Exposed bitches thread (someone confront her)

Exposed bitches thread (someone confront her)

Why bother? What did she do that affects me in any way?

Mods. Illegal post.


>"i'm so cool and smug, nippa"

Keep positing, OP


Nothing cool or smug about it. You're asking a bunch of random strangers to do something that you don't have the balls to do yourself because for some reason you want to see this girl's life ruined. At the same time, you're hoping to avoid being held accountable.

I'm sure someone here will probably do what you ask because they get sexual pleasure out of the suffering of others. I just want to point out that you're too much of a coward to do it yourself.



>cant even see face in nudes
fuck off


she's cute op. fucking kill yourself

Chelsea gosselin from Brooklyn Connecticut

Thos could br anyones tits faggot

FB Katie.ivey23

not even the same girl

I'd tap that ass... IF SHE HAD ANY


i'm not OP doe. Nice try tho, whiteknight-kun

Arching her back like she had a previous spinal injury and still doesn't have an ass

you stupid fucking edgy nigger, we want more nudes, not to see lives ruined.

Hi whiteknight, why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Just post some more of her

How is that the same person????

It is

This guy really likes to get other people to do his dirty work.

Any more Connecticut bitches?

Thats my school fags, ama


You're at the wrong place fam. You're looking "reddit", you won't get any upvotes or virtual pats on the back here.