Fight about it

fight about it

if there was an even number it would work...


uneven + uneven = even

even + uneven = uneven

30 = even

15 + 15 + 0 = 30

easy puzzle, fuck off

>only odd numbers to picks
>odd number of boxes to fill
nice try


0 isn't an option

yeah it is, look:

15 + 15 = 30

30 + 0 = 30

adds up to 30 perfectly, not 29 or 31

There is no 0 option. You have to fill in the boxes.

if you don't use the 0 option you can't get 30, so it's the correct answer though

Yeah nah you're a cunt.

Or it just means that the problem is unsolvable.


this turned into a very boring troll

reactions weren't what i hoped

abandoning ship

You've only got yourself to blame.

only partially. your reactions were really fucking boring. They'd have been very appropriate for some community college message board for remedial math students.

OP here, fight more

Stay mad.


the letter E, are you even trying faggot? This "riddle" is ancient



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