


our angel is borking in a better place x

This made my tear up like a little bitch..... Why couldn't obama be the one that died from heart failure?

Gabe the dog died??


Fuck that's an ugly dog.

Bork in peace.

I hope you get hit by a bus.

I'm so glad that this fucking dog is dead

Hopefully all the middle schoolers and facebook autists that circlejerk over retarded autotune remixes of this stupid dog will find something else.



I could say the same thing to you, then I won't need to see your shitty retarded grade school tier memes of a .5 second clip of a dog getting repeated over and over.

Please die a painful death

who you trying to prove how edgy you are to? You sound like a cunt who turned 19 and you think you are all grown up and cool now. KYS

this tbh, i saw like one bork meme once and chuckled to myself

but then everyone started posting it every day with different dumb remixes, its like that awkward unfunny kid in hs that made people laugh with one joke once, so he just keeps telling the same joke over and over until it's unfunny

thats what bork memes are like

23 actually. And I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone, knowing that I'm riling up all the autists getting triggered over their stupid meme dog dying is enough for me to sleep soundly tonight.

2edgy4me XD

XD yep totally not being genuine at all, just being edgy!!!! XD

Kill yourself

the king is dead, long live the king.

>acting like some edgelord 16 y.o.

It all boils down to this: Either you are an animal person, or you are a piece of shit, if you sleep better knowing some little animal died makes you a thundercunt piece of shit. I hope nobody ever allows you to have kids so you die alone like the piece of shit you are. Seriously, it's a dog, fuck is wrong with you?

In a world ravaged by shitty memes, our only solace is a pupper meme

He was just a little doggo, he had so many more borks ahead of him. He was taken too early.


May he keep borking songs in heaven


Bork in peace

Bork in heaven cunt


Look at that thundercunt!!

Dubs of truth have spoken. You are an edgelord cunt.

There it is boys. The inevitable sanctimonious rant about how I'm a terrible person because I apparently hate animals (???) Here's a newsflash, just because I dislike one animal in particular doesn't mean that I dislike every animal. Just like everything else.

Dogs, Cats, and all manner of fluffy, feathery, and scaly creatures are dying every single second. Some people even kill them for food, not sure if you've heard. Are you going to weep for them, too?

I have pets that I would be upset if they died, but I can't reasonably expect some random faggot on the internet to give a fuck, much less come to their rescue when someone says they don't give a shit. Then again, my pets aren't the subject of shitty remix memes.

Stay mad, buddy. If you want to fire back, I'm waiting to see what you'll come up with next.

Yup, the dubs are calling you a thundercunt. checkem'