S/fur convincing indeed

s/fur convincing indeed


Checking in, still not dead.

feel u


Is that changing soon or something?


>he says he's not dead


Possible Natural Gas leak earlier. I was at peace with it. It was too stormy outside to leave the premises.

Synchronized Cum Edition

Major skillz there.



Could be shoop, pixels and shit

I have seen a lot of pixels in my time.





>yfw kits born today will see billions more of pixels in their lifetime than u because you were 30 b4 4K

I'd rather you didn't die.





Literally was just having that same thought. Incredible. All those years staring at CRTs wasted.

Eh, NG poising would be pretty peaceful. It would look entirely like an accident, too, if I'm being totally honest.



I could use more of this


It's like life was all about coming up w/ reasons to kys

It's like God coming down and saying "Hey, this one's real straightforward. Even you aren't totally convinced this is an *actual* gas leak." I'd buy that farm.

time to dump




As in Waifu, or Waifu and her abuser?


That wasn't my point.






neither, I'd like to think of myself as Renamon and breast feeding

I know you don't, but I also know there's nothing I can do.




If it was from a line or smth it'd probably pop up in a monitor eventually and ur family would receive monies







No, in absentia requireris is always good.


Damn, that's a diamond in the rough. Got any more like this?





okie, cakn't help u




i might right now I'm just dumping stuff from this artist


Fur a moment there thought the stream was coming out of her



>not yellow enough





I'll get over it



As in air, a pussy fart

>had u seen as much furry i've u'd understand




I believe the medical community refers to that as a "queef," Foxy.


kids these days

When it gets 2tuff


They're all the same.




Furgot there was a word


Oh shit, it's "kids today" Dammit.


More common during exercise and sex. Not just an everyday "I'm lounging in the jacuzz"-type occurrence

its been too long since I dug through there for that kind of thing

>a certain ornithological piece
