Hey can someone tell me wtf is happening to my dick because i didnt have that yesterday

Hey can someone tell me wtf is happening to my dick because i didnt have that yesterday


Why does this look professionally shot
Anyway, go to the doc, OP. That looks quite bad.


go to fucking doctor

I mean it doesnt hurt but the black spot freaks me out

Well honestly i'd be less worried if it would hurt, cause that looks just a bit crushed.

If it doesn't hurt then yeah go to a doc.

Your dick wouldnt be diseased and ugly if you were a cut-fag


Should have gotten circumcised dude.

Please post a picture with foreskin pulled back.

Everything looks normal its just the tip that looks weird

Were you free balling and accidentally get it caught or rubbed on the zipper?

that looks awful
Are you an albino that accidentally smashed your dick with a hammer? if not see a doctor.


Yeah idk guys im going to a doc because im not sure if this is going to get worse

If it doesn't hurt it's probably syphilis, I'm not kidding, it's called a chancre. You bareback any sluts lately?

I never had sex so it cant be an std

do you know why you are translucent?
BTW in the future any penis concern is enough to see a doctor.

its bleeding underneath the skin, its a bruise.

If it's syphilis it will get better on its own, that does not mean it went away, it will stay dormant in your system for like 10 years until you hit stage 2 where a rash will appear on your body. It will also go away on its own, then stage 3 will set in years later again, it will eat holes in your brain and you will slowly go insane and die.

t.rabbi shekelstein

Its not fucking syphilis i never had sex im 19 btw

>never had sex

You jerked off a little longer cause you were drinking and caused a hematoma, you fuckin idiot. It's essentially a blood bubble instead of a bruise. It's gone in 2 or 3 days. Don't worry.

It looks like a black head, and if that's not right honestly might be some type of cancer?

I suggest going to a physician asap... Never seen that before.


I would go with this OP

Could be...thanks for helping

SIEG HEIL!!!!!!!!!


Looks fine to me mate

This is what happens when you fuck negroes.

Me again Op. Clean that smegma for fuck's sake. I only recognized your issue because bindudonedat. Not cut either, but recognize dick cheese when I see dick cheese.

russia is hacking the blood delivery systems you should look for a proffesional

If you live in a first world country, go to a fucking urologist. If not, go to a witch doctor and get it cut off.

Can someone tell me what's wrong with my dick too? The foreskin is all tight and I'm afraid to pull it back any further over the glans.

Ribbed, for her pleasure.

Okay, you should actually see a doctor. Looks like an infection.

Well you have be able to pull it back otherwise you need a circumcision. First time I pulled it back was when i was like twelve, already grew to the head and exposed lots of smegma which could lead into a infection then youd have to cut it anyways lol

Do it. I did the same, but I was 14. Was never taught to roll it when younger. Skin will be fucking raw, so go slow. You may bleed, but it's amazing to know what having a real cock feels like.