Hey b/ my skin was the clearest it has ever been in the past 3-4 years and now in the past 2 weeks it's the worst it's...

Hey b/ my skin was the clearest it has ever been in the past 3-4 years and now in the past 2 weeks it's the worst it's been. No changes in diet no changes in what I was washing my face with. Please help me with remedies

Oh god cut it off

If I could I would friend

Cut out all soda, energy drinks, candy, junk food, chips.etc. stuff that has oil. No chips or other oily bullshit. Reduce use of olive oil in cooking etc.

Drink more water and go to a dermatologist. That's is literally the only remedy. Ignore anything else you read here.

Your dad masturbates on your face every night.

Roger that thanks user

Ask the pharmacist for an antibacterial soap called Betadine. It's available without a prescription. It worked wonders for me.

How much does it cost?

Hi dude, you should buy African black soap to clean your face with its ideal.

Have you been stressed recently?

Swap your pillowcases daily, Mugsy

Nope I've been pretty satisfied with my life

Basically this, but don't eliminate all fat from your diet, as it is vital to your body. Just get rid of all trans fats, and junk food, like this user said.

Also, USE olive oil for cooking, and everything else. And don't shave for couple of weeks, to not further irritate the skin.


or use a different old tshirt on your pillow every night

my dude, charcoal and salt scrubs work wonders for the skin. i recommend getting anything with sea salt in it that you can use in the shower (lush has great shit) and then charcoal masks.

It's the hantavirus. Your skin is gonna necrotize and you'll never be able to drink again due to the hole in your face.
Sauce, once watched House.

Me too, but I've noticed my energy levels go up and my gayness go down.

Great show

ignore all the clever advice itt.

squeeze all the puss out of your face and disinfect it daily with 70% isopropyl alcohol or 5%hydrogen peroxide. dont touch face after cleaning. at all. apply soothing creams if skin gets irritated.

Stop letting niggers cum all over it faggot. Clean yourself up.

throwing more advice onto the dumpster fire: try a humidifier. I put a big one in my bedroom, and it works wonders for my skin.

just keep trying stuff until you figure it out, user. acne can be caused by a bunch of things

Was going to say to find alcohol/chlorhexidine containing hand sanitizer and use that on face. Works wonders in very short time.


Meditate 15 minutes minimum daily. You're life may not be stressful, but you're stressing about the condition of your skin. Stress=Cortisol production which in turn produces inflammation. also stop jerking it, tons of vitamins and minerals are release during ejaculation.

chlorine, alcohol, flamethrower, etc
as long its killing stuff on the skin without melting the face off its fine.