Everytime I come on here I end wasting hours skimming through pics of shit-tier girls for the occasional QT...

Everytime I come on here I end wasting hours skimming through pics of shit-tier girls for the occasional QT, and then I cum but don't orgasm. There's also the occasional faggot who dumps CP and then I have to dump some bleach into my hard drive and hope no one's monitoring my wifi activity with Wireshark or whatever the fuck.

Basically Sup Forums this is it. I'm not coming back unless I can do something productive with the terrabyte of QT posts I already have saved from here. I don't know maybe I'll make some art or something. It's not likely.

Peace, before I go though I just want to know. Why are you here?

answer me you cucks

to post her

Well go on.

How does one cum without an orgasm? Seems like that should be the other way around.

You are irrelevant.




later skater

I'd wager a large percentage of males have gone their entire lives without orgasming, even if they cum every day.

see you tomorow

Too bad I already jerked off


Came for the random oc, stayed for the qts, stoner comics, and jewpons.
Keep coming back when Im bored for the user porn sharing despite having better shit saved than I can find anymore.

I'm here because it's fucking Sup Forums you goddamn moralfag. I bet you whatever I own that you will be back. And I can guarantee you that not a single person will notice or give a flying monkey fuck. We have everything here. This is the subconscious of the human race


checked. sleep tight


Cum to my wife please

You are a sub human race, don't get it twisted.

cool story fag


I'd wager you have no idea what the fuck you're even saying.

lolwut there's nothing moralistic about deciding to quit wasting my time on something that doesn't fulfil me.

sounds like your life fucking sucks guy

>Sup Forums

It's not great. Answer my question tho.

This is one of those times I wish I could tell if you're making shit up or you sincerely mean that. How are those two things even any different?


I came to Sup Forums to relax, be entertained, and enjoy things. But I discovered that b gives me none of these things, when I'm on b I'm just a brainstorm with maybe two neurons firing off to move the mouse and click on stuff.

I don't like that side of me.

If you can orgasm without cumming then obviously orgasm and cumming are not the same thing.

*brainstem not brainstorm

on my phone right now. Sorry for typos


Except for the part where I don't think they are any different. So your premise is kind of irrelevant, as far as I can tell.

I can jerk off and cum in less than a minute if I wanted to and feel nothing. Cumming is the least difficult thing in the world.