New game

new game

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start rolling

invade gj


move towards kl


thenn > hardhome


baratheon move south to dorne


stark moves to surround the twins


update 2:

surround kl


keep moving to hardhome


siege pyke


actually get to dorne this time


keep taking tully land


update 3:

take rest of gj land


surround the twins and tully land


siege kl


siege hardhome

move towards sunspear



Claiming Targ, build a fleet

>sig inc

update 4:

surround the wall


siege sunspear


move towards tyrell


Claiming Ice River Clans
Attack Thenn
>Tarek Torgaddon, Lord of Ice and Rivers

invade tyrell


invade the twins


Attack Baratheon with fleet

>Aegar Targaryen

update 5:

invade tyrell land


Surround KL

>Aegar Targaryen

siege riverrun


March to Thenn!
>Tarek Torgaddon, Lord of Ice, Rivers and Clans

surround high garden


You should join the discord bro

defend lands


surround princes pass


ha ha sure! I'd love to make some new friends :( I'm so lonely...

i got you in update.

k thanks

>Aegar Targaryen

and the ugly people losers smell like poop and the ugly people losers and the ugly people that smell like shit dont want people to know that the ugly people losers and ugly people smell like shit and is ugly and try to hurt people that think the ugly people losers and ugly people that smell like poop is ugly the ugly way and the ugly people losers smell like poop and the ugly people losers and ugly people dont want people to know that the ugly people losers that is worthless and smell like shit and the ugly people try to be better then everybody but smell like poop and cock block people and the ugly people losers and ugly people been doing this for like 300 years and the ugly people losers smell like poop

update 5:

keeping moving on tyrell


Use Cannibals on Thenn to take fortress
>Tarek Torgaddon, Lord of Ice and Rivers

surround hg


take back thenn!


siege rr


Siege KL

>Aegar Targaryen

take back storms end


and the ugly people losers smell like poop and the ugly people losers and ugly people that smell like shit outnumber everybody and the ugly people losers smell like shit and outnumber everybody and smell like poop and the ugly people losers is ugly as shit and the ugly people losers that smell like poop try to hurt attrative loser people cause it make the ugly people losers look bad and the ugly people losers and ugly people only keep the attrative loser people cause the attrative loser people dont think the ugly people losers are ugly so the attrative loser people wont make the ugly people losers look bad and use the attrative loser people as slaves and the ugly people losers outnumber everybody and the ugly people losers smell like shit and shun the people that think the ugly people or ugly people losers that smell like crap is ugly and the ugly people losers smell like poop

and the ugly people losers smell like shit and has no friends and kill popular actors the ugly way by reading the inseucre and try to read and the ugly people losers smell like poop and the ugly people losers smell like shit

and the ugly people losers that smell like poop and got poop skin and the ugly people losers smell like shit and same thing with the ugly people like smelling like shit and got poop skin and the ugly people losers smell like poop and the ugly people losers that smell like poop try to kill the popular actors the ugly way by being gay and the ugly people losers smell like poop

do what now?

my bonus neutralizes the fort then gives me +10T next turn

its says within one turn of sieging. you havent sieged it?

heck fine I read it wrong leave me alone i'll just attack the Thenn :(

update 6:

siege hg


siege riverrun


take tyrell lands


march to princes pass


out of thenn!


Siege Thenn!
>Tarek Torgaddon, Lord of Ice and Rivers

thenn was out first. redirect to surround?

Siege KL

>Aegar Targaryen

yes please

update 7:

siege hg


siege princes pass


finish off tully. spill to lannister


take back lands


surround hight garden!


Siege Thenn
>Tarek Torgaddon, Lord of Ice and Rivers

Claim martell

Push back against bara

>Lord Marty martell

update 8:

surround hg and attack lanni


attack stark and push into riverlands


stark > cr


resurround pp


attack ice river homos


update 9:

siege high garden


surround thenn


siege princes pass


march to casterly rock


lannister > stark


wow theres alot of people in this thread!!


thank you for playing guys! you are keeping it interesting!


update 10:

siege hg


siege princes pass


invade riverlands


Siege KL

>Aegar Targaryen

push to casterly rock
