Let a nigger be free

let a nigger be free

>send a nigger back to Jesus

Now you're talking.

Not on my watch

No emancipation for you, nigra.

Just a little bit more cotton


get back here nigger... I'm going to give you the worst whipping you've ever had

Dumb nigger
You will never be free

It doesn't matter. Even if you get to page 10 your ass still belongs to Trump.

Get back to picking cotton slave

pick my cotton boy


Back to the cotton field, coon!

Back to the cottonfield!

nice try

That was a close one nigger


Did you know the Africans sold their own people into slavery? People seem to think white man went to Africa beating through the bushes rounding up niggrrs, not true. Them niggrrs was lined up on the shore in chains ready to be sold by they own brothers, with little price tags sticking outa thay afros

And on the matter of reparations. The amount of welfare and health care we have given you niggrrs over the years amounts to way more then each one of you would actually get. Fuck BLM

good effort sambo

Trying to escape?

nigger get your ass back in the field

that cotton ain't gonna pick itself

you stupid damn nigger

i'll support reparations for niggers when they start asking brazil to pay them reparations too

brazil imported 5x the number of niggers that the usa imported

so fuck niggers until they start bitching at brazil

otherwise they are just money hungry niggers

Shut the fuck up and pick my fucking cotton worthless nigger cunt

fuck reparations
know when we paid them back for slavery?
when 400,000 of our own people fought to the death with their own family, brothers, and fathers, KILLING THEM in order to free your people and do what was right, more of our own people dieing than your ever did during slavery just to end it and did they ever hear a thank you?
did a nigger ever say, thank you for killing your own brothers and fathers so my people could be free?
no they just complain that they aren't getting enough free shit
like the ungrateful children they are oblivious to all the hard work their daddy put in to give them a better life

I agree they are niggers and should be killed.
This is a nigger hate thread now.
Show me some "good" niggers Sup Forumsros

doing my contribution

Oh yes the civil war these niggers will be forever ungrateful.
they are sick and need to be destroyed

Not so fast nigger

A good method of killing a nigger that I've noticed lately: police pull over or approach or attempt to arrest a nigger. What does he do? The niggers first instinct is to run right? But he can't.. Because his pants are so fuckin' saggy he has to pull them up. When he reaches down to grab his jeans you yell THAT NIGGERS GOT A GUN. and shoot him in the face. Sup Forumsrotips brought to you by Donald Trump the new president.

Get that nigger outta that tree


kanye west


Booker T Washington

he said good niggers you nigger

The dad from Family Matters

I say, OP, that is one fine, original image! Where did you find it?

this guy

Wait a minute...

Yes by good I mean dead
Show me some dead niggers Sup Forums


This is Trump's america

this fills your requirments

Get back here nigger
You need to work to be free

get back here nig

get the fuck off page 8 nigga!
where the fuck is security at?
isn't there anyone watching the perimeter to keep this from happening?

Fredrick Douglass

I'm on it homey. Will check every minute on the minute.
Won't happen again

na-ah nigger

you're doing god's work user
kek watches over and blesses you

good job user

Minute check.
Niggers still here check.
He's still a nigger. Check.

thats not nice man

why so hateful?

Git back Hyare boi

Where do you think you're going?

Say what you want, but as long as you have shitskin you'll never be free.

You might escape Sup Forums, but you're going straight to the corner for crack afterwards and you're going to prison with the rest of the animals.

Minute check.
Nigger still here check.
CO Nigger keeps looking at the gate with longing in his Nigger eyes!
I suggest we punish him captain, how shall I proceed?

>no bix nood



Minute check.
Niggers been fitted with a punishment collar to deter him from looking at the gate.

deflate his lips


Minute check.
Nigger doesn't seem to like his necklace but is working.
I have to take a shit.
Someone take over if he tries to run beat him or shoot him

I suggest we take his knee caps out, nigger can still pick cotton and can't run away

Toby is a good white name, boy.

trips. Check'd.


Nigger is ded



Wtf whys my nigger got a hole in his back?
What happened user? Did he he come at you?




>free abortions for african americans
so in other words
planned parenthood.

Back in your cage, nigger.

Your name is Toby. Toby!

did he make it?

no nigger back in your cage

Here nigger, nigger, nigger!

saged so nigger can reach page 10

He already dead, tho