Jew.

Dory!? Is that youuuuuu !?

>Stay ugly and annoying, worm

Oh my god I'm so offended! No really I'm not. LoL

>Also this is a Jew

No one gives a fuck. Well except maybe you. You like tha Jew cock?

Alex Jones? That must mean you're a 5ft5 fat american who says y'all. Bit obviously Alex Jones is much kewler Dan yu bra.

>Also this is a Jew

This is a trap

No. I'm not Russian.


Nice ball bag. Very smooth.

Lol u guise.

That's some next level autism with that stock photography there son. What's wrong can't afford a meme?


No I just don't spend all day collecting and making them. Same as traps really, just don't have the time to dedicate to becoming as lame as you.

He's obviously a newfag probably doesn't even have a folder

I sure would be nice. One hand on her cock and the other on her tit. While she rides my master cock. Sounds really fun actually. No wonder you like traps so much.

And yet you have the time to collect all the lame ass photos you keep posting.

See I knew you were a faggot

Haha you're trolling. Or youre as much a failure as autistic trap smeg 55 faggot over here. So fuck off.


Full speed ahead